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Behold - No Useable Choice



  • Thurthorad wrote: »
    The easier solution is that if there is at least 1 SR in the available pool that you don't have that at least one option in the pool shoud be from that set of SRs. It's not that crazy a thing to do, they just don't want to do it. The alternative is just to allow more honor for trade ins, which they also don't want to do. They are intent on taking as much as they can and giving back as little as they can.

    This. Surely they see the end is near on this, and they have to do something. Till then, I'll just keep stockpiling free pulls from events. Because I know they are next to worthless.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • NasHamNasHam ✭✭
    I for one have had it happen to me 3 times in the past week and a half. I pay for the offers and then get beholds with crew I already have fully fused. I refuse to buy the offers now just because of this. I understand you will get the same ones at a certain point. But what they can do and it doesn't take much programming to do it is when you get a behold, give you an option to reroll that behold so you can get different crew. That is an easy and simple solution.

    DB add a reroll button to the behold screen please. Give us the option to reroll for different crew so that we aren't wasting our money.
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    NasHam wrote: »
    I for one have had it happen to me 3 times in the past week and a half. I pay for the offers and then get beholds with crew I already have fully fused. I refuse to buy the offers now just because of this. I understand you will get the same ones at a certain point. But what they can do and it doesn't take much programming to do it is when you get a behold, give you an option to reroll that behold so you can get different crew. That is an easy and simple solution.

    DB add a reroll button to the behold screen please. Give us the option to reroll for different crew so that we aren't wasting our money.

    We need more people presenting this way of thinking and DB will have to start to play fair game eventually...
  • I think a re-roll button is more than fair. You still have chance to get duplicates, and obviously the chances that you get ones you already have immortalized go up the more you have completed so you could get a fresh roll with 3 more previously immortalized crew.

    If there was a way to transform duplicate crew into a citation - by spending merits or credits, for example - that would make people feel better too. So if I get a purple behold I get 1 already immortalized crew & 2 I don't own at all, I could opt to skip the new crew & turn that previously immortalized crew into a purple citation that I could claim.
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    I just got an all-immortal Be-Gold ... that's the true kick in da nutz (Proto Worf, Wrath Khan and The Keeper)! A re-roll on Be-Golds would be just fair, yes.
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • Marko RamiusMarko Ramius ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    As for the reroll option, when you go to the casino and play a slot machine and lose, do you complain that the casino is making you waste your money? No. You kick yourself for playing.

    Do you ask the casino to install an option on the slot machine that lets you spin again for free? No. You just pay and spin again.

    Do you complain to the casino about the terrible odds that you KNOW are present when you play? No. You accept the risk and play anyway. It's the same thing here.

    You gamble to possibly "win" by getting what you want. If you don't like the idea of gambling and everything that comes with it, then don't make any 10x pulls. Just like if you don't like that idea of the casino using odds against you, don't go to the casino.
    "I would have told him anything. Anything at all. But more than that, I believed that I could see...five lights."
    ~Captain Picard ST:TNG Chain of Command

    Link to my list of helpful spreadsheets, websites, threads, and help for all players!

    ST:TNG Crew Addition Wish List:

    Mariachi Q - Déjà Q Quote - But I feel like celebrating! - Thank You!
    H.M.S. Pinafore Data - Insurrection Quote - And his fist be ever ready for a knockdown blow. - Thank You!
    Rascal Picard/Guinan - Rascals Quote - I want to see my father!
    Kivas Fajo - The Most Toys Quote - What a marvelous contradiction. A military pacifist!
    Batai - The Inner Light Quote - This tree is our symbol. Our affirmation of life.
    Irumodic Syndrome Picard - All Good Things Quote - You said it was earl grey. I'd swear it was darjeeling. - Thank You!
    B-4 - Nemesis Quote - Why do you have a shiny head? - Thank You!
    Zero G Worf - First Contact Quote - Assimilate this!
  • As for the reroll option, when you go to the casino and play a slot machine and lose, do you complain that the casino is making you waste your money? No. You kick yourself for playing.

    Do you ask the casino to install an option on the slot machine that lets you spin again for free? No. You just pay and spin again.

