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Had to submit three tickets last Monday (04/23), still no resolution on any

Last Monday, apparently with the update pending, as I use IOS and it did not update until later, there were three different issues that arose. I had not submitted a ticket in a while (months I believe) as the game was running pretty smooth, and I don’t like to try to just get free stuff by complaining on minor problems, but with all the issues that day, I felt a need to submit all three tickets. The isssues were as follows: 1. Double the crew locked; 2. Beholds showing not owned on characters I had immoratized; 3. Incorrect stats being shown on an immoratalized option.

On one of the three, the double the crew issue, they have at least been responding, though they are trying to get around what the rep stated. On the other two, I have not had a response since Thursday though I have sent multiple emails since. I was offered something on the “not owned” issued which I stated I would take but it has never happened and the rep won’t respond to my emails. Really, I did not care too much about that one, I just wanted to make them aware, but they offered something, so I was not going to turn it down, but they never gave it. On the one with the incorrect stats, I asked it to be escalated because I was disatisfied with the answer, and nothing has happened, despite multiple emails I sent about having it escalated.

I spend a decent amount of money on this game, not thousands, but definately hundreds, and I would think that when I report issues, it should be appreciated because I am trying to let them know about issues with the game, but I have not received service you would expect.

On a separate note, I did submit an different ticket on Saturday, and it was fixed promtly and highly satisfyingly. That person was greatly appreciated and will certainly get great feedback when asked, so not all issues go unresovled.

Seriously DB, honor what you say, and at least respond to emails. I really like the game, and play all the time, but respect your users; I chose to pay to play, and don’t want to feel like I have to stop because I’m not respected as a consumer.

Anyone else have similar problems?
“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.” Captain Picard quoting Judge Aaron Satie.


  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am sorry that you had to submit so many tickets, and that there is some delay on the follow ups.
    You will get a reply as soon as possible.
  • MbannarMbannar ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Had same issues with player support on tickets, differnt issues tho

    One was a event issue for a couple of months, had been compensated for same issue before, and when problem reappeared asked for same and was basically told "ummm ya that's not happening, pushed all the way to top,still got same answer

    Had several issues like that in last 6 months, depends on the player support representative (but seem to be steadily getting worse not better)
    Had some that read my tickets, some that didnt and sent canned response which wasn't even about my ticket, some that want to really compensate you for your lose others that dont care and here's 10faction tokens for couple of thousand in lost dil

    Why I dont waste my time on anything but voyage issues now, not worth the headache/stress/just pain in the ___ to get stuff fixed or get compensated for glitches/bugs

    So far wasted about 15k of dil on issues that weren't fixed or compensated, but if I wanna play
    Basically dont have any other option then to eat it

  • I'm STILL working on getting my tickets from that debacle resolved. Glitch after glitch, problem after problem. And yet, somehow, they haven't even apologized for the issues. And take at least 2 days to reply EACH time I sent them something, resulting in 20 days of this nonsense.

    I hope your problems got resolved.
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