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Crew Slot / Crew Recruitment Idea

DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2018 in Make It So!
This suggestion is borrowed from Castle Clash, for those familiar with that game.

Recruited or otherwise earned crew could be stored as stackable cards (so 5 Command Wrap Kirk takes one spot). Cards have to be "opened" to turn them into a flesh and blood person to level or use. Once opened, they can't be turned back into cards. Cards would not have to be opened to fuse into an existing flesh and blood crew. Ideally, cards would not occupy slots in the existing inventory space, or not without an increase.

This keeps the existing crew slots limit and cryo vault intact. Crew slots are still valuable for allowing a deep active roster for all game modes.

Because cards are not active crew, they don't add to the database query for buildable/equipable items.

What it does do is allow the player to keep the crew they've acquired, and open and level them on their own schedule.


  • This makes a whole lot of sense to me, and would give a lot more freedom and choice to the players. And if server space really is an issue, I would think this would keep it from being a problem, because theoretically this would take up no more space than the current system, or a minimal amount, at least.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    So if I understand what you're suggesting — as an example:
    1. You do a premium 10-pull and get a 4* Duelist Yar, who you did not previously have
    2. Yar enters your collection as a "card", not a crew member
    3. As a card and not a crew member, she takes up no slots
    4. You decide you don't need her at 1/4 but instead want to acquire 3 more copies of her, so you keep her as a card for now
    5. In the ensuing months you do acquire 3 more copies and then "open" the cards and fuse her
    6. You now have a fully-usable Duelist Yar at 4/4, taking up one slot

    Is that what you were thinking?

    And in the above example, I'm assuming that if you had decided to "open" the card right away after acquiring it, you could then make use of that crew in your roster (and it would take up a slot), despite it only being 1/4 — for example, a crew who has great proficiency that you wanted for the Gauntlet.

    If I'm getting the gist of what you're putting down, it sounds like an amazing idea. DB seems to always say that they are limited by how their code was initially set up, way back when, so I wonder if something like this is even possible to do at this point, but it would be a marvelous compromise which I think would appease most every person who is always finding themselves to be at the mercy of limited crew slots. Slots would still be a premium (and limited) resource, but the reasoning would be "if you want to use the crew, you need to make space for them." And perhaps there should be a limit of the number of cards per crew you can collect — no more than their max number of stars — just to cut down on server usage.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    So if I understand what you're suggesting

    You understand perfectly. :)

    As to limiting the number of copies of a specific card ... I commented in another thread that if we had unlimited slots, I'd never airlock another 4*. That's not an exaggeration. To me, the honor for airlocking is not worth the potential future usefulness of a dupe. In Castle Clash, they introduced evolutions, which made dupes useful to make existing heroes stronger. If any change was implemented where dupes were suddenly useful in STT, I'd be kicking myself for airlocking for paltry honor when I could have kept them.

    So that's why I'd prefer unlimited stacking, or at least say 3x or 5x fuse level limit.
  • Amazing idea! But how will they make any money, we wouldn't need to buy crew slots.........
  • Amazing idea! But how will they make any money, we wouldn't need to buy crew slots.........

    You would if you wanted to use enough of your crew simultaneously to be competitive in all aspects of the game. Plus, once you opened a card, there's no going back, you would either make room, or get more slots.
  • It would certainly be an improvement to the current system.
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