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Zipf approach to Event Rewards (Proposal)

Here is a proposal to make Solo Event Rewards seem fair.


It's extremely difficult to be in the top 10 and moderately difficult to be in the top 1000. Many players don't feel that the event rewards reflect those levels of difficulty. I personally tend to agree. The 1000th rank being the cut off for 1-5*Crew seems fair for its level of difficulty and the 1st rank seems fair, but the spots in the middle don't seem as fair. There's not really that much of a reward difference between rank 76 and rank 1000. That's a pretty big gap for not much more of a reward.

The Zipf's Law:

In case you don't know, The Zipf's Law describes that pretty much every real world statistical data set will follow a power curve. (Vsause did an ok video describing it) These power curves on a log,log chart form a straight line. Player's rank vs. victory points show this. That's why the gap in victory points between first and second place are always so big as compared to rank 1000.

Event Reward's Value:

Most of the currencies in-game can be converted to an equivalent value of Dilithium. An example for the value of a 5*Crew would be that a 10xPremium Time Portal pull is 650 dil, the drop rate for a 5*Crew in that pack is 1.27%, so the formula would be 650 dil / (10 pulls at 1.27%), or ~5,118 dil.

Using formulas like this and others (including just guessing for Merits), we can find the value for the Event Rewards.


Graphed out on a log,log chart of Rank vs. Dilithium Value:


From the graph, you can see that the event rewards aren't spread out evenly. If you draw a line from rank 1 to rank 1000, you can see the ranks in between dip below that line, which means they don't get the equivalent rewards for their rank as either rank 1 or rank 1000. This inequality is more evident in the lower ranks.

The Equatable Event Rewards Solution:

Using Zipf's Law and current event reward standard practices (like if you get 1-5*Crew you'll automatically get 4-4*Crew), I've come up with this:


I've added a column for Honor to fill in some of the inequality gaps. The time portal pulls jump around a bit because the loss of 1-5*Crew is the single biggest drop to the reward values. Also, If I came in at Rank 1001, I'd be disappointed that I didn't get the 5*Crew, but consoled with the 10x pull I'd get.

It's not perfect, but I think adding Honor and sliding some values around would be a great step in making the Event Rewards more equatable.

All that being said, I understand that Event Rewards aren't on DB's radar and there are still some long-term bugs floating around that need their attention. I'm just trying to offer a solution where DB doesn't need to spend the time and effort figuring it out.



  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Brilliant effort and work here. I still there there is a scaling issue about reward tiers to number of players competing, but this is a nice way to create real value for the tiers.

    (and we won't even talk about the squadron rewards).
  • Excellent analysis! 👏

    This would be an excellent improvement, and very fair too
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    There's still a gap a rank 1000, but it's not nearly so large. This is great work.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Ace_RimmerAce_Rimmer ✭✭✭
    This would probably get me competing to get a better rank. At the moment there is no benefit I can see getting higher than 1000. I've got the top 100 achievement. At the moment there is no reason to compete to get higher.
  • Will there be changes to the event rewards structure to give players more incentive to participate?

    Participation in events is at an all time high. As such, we believe players are already highly attracted to the rewards and the events themselves. That being said, as we have a growing diversity amongst how long players have been in the game, we are looking at what we can do to make events more interesting across all levels of experience with STT.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Yes I agree. I had my place locked in in this current event by Friday and then what? I can work really hard and use boosts to go from 190 to under 100 but what would be the point? I would use a lof of my dilithium and boosts and get very little back in return. A few extra merits and training boosts? Really!?! Or I can slack a bit and go to 700 and get virtually the same rewards. It makes the last two days of a four day event very boring.
    Let’s fly!
  • [SJ] Admiral Aki[SJ] Admiral Aki ✭✭✭✭
    I’m hovering around you on the leaderboard Apollo and feel exactly the same way.

    I’ve started to slack off now. I’ve stopped using shuttle boosts and I’m being a little more lax in turning my shuttles around.

