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@Disruptor Beam

EtienneEtienne ✭✭✭
I don't know if you have a reason for not doing this other then maybe you want things to be a surprise or simply you are not sure until the last second what the TP offers are going to be... but if there is no reason, it would be really cool if you could announce in advance what is the offer is and how much it is going to cost when you post the events info. (and probably more profitable for you) as some of us need to plan ahead on how much we are going to need and run to the Wal-mart to get a Steam or google card.


  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    Offers are designed to offer slightly better loot for a discounted price for a limited time to entice players into impulse buys. This is standard across all games.

    I can’t see them posting advance notice. However they could get offers to trigger by level,vip,immortalised crew in vault that are more enticing to players rather than offers that would have been good for them when they had started 2yrs ago. Make offers great again offer discounted rate and legendary citation bundles at least once a month. Everyone needs these at some point
  • Just do what I do and not even look at the offers. :)
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • EtienneEtienne ✭✭✭
    I suppose that if it works for them, then OK... it just means that they get less money from people like me who can't "impulse buy" because we have to buy the Steam or Google pay card ahead of time to be able to buy.

    A good example of this for me was a few months ago, they offered a 10 for 10 type deal that you could buy twice. If I had known it was coming, I would have bought a card the day before when I was at the store. However, the day the offer came up, the biggest blizzard of the year hit and I was unable to get out before the offer expired.

    Also, there have been several times that I would have bought the offer if I had known it was coming but was far too lazy to go back to the store just to get a game card after I had already been shopping.

    However, if it makes them more money for DB this way, then it's all good... I just find it inconvenient.
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