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The other side of the Behold “problem”.

Female Klingon QFemale Klingon Q ✭✭✭
edited May 2018 in The Bridge
The “problem”: it is possible for a behold to provide crew that have all been immortalized. Recommended solutions have been to either provide a citation in such a circumstance or to allow for a certain amount of refills before giving a citation or pricing beholds the same as citations. The other suggestion I’ve heard is changing the honor redemption scheme. So far, dB has not made any plans to implement any of these suggestions.

All of these solutions seem to assume that copies above an immortal are unable to be used. As I understand it, this is an incorrect assumption, copies above the first immortal are also able to be used, immortalized and
frozen, just like the first immortal.

I’d like to make a suggestion that I think dB would be far more amenable to: increase the ceiling of achievements related to immortals. I think it is presently capped at 350? I think that number is far too low. That number should at least be around the number of unique crew in the game (~500-600), preferably 3-4 times that amount, although I think that 2 times is reasonable.
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  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    I remember buying Pokemon packs and sailor Moon packs....and sometimes I would get doubles, even with the rare ones. But if I complained to the card companies for that, I would be laughed at.
  • Female Klingon QFemale Klingon Q ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    I remember buying Pokemon packs and sailor Moon packs....and sometimes I would get doubles, even with the rare ones. But if I complained to the card companies for that, I would be laughed at.

    Personally, I find the objections to the behold “problem” to be first world problems.

    Additional copies can still be used, and hey, you get a little bit of currency towards something you actually want if you don’t want the copy. I’d love it if RNG wasn’t part of crew acquisition, but complaining about it as infinitum isn’t going to do anything at this point.

    Regardless, I’d like to get back on track of discussing whether the behold “problem” can be “resolved” in ways other than removing RNG from crew acquisition, which is clearly not something that dB is willing to do.
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  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    I’d like to make a suggestion that I think dB would be far more amenable to: increase the ceiling of achievements related to immortals. I think it is presently capped at 350? I think that number is far too low. That number should at least be around the number of unique crew in the game (~500-600), preferably 3-4 times that amount, although I think that 2 times is reasonable.

    It's already been suggested to expand the achievement, independent of the "behold issue." Personally, I don't see that change affecting attitudes around the behold issue.

    If I wanted to get dilithium for immortalizing well beyond 350, I'd use cheap 1* crew, not dupe 4*. Seems like a poor return on investment compared to alternatives. So the dupe 4* would still be as unsatisfying.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Trista is correct, and the arguement that you could sell those cards back is flawed, as many many pokemon and magic and etc cards have no value. You can buy a 100$+ box of boosters and come away with 20$ give or take of value, including multiple duplicates. In Magic there are countless mythic rares worth under a dollar yet a pull rate on mythics is 1 in 20 packs last I knew, so 100$ (5$/pack, and conspicuously close to DB rates for the golds). Wizards of the Coast, Decipher, and the Pokemon Company will do exactly nothing to reimburse that. Not even 100 merits. Some days you eat the bear, others the bear eats you. Just because something is physical doesn’t mean it has value though.
  • Dralix wrote: »
    I’d like to make a suggestion that I think dB would be far more amenable to: increase the ceiling of achievements related to immortals. I think it is presently capped at 350? I think that number is far too low. That number should at least be around the number of unique crew in the game (~500-600), preferably 3-4 times that amount, although I think that 2 times is reasonable.

    It's already been suggested to expand the achievement, independent of the "behold issue." Personally, I don't see that change affecting attitudes around the behold issue.

    If I wanted to get dilithium for immortalizing well beyond 350, I'd use cheap 1* crew, not dupe 4*. Seems like a poor return on investment compared to alternatives. So the dupe 4* would still be as unsatisfying.

    That is a reasonable argument. What about new achievements exclusive to super rare immortal count and legendary immortal count to avoid people spamming basic portals for the achievement?
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  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Torias327 wrote: »
    Trista is correct, and the arguement that you could sell those cards back is flawed, as many many pokemon and magic and etc cards have no value. You can buy a 100$+ box of boosters and come away with 20$ give or take of value, including multiple duplicates. In Magic there are countless mythic rares worth under a dollar yet a pull rate on mythics is 1 in 20 packs last I knew, so 100$ (5$/pack, and conspicuously close to DB rates for the golds). Wizards of the Coast, Decipher, and the Pokemon Company will do exactly nothing to reimburse that. Not even 100 merits. Some days you eat the bear, others the bear eats you. Just because something is physical doesn’t mean it has value though.