    Now, If I had an incentive to try to improve my rank to something that was achievable and worthwhile....
  • You obviously put in a lot of work making this. Unfortunately it will probably fall on deaf ears.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    If enough players speak up, eventually they will listen. I have been playing for about 10 months now and I've only cracked the top 1000 a few times when many of the longer standing members took it easy on a specific week and I was stacked with bonus crew. I have been squeezed out of the top 1000 in the last hour a couple of times and generally finish top 3000 or so.. The difficulty of getting top rewards has basically meant that I put a cap on resources spent in events because it isn't worth the cost to really try and compete with stronger crews for diminished rewards. I can appreciate the frustration of other players as the cost often isn't justified by the returns and I can understand why players so often write on the boards here "Threshold and out" during the events. I think the player base would rather see this issue updated over some of the other issues mentioned and you would definitely see more participation.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like Apollo and Admiral Aki, my faction-event ranking (+/- 100 spots) tends to be locked in by Friday night. As of Sun night, I was ranked 233. I've sent 84 post-kickstart shuttles and have only proven that I have a deep crew, a bit of free time, and can set a timer on my phone as well as the next player. I am completely indifferent to whether I finish 76th or 650th since the rewards are so similar, and honestly I wouldn't care much if I were to fall into the 651-1000 range either. I don't think that was the original intent of the game designers.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am completely indifferent to whether I finish 76th or 650th since the rewards are so similar, and honestly I wouldn't care much if I were to fall into the 651-1000 range either. I don't think that was the original intent of the game designers.

    Maybe not their intention, but I've come around to thinking that it's a good thing. Unless you're fighting for a top 25 finish, you can have a relatively relaxing weekend and still get solid rewards, with little FOMO in the top 1000 ranks.

    If rewards are increased in ranks 26-1000, expect a lot more of this.
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well done.
    I can now say I bought the smartest guy on the forums dinner.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like Apollo and Admiral Aki, my faction-event ranking (+/- 100 spots) tends to be locked in by Friday night. As of Sun night, I was ranked 233. I've sent 84 post-kickstart shuttles and have only proven that I have a deep crew, a bit of free time, and can set a timer on my phone as well as the next player. I am completely indifferent to whether I finish 76th or 650th since the rewards are so similar, and honestly I wouldn't care much if I were to fall into the 651-1000 range either. I don't think that was the original intent of the game designers.

    This has been my experience as well for quite some time, especially in faction events. Aside from getting a few extra single premium pulls and merits, there's really no difference between 76-1,000 in the rankings.

    With regards to the OP, the other option would be for DB to simply eliminate most of the tiers altogether. It could look something like this:

    1. #1
    2. #2-10
    3. #11-100
    4. #101-1,000
    5. #1,001 - 10,000
    6. #10,001 - 50,000
    7. #50,001 - 100,000
    8. #100,001+
  • Well done.
    I can now say I bought the smartest guy on the forums dinner.

    HA! Thanks.
  • XoiikuXoiiku ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Well done, with how you structured and presented your Equatable Event Rewards Solution with all charts and graphs. I like how you utilized Zipf's law to illustrate your point, it is really cool when people put that kind of effort in.

    The only thing I would challenge is that this solution doesn't address duplicates, or the variation in utility of the rewards among captains with different crew rosters. How do you account for the difference in value between a crew you needed, versus a duplicate crew which just gets airlocked?

    For example, in the event that just finished, I ranked 49th. I already had Pel and Brunt immortalized prior to the start of the event. So, all those 4* Pels and 3* Brunts just got air locked. Which means that the actual value or utility of the reward which I earned is different and lower from someone who might have needed those crew and didn't airlock them. So, what I actually/effective received, instead of useful crew was 1,100 honor.

    I think that is likely there is a swarm of thousands of freshly airlocked Brunts, and hundreds of Pels floating around. DB knows that most of the active players at this point, particularly those in the top 2000 or so, will be airlocking at least the 3*, if not most of the 4* (depending on the event, and the captain). Therefore, I'd like to see the difference you'd calculate in dilithum, for crew that you can use vs one that you airlock.

