I'm a Level 56 captain, play every single day, complete all my daily missions, and am looking for a fleet with All active players. Do you still have an opening??? Friend "Captain Newbie" and I'll get back to you. I'm looking for an active fleet, with active players, and an active squadron where I can rank-upwards in the weekly competitions. Please let me know. Thank you. Sincerely, Captain Newbie
We have six openings. Currently we have hit the maximum ISM goal once and are within 1 or 2 every day. So, we need you, to make the difference. And bring friends!
And now we have those two openings available. I will be your squad leader and you will always get the top ranked event crew shared for every Faction Event.
We have another spot open. We hit all of our goals daily, so anyone joining does need to complete there daily missions, starbase donation and participate in events. Thank you!
Yep, just join up.