    Do you complain to the casino about the terrible odds that you KNOW are present when you play? No. You accept the risk and play anyway. It's the same thing here.

    You gamble to possibly "win" by getting what you want. If you don't like the idea of gambling and everything that comes with it, then don't make any 10x pulls. Just like if you don't like that idea of the casino using odds against you, don't go to the casino.

    That's a perfect example of what is going on. And also a perfect explanation why DB's profits will be on a steady decline.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • That's a perfect example of what is going on. And also a perfect explanation why DB's profits will be on a steady decline.

    I agree. Look, I'd love a reroll option as I'm sure @Data1001 would as well. But I'm just explaining why they'll never change the beholds, so it seems pointless to complain about it.
    "I would have told him anything. Anything at all. But more than that, I believed that I could see...five lights."
    ~Captain Picard ST:TNG Chain of Command

    Link to my list of helpful spreadsheets, websites, threads, and help for all players!

    ST:TNG Crew Addition Wish List:

    Mariachi Q - Déjà Q Quote - But I feel like celebrating! - Thank You!
    H.M.S. Pinafore Data - Insurrection Quote - And his fist be ever ready for a knockdown blow. - Thank You!
    Rascal Picard/Guinan - Rascals Quote - I want to see my father!
    Kivas Fajo - The Most Toys Quote - What a marvelous contradiction. A military pacifist!
    Batai - The Inner Light Quote - This tree is our symbol. Our affirmation of life.
    Irumodic Syndrome Picard - All Good Things Quote - You said it was earl grey. I'd swear it was darjeeling. - Thank You!
    B-4 - Nemesis Quote - Why do you have a shiny head? - Thank You!
    Zero G Worf - First Contact Quote - Assimilate this!
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think a re-roll button is more than fair. You still have chance to get duplicates, and obviously the chances that you get ones you already have immortalized go up the more you have completed so you could get a fresh roll with 3 more previously immortalized crew.

    A re-roll option has been mentioned in the past but not something they have done. I would love if you had 1 free re-roll on a behold then have additional re-rolls cost an increasing amount of dilithium if you didn't like the first re-roll.

    Heck, I'd love that option on packs as a whole. Re-roll the whole pack for 100 dilithium. Then the pack ends up costing 750 dilithium instead of 650. Maybe you re-roll the pack 5 times to get what you were looking for. Then the 650 dilithium pack ends up costing you 1,100 dilithium. You still end up with a single pack of 10. Everyone is happy. You got something useful and DB got more money out of you than they would have.

  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Alternatively to the re-roll thing, DB should try variations of packs.

    Premium packs by themselves are getting a little large. So maybe its time to have a couple different premium options and players could buy the pack with better odds for them.

    In addition to that have at least a 1 or 2 old packs available for sale. Last week putting up Falcon Falls packs in addition to the event pack was a good idea.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just mentioning since we can not trade are duplicates this is not like card collecting.
    Always the more packs you buy the more likely you are to get duplicates. But duplicates are valuable as trade material.

    In STT duplicates only get you honor and the little you get is pretty much worthless.

    That said, we really are in search of legendaries. When you start getting legendary beholds with all immortalized, you will have to change your pack choices to minimize this or just stop buying.
  • Capt AjammCapt Ajamm ✭✭✭
    As for the reroll option, when you go to the casino and play a slot machine and lose, do you complain that the casino is making you waste your money? No. You kick yourself for playing.

    Do you ask the casino to install an option on the slot machine that lets you spin again for free? No. You just pay and spin again.

    Do you complain to the casino about the terrible odds that you KNOW are present when you play? No. You accept the risk and play anyway. It's the same thing here.

    You gamble to possibly "win" by getting what you want. If you don't like the idea of gambling and everything that comes with it, then don't make any 10x pulls. Just like if you don't like that idea of the casino using odds against you, don't go to the casino.

    Not quite apples & apples here. DB gambles our cash for pixels, pixels they remind us aren't even owned by us. Casinos gamble cash for cash. And yes, the cash we win is owned by us.

    Not a straight across comparison.
    ~ seeking out new life
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Capt Ajamm wrote: »
    Not quite apples & apples here. DB gambles our cash for pixels, pixels they remind us aren't even owned by us. Casinos gamble cash for cash. And yes, the cash we win is owned by us.

