Game is Slow and Jerky on Facebook
Am not sure if it is just me experiencing this (but thought I would let you know) but for the last couple of days the game has been slow and Jerky and it takes a while to do anything (it had been fast and smooth until couple days ago). A good example is a few minutes a go when it took 2 minutes to go from 1 hour 59 minutes 20 seconds to 2 hours on voyage. I play only on Facebook and all the other games I play on there are ok, it is just this game I have the slowness and jerkiness on.
It seemed to start Friday, I was wondering if it could be to do with the old event being rerun, if this is the lag that the new 6-shuttle-mission events are supposed to reduce? At least I was hoping that, since it means it'd go away tomorrow...
The game is running so slow its now unplayable!!! It also wont load on Facebook Gameroom ap and i have no way of playing. Please can you fix this asap!
I play on Facebook (not Facebook Gameroom as had problems with that) and I play on Acer Chromebook 15 with Google Chrome and am in the United Kingdom
Agree it starts off ok but after a few minutes it starts to slow down etc
Civilian, Brand and Marketing
Ex-Disruptor Beam
Unfortunately I can not as mine only came with google chrome and am not sure if I can use other browsers on my chromebook
Chrome, Windows 10 and Canada.
However it is potentially linked to a new Chrome policy regarding Auto-Play and there is a workaround that you can try, should you wish to.
Open a new tab in chrome and type or copy/paste:
There set "Autoplay Policy" to "No user gesture is required".
A restart of Chrome will be needed for the change to come into effect.
If you decide to try this out, please let us know how it works for you. Thank you!
That seemed to fix the problem Shan.