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Multidimensional Space Battles and More

Turen CounterpointTuren Counterpoint ✭✭✭
edited May 2018 in Make It So!
Multidimensional Space Battles and More

Ship battles with more than one other ship? Nebula or asteroids / meteors to hide in or behind. A Battle Royal: a Fleet vs. A Fleet or Squadron vs. Squadron? Take on an Armada? (This has been mentioned before: plot a ship's course during battle, preprogrammed flight pattern, or button movement left, up left, down right, up, etc.) Maybe even flight simulator like? Maybe I'm dreaming, but somewhere far down the road, DB?

Moreover, a lot more 3D stuff is a thought; I'm notorious for mentioning this but believe it would given the game another dimension lol? I know there is a lot of 3D already, just thinking down the road: what may or may not be possible. Stellar Treks, All. -Turen Counterpoint
Admiral Turen Counterpoint at Avalon's Galactic Armada and Captain of the U.S.S. Divinity


  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Alright, so in theory all of that sounds cool. In practice, it would probably be as tedious as Star Trek Legacy.

    Plus I'm already giving this game hundreds of megabytes as it is. I'm not giving it gigs.
  • GhostStalker, I understand the concern because I have space and memory issues too. The hope is that - and I'm no expert in programming apps - they can put it on the cloud someday. I'd hate it too if I could do it and you couldn't if that makes sense. It should reach all makes, models, and platforms. Best Treks, TC These ideas I sometimes have - if they're worth doing at all - are meant for down the road, and maybe way down the road. LLAP
    Admiral Turen Counterpoint at Avalon's Galactic Armada and Captain of the U.S.S. Divinity
  • I'm afraid that level of complexity is reserved for full-on computers or consoles. If they make a phone that can handle that kind of processingas well as what's already there, then it's a $5,000 model and still can't fit anything else on it.

    It's a really beautiful idea, but it isn't going to happen.
  • "We are the dreamers."-Willy Wonka
    You may be right, I get caught up in the silly notion that all things are possible in Timelines. Sometimes I throw ideas out to get someone else thinking of something along those lines or something different, believing maybe they'll come up with a far better and feasible idea. To quote Stephen Hawkins,"All we have to do is keep on talking," which is maybe right, but about what is imporant. I don't mean to disillusion you. The future, in reality, isn't written yet; you might be pleasantly surprised. DB is always making good changes and additions. Best Trekking! LLAProspero
    Admiral Turen Counterpoint at Avalon's Galactic Armada and Captain of the U.S.S. Divinity
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