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Anybody Drop Tested the Resistance pack?

edited October 2017 in The Bridge
Seems the game is set against me not getting Assimilated Janeway's 3rd star. Did 4 pulls and nothing but honor, then I figured "hey maybe she will be in a behold in my freebie 10x pull." Got Klingon Janeway as a choice! So close to what I wanted :confounded: so now I must decide to risk another 2 pulls or just play it safe and forget it? But hey just checked and after dismissing all those useless crew I'm almost at an honorable citation so I guess I will get her 3rd star one way or another...2bla2jus3oph.png

Best Answers

  • Answer ✓
    Just dismiss a few crew / do your daily goals / collect starbase honor and 5 star citation is right there for you Amigo (in a little while).
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • Dire LoboDire Lobo ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I got luck and got her in one pack along with a Klingon quark
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