    Can we please stop comparing digital CCG games to real CCG if your going to make a comparison at least do a quick google search on card values before making statements that they hold zero value

    Pokemon cards you own them outright check the TOS and see if you own any of those shiny $150-300 Toons. Put your Pokemon card on eBay will it sell? What would happen if you put your DB ID account on eBay?

    The two are nothing alike yet we always go back to Pokemon cards for a comparison.
  • [BL] Q wrote: »
    Torias327 wrote: »
    Trista is correct, and the arguement that you could sell those cards back is flawed, as many many pokemon and magic and etc cards have no value. You can buy a 100$+ box of boosters and come away with 20$ give or take of value, including multiple duplicates. In Magic there are countless mythic rares worth under a dollar yet a pull rate on mythics is 1 in 20 packs last I knew, so 100$ (5$/pack, and conspicuously close to DB rates for the golds). Wizards of the Coast, Decipher, and the Pokemon Company will do exactly nothing to reimburse that. Not even 100 merits. Some days you eat the bear, others the bear eats you. Just because something is physical doesn’t mean it has value though.

    Put your Pokemon card on eBay will it sell? What would happen if you put your DB ID account on eBay?

    The two are nothing alike yet we always go back to Pokemon cards for a comparison.

    Apologies, but that’s a straw man.

    The point being made isn’t that ccgs and timelines are exactly the same, the point was that ccgs and timelines both rely on forms of randomness in their primary forms of acquisition. Are they precisely the same in all other aspects? No, but that wasn’t the claim being made.

    Do I wish that there was a Star Trek themed character based game like timelines that didn’t have so much randomness in character acquisition? Sure, I’d love that

    Until that game comes out, however, I will settle for the next best thing, which is timelines.
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    Task Force Pike/Garrett's Giants, Founder

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  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    The suggestion for citations when you get all immortalized on behold was for honor bought beholds.

    The argument has value since you already airlocked crew for the abysmal return of honor.
    Therefore, these beholds when they are all immortalized should give citation.

    As far as packs, duplicates happen take the dishonor you get and save for the honor behold.
  • I wouldn't recommend immortalizing more than one copy of any character. As I remember you can't unfreeze character if there is immortalized copy of this character existing in your roster.

    Besides keeping clones escalates slot problem. This is missed argument in my opinion. The best solution here would be to prevent such false beholds from happening.
  • Stellar IceStellar Ice ✭✭✭✭✭
    I always thought the simple solution would be to add an option to refresh a behold for merits or honor or dilithium. Get a FF behold? Refresh! Get 3 choices you don't like and want to gamble for better choices? Refresh! Want to chase a gold? Refresh! I know many people would use it and db could benefit from added revenue.
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  • I always thought the simple solution would be to add an option to refresh a behold for merits or honor or dilithium. Get a FF behold? Refresh! Get 3 choices you don't like and want to gamble for better choices? Refresh! Want to chase a gold? Refresh! I know many people would use it and db could benefit from added revenue.

    This solution already exists. It's called Portal Pull. You just proposing to double portal fuctionality. The best and only honest solution to this obvious problem would be to prevent these false beholds from happening. Preventing is always better option than healing.
  • I remember buying Pokemon packs and sailor Moon packs....and sometimes I would get doubles, even with the rare ones. But if I complained to the card companies for that, I would be laughed at.

    Building a competitive deck in most CCGs literally requires duplicates, triplicates, etc. Most STT duplicates are worthless to the in-game experience or actually detrimental given crew slot limitations and resource sink.

    This is a card collecting game that penalizes you for collecting cards. That's nothing like a CCG. Also, in a CCG, the more common rarities can still be the basis of some very powerful in-game strategies. So again, this is nothing like a CCG. STT cards of higher rarities outnumber those of lower rarities, which again, is nothing like a CCG.

    And as others have already pointed out, physical cards have actual value, even if that's 5 cents/common or a $25 rare or a $1000 limited edition promo. If you want to build a deck and need specific cards, you can buy more cards in a secondary market or trade for them. This makes sense in an analog world, because scarcity is a real thing.

    A better attempt at a comparison might have been sports cards, though there's no game play tied to those...
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