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Discovery Science Crew Represent!

Thanks to Discovery, two weeks in a row I got my best science crew! Before this it was a couple Jadzias, but then Saru comes in with just three more science points to take the throne. And I just equipped my last science gear for Stamets and he's well above even Saru!

I didn't realize how measly my science crew was before this, but now my team is in fighting shape.


  • Commander TuckerCommander Tucker ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Update: Just discovered Reinforcements Stamets and First Officer Saru are two of my top 4/4s by base stats in primary skill. So...thank you, Discovery, but also thank you, power creep.
  • yeh - I believe currently the top 4 4* sci in the game are princess jadzia, stamets, saru, 1701 dax - all of which I have!
  • Gotta feed the power creep.
    "Dance with me. For science."
  • RowdenRowden ✭✭✭
    Kurak actually has a slightly better base sci skill than Saru at 819 compared to 816.

  • Same here. Science was my weakest. This has been a huge boost! Princess jadzia still #1 super rare though
  • I've got Princess Dax, Stamets, Saru, and then 1701 Dax. And the two Discovery people are WAY higher for anything that includes proficiency. Can't complain. Although I'd certainly like a Med person or someone with 3 stats that might be useful for Voyages.
  • I've got Princess Dax, Stamets, Saru, and then 1701 Dax. And the two Discovery people are WAY higher for anything that includes proficiency. Can't complain. Although I'd certainly like a Med person or someone with 3 stats that might be useful for Voyages.

    Same roster followed by Soran. My Disguised Tuvok beats them with combined though.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've got Princess Dax, Stamets, Saru, and then 1701 Dax. And the two Discovery people are WAY higher for anything that includes proficiency. Can't complain. Although I'd certainly like a Med person or someone with 3 stats that might be useful for Voyages.
    Same, Though I think my Mirror Spock edges out Princess Dax as hes 4/5*. I also have commander Dax but shes only 3/5* and hence sits below the Princess. Tempting to citate her but need to save another 75K honour to max her!

    DB: Do Better
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