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How about Boosts for Voyages???

While sending my latest voyage I was thinking wouldn't it be cool if you could use boosts. Say time boost for one you could skip straight to the first dilemma would be sort of like a warp for missions but lower time boosts would only start you at that amount of time into the voyage and generate rewards for that time period. Another great use would be double rewards boost. Upping your chances to get that much needed chroniton stock pile. If you just dont have the crew to make that 8 hour voyage you could use a skill boost to give you those little bit of stat points that could extend you further into your voyage hitting that 8hr or beyond. Being one of many players with multiple accounts I have f2p accounts that I can see the strain of hitting good voyages but adding boosts to voyages would generate more purchases of boosts from the time portal, generate much more game play and increase the popularity of the already popular Voyages feature.
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