    Not a straight across comparison.

    Well, to get nit picky, the cash is owned by the government and they just let us use it.

    In the past, governments have invalidated the current currency and replaced it, so it only has the value the government allows. If you take Confederate currency down to McDonalds, they aren't going to take it but it was legal tender at one point. :)

    Hmm...so maybe it is a straight across comparison. I wonder if that could be used as a legal argument?
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Capt Ajamm wrote: »
    Not quite apples & apples here. DB gambles our cash for pixels, pixels they remind us aren't even owned by us. Casinos gamble cash for cash. And yes, the cash we win is owned by us.

    Not a straight across comparison.

    Well, to get nit picky, the cash is owned by the government and they just let us use it.

    In the past, governments have invalidated the current currency and replaced it

    Well, to be blatantly straight, kings/governments were overthrown by social movements... So, Who owns what? :-)
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Getting all three 5* choices already immortalized is an accomplishment to be proud of
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Getting all three 5* choices already immortalized is an accomplishment to be proud of

    I don't think proud is what I'd be feeling if it happened to me. ;)
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Getting all three 5* choices already immortalized is an accomplishment to be proud of

    I don't think proud is what I'd be feeling if it happened to me. ;)

    Just for a second, then I wish there was a refresh option
  • As someone mentioned player retention, I'm basically just checking for daily rewards nowadays. Maybe two weeks or so ago I finally immortalized my last fully fused crew member who wasn't yet immortalized. Now I have a bunch of 3/4s, 2/4s, and 1/4s, and I'm idly working on a couple. But they'll be taking up a slot either way until I can FF. And it turns out fully fusing them is pretty hard nowadays because there are so many crew in the pool and DB gives us such a poor return on investment w/r/t portal pulls. So, as I said at the start, I'm barely playing these days. Nothing the least bit enticing about spending dilithium on those portals until they start offering a citation option in beholds.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    Capt Ajamm wrote: »
    Not quite apples & apples here. DB gambles our cash for pixels, pixels they remind us aren't even owned by us. Casinos gamble cash for cash. And yes, the cash we win is owned by us.

    Not a straight across comparison.

    Well, to get nit picky, the cash is owned by the government and they just let us use it.

    In the past, governments have invalidated the current currency and replaced it

    Well, to be blatantly straight, kings/governments were overthrown by social movements... So, Who owns what? :-)

    And of a dollar is truly only worth about $0.07, do you care who owns it? ;)

    Anyway, I am down to needing the last 12 purples in the entire game. A week ago that was a 15. Voyages has been fruitful in dropping needed crew (although just as much a pain without enough crew slots.) and enough needed to fuse existing crew to make the time and energy worth it. 10 for 10 is no longer worth it, as many other in my position have pointed out. But if bundled with what they did this week (3K Dil, 3K chrons & 15x10 Premium pulls) yeah, then it becomes completely worth it, because the pulls are basically bonuses and you can't complain if you get all honor and replicator fodder. I got that deal last week and scored 5 more Begolds – 2 of which I added much needed *s to, and the other 3 were new.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Capt Ajamm wrote: »
    Not quite apples & apples here. DB gambles our cash for pixels, pixels they remind us aren't even owned by us. Casinos gamble cash for cash. And yes, the cash we win is owned by us.

    Not a straight across comparison.

    Well, to get nit picky, the cash is owned by the government and they just let us use it.

    In the past, governments have invalidated the current currency and replaced it

    Well, to be blatantly straight, kings/governments were overthrown by social movements... So, Who owns what? :-)

    And of a dollar is truly only worth about $0.07, do you care who owns it? ;)

    It's still more than any pixel. ;P
  • I got a Legendary behold two weeks ago and two of the options were the same, immortalized crew member. :|

    So this is definitely jacked up.

    If you had two of the same crew in a single behold, you should screenshot it and submit a ticket. Often, they will give you the crew of your choice as a replacement.

    If I'm misunderstanding and the same crew showed up twice in separate beholds, then that's kinda tough nuggets.

    I did screenshot it. Good point, thanks.
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