    This is one of the reasons I advocated finding a way to minimize duplicates, because it alters the actual/effective value of whatever reward you earn. Which, decreases incentive to compete in the events. Whereas a reasonable amount of honor, useful to everyone, could potentially increase the incentive to compete in events.
    All that being said, I understand that Event Rewards aren't on DB's radar and there are still some long-term bugs floating around that need their attention. I'm just trying to offer a solution where DB doesn't need to spend the time and effort figuring it out.

    I also made an attempt, Event Rewards, Threshold:Crew and Ranked:Honor over in Make It So!, which was meant to help outline and visualize some of the suggestions which have been discussed, and reasons for doing so, in terms of changes to the event reward structure. The third version of which shows one possible way of doing things which attempts to combine some of the predominate suggestions (percentage based ranks, smoothed rewards) with my own suggestion of moving the crew into the thresholds as a way to address the ongoing issues with honor and duplicates.

    That said, let's consider context from October Timelines Q&A:
    Q11: Are there plans to rebalance event rewards? Solo ranked rewards are effectively the same from 26-1,000, while there could be more rewards for hitting higher thresholds.
    A11: We plan to try some new reward structures for events in the near future to better reflect the effort invested. We'll be looking at both the Threshold and Solo Ranked rewards and have some thoughts on how to improve Squad rewards as well.

    Then, after the near future passed us by, during the Q&A with Admiral Prince April '18
    Q: Will there be changes to the event rewards structure to give players more incentive to participate?
    A: Participation in events is at an all time high. As such, we believe players are already highly attracted to the rewards and the events themselves. That being said, as we have a growing diversity amongst how long players have been in the game, we are looking at what we can do to make events more interesting across all levels of experience with STT.

    There were lots of people who asked questions about changes in the event reward structure for the last Q&A. I for one would be curious to know exactly how we went from changes to the event rewards being planned for the "near future" during the previous Q&A in october, to "we believe players are already highly attracted to the rewards".

    The "competition is at an all-time high, so we think it's working well" response in the Q&A, I couldn't disagree with more. Just because there's high participation doesn't mean it couldn't be higher, or that there aren't issues to deal with. It's not mutually exclusive. In fact, growing participation is a large part of why the structure stands to benefit from updating.
    We are all downstream from each other and ourselves, therefore choose to be relaxed and groovy.
    Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
  • Top 1000 rewards? Sorry, maybe I should read this thread underwater. Just sounded like whale noises to me.
  • XoiikuXoiiku ✭✭✭✭
    Shran Wrap wrote: »
    Top 1000 rewards? Sorry, maybe I should read this thread underwater. Just sounded like whale noises to me.

    My suggestion advocated for greater smoothing throughout the ranks, top to bottom. This threads event reward suggestion could be used to demonstrate some possibility like that as well.

    Also, given that we are all swimming in the same ocean, what effects the whales and everyone else's participation in events, effects the game as a whole.
    We are all downstream from each other and ourselves, therefore choose to be relaxed and groovy.
    Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    This is a really well thought out nicely done smoothing of those top 1k rewards. The current 76th to 1000th place difference is laughable, and something like this would make a huge difference and probably increase competition and effort, while rewarding people more for a solid effort.
  • I can refresh a Voyage twice about 200 dilithium and get the same amount of Honor points you are proposing for the new and improved rewards. I’m not really sure why players are saying this will make them want to compete more.
  • [TUFG] Siguard[TUFG] Siguard ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Shran Wrap wrote: »
    Top 1000 rewards? Sorry, maybe I should read this thread underwater. Just sounded like whale noises to me.

    Well, I was just using the top 1000 rewards as an example. All of the ranks lower than 1000 have higher rewards than they do currently.
  • [DC] Principia[DC] Principia ✭✭✭✭
    That said, let's consider context from October Timelines Q&A:
    Q11: Are there plans to rebalance event rewards? Solo ranked rewards are effectively the same from 26-1,000, while there could be more rewards for hitting higher thresholds.
    A11: We plan to try some new reward structures for events in the near future to better reflect the effort invested. We'll be looking at both the Threshold and Solo Ranked rewards and have some thoughts on how to improve Squad rewards as well.

