Weird Event Pull and a Huge Mistake (by me)

So I grabbed one of the event packages and got a couple of free event pulls for it. This is for the rerun of the Rule 125 event. I did one of my free pulls and got a good bit odd result. At the very end of the pull, I first got a purple behold that contained no event crew and was alas, useless to me. I picked AoS Geordi.
Then, the very last crew was a gold Behold. It contained Captain Pike, Captain Nog, and Beowulf Kim. So I thought about this for a while. I have Pike at 4/5 and Kim at 1/5 but no Nog. Nog is the event crew for this event, but it seemed weird to me that I ended up with a behold instead of just straight up giving me Nog. If I chose either Pike or Kim, I’d basically have an event pull, with no event crew in it. That just seemed weird to me. Maybe it isn’t but to me it was.
Anyhow, that’s not what is presently making me want to scream and pull my hair out. What is tilting me in that direction is the huge mistake I made. A simple accident. I stupidly wasn’t paying attention and went to choose Captain Nog and instead I hit the button for Beowulf Kim. I’ve submitted a ticket to support, but there’s no telling what response I will get, whenever I might actually receive one that is.
I know it’s just a game and all, but this has me semi-despondent. I was literally close to tears after doing it and realizing what I’d done. I’m so angry at myself right now, I’m sure my blood pressure has gone up by about 50 on both ends.
I really, REALLY hope that CS will actually help me with this. I want to take the Kim I accidentally took and trade him for Nog, but getting a CS person to actually do this for me will probably be next to impossible or at the very least, like pulling teeth with slippery fingers.
This may or may not belong in this section. Honestly I wasn’t sure where to put this. Sorry if I seem to be overreacting or whatnot, but it really is meaningful to me, so I therefore get a little stressed by it all and need an outlet. This forum is often such an outlet for me. Thanks for reading if you make it this far.

Then, the very last crew was a gold Behold. It contained Captain Pike, Captain Nog, and Beowulf Kim. So I thought about this for a while. I have Pike at 4/5 and Kim at 1/5 but no Nog. Nog is the event crew for this event, but it seemed weird to me that I ended up with a behold instead of just straight up giving me Nog. If I chose either Pike or Kim, I’d basically have an event pull, with no event crew in it. That just seemed weird to me. Maybe it isn’t but to me it was.
Anyhow, that’s not what is presently making me want to scream and pull my hair out. What is tilting me in that direction is the huge mistake I made. A simple accident. I stupidly wasn’t paying attention and went to choose Captain Nog and instead I hit the button for Beowulf Kim. I’ve submitted a ticket to support, but there’s no telling what response I will get, whenever I might actually receive one that is.
I know it’s just a game and all, but this has me semi-despondent. I was literally close to tears after doing it and realizing what I’d done. I’m so angry at myself right now, I’m sure my blood pressure has gone up by about 50 on both ends.
I really, REALLY hope that CS will actually help me with this. I want to take the Kim I accidentally took and trade him for Nog, but getting a CS person to actually do this for me will probably be next to impossible or at the very least, like pulling teeth with slippery fingers.
This may or may not belong in this section. Honestly I wasn’t sure where to put this. Sorry if I seem to be overreacting or whatnot, but it really is meaningful to me, so I therefore get a little stressed by it all and need an outlet. This forum is often such an outlet for me. Thanks for reading if you make it this far.

Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
I love that I got the Behold. It was a bit weird to me but I love that I got it; I just wish I had been paying closer attention to my blasted fingers.
I didn’t want to because I have a citation sitting around and I’m about halfway to getting another one as well. Also, at the beginning of this month I had Pike at 1 star and now he’s at 4. He keeps popping up in my Beholds, so I wanted to simply wait and see if he pops again. If not, I’ll citation him once I manage to get him leveled and equipped.