    Then, after the near future passed us by, during the Q&A with Admiral Prince April '18
    Q: Will there be changes to the event rewards structure to give players more incentive to participate?
    A: Participation in events is at an all time high. As such, we believe players are already highly attracted to the rewards and the events themselves. That being said, as we have a growing diversity amongst how long players have been in the game, we are looking at what we can do to make events more interesting across all levels of experience with STT.

    There were lots of people who asked questions about changes in the event reward structure for the last Q&A. I for one would be curious to know exactly how we went from changes to the event rewards being planned for the "near future" during the previous Q&A in october, to "we believe players are already highly attracted to the rewards".

    The "competition is at an all-time high, so we think it's working well" response in the Q&A, I couldn't disagree with more. Just because there's high participation doesn't mean it couldn't be higher, or that there aren't issues to deal with. It's not mutually exclusive. In fact, growing participation is a large part of why the structure stands to benefit from updating.
    DB only claimed to have the intent to adjust event rewards when they thought that was needed to increase revenue coming from events. Adding the event participation and ranking Achievements achieved *their* goal of increasing revenue from events, so now they don't have to pretend to care about adjusting event rewards anymore. If increasing revenue hadn't been the intent of the event participation and ranking Achievements, then old event results would have been grandfathered into the Achievements we received - it's not as though we can't look at our fleet tab and see our old personal event results.

    Folks who weren't habitués of the old forum may not remember this, but recall when DB did a survey that included which event types people preferred, and the clear preference by respondents was for Faction events. DB took that into account, sent Nod onto the forums to spin the results, and promptly continued churning out Galaxy events because the logical conclusion from the survey and their revenue numbers were that people who spend on the game dislike Galaxy events so much that they're willing to pay their way out of having to participate.

    I wish that weren't the natural conclusion, but the complete disregard for us is palpable.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shran Wrap wrote: »
    Top 1000 rewards? Sorry, maybe I should read this thread underwater. Just sounded like whale noises to me.

    There are plenty of F2P and low VIP players ranking under 1k. It may be hard for newer players, but those of us that have been around for 2 years are ranking under 1k and have all the same reward complaints without spending money.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Shran Wrap wrote: »
    Top 1000 rewards? Sorry, maybe I should read this thread underwater. Just sounded like whale noises to me.

    There are plenty of F2P and low VIP players ranking under 1k. It may be hard for newer players, but those of us that have been around for 2 years are ranking under 1k and have all the same reward complaints without spending money.

    Very true. Iknamur, from VIP0, ranked #11 last event (the Rule 125 rerun). StellarIce, admiral of VIP0, ranked #1 in a galaxy event in November. (Although I hear SSR is trying to seduce her to the dark side...)

    Not only do people with low VIP levels rank in the top 1000, they can rank a heck of a lot higher.
  • I can refresh a Voyage twice about 200 dilithium and get the same amount of Honor points you are proposing for the new and improved rewards. I’m not really sure why players are saying this will make them want to compete more.

    As it is now, what incentive is there to get higher than the minimum for the 5 star event crew? I was rank 146 last event and there isn't that much difference between that and 999. I just ran my shuttles, was squad leader and ended up there by chance didn't spend any dilithium. In galaxy events I only shoot for the 900's, sane with expedition (as rarely as those are). Why shoot higher after you achieve the achievement?

    As is this needs to seriously be looked at. I've been here since the beginning, and I'm getting burnt out. I stay cuz of the lore, but seeing how greedy DB is being is putting a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not planning on renewing my VIP next week. However if they reworked the rewards to reflect the actual numbers now, and the effort, it will encourage me and others. Giving honor is a great idea. Since we get the purples from community rewards and threshold the honor will be well used.
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