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Event crew from cryo.

Within the games architecture, we have crew "overflow" slots. We open a pack and have more crew than crew slots, and they are put into temporary slots, with a timer, make space for them, dismiss them, or lose them after the timer runs out.

Would it possible to consider something similar in Cryo vault?
The objective being, for the duration of an event, say 5 slots are in cryo and for 500 merits, you can unfreeze 5 crew from cryo, for the duration of the event, and class them as still "frozen" so they aren't taking up crew slots, but available for event use as say not active crew, but more as "temporarily assigned" crew.
Anything more than 5 can still be unfrozen but will still take a crew slot, but these five in "cryo overflow", can be used to provide event bonus, but not take up a crew slot. And after the event timer runs out in the cryo overflow, the crew return to being frozen, and unusable in cryo, exactly as they were before the event.
Or possibly tie it to wednesday, when event packs go up, so people can have time to check who they want from cryo, and have them ready, and waiting, in hypothetical overflow before event starts.

It would be a great help to f2p players, to have bonus crew from cryo, without having to make space from minimal slots available to start with, week to week for each event.
It saves people taking 2 crew out of cryo per day, for three days to use in events, if they don't have the merits/dilithium to take them all out at once.
It will also ease crew slot complaints, as you can still get use of frozen crew without using a crew slot, even if it is just for the duration of an event.

Might just be a pipe dream, and impossible to implement within the game structure. I just thought it seemed an idea worth the consideration amongst crew slot complaints, and the growing number of available event crew, (any vulcan/romulan, any one with musician, etc)


  • Maybe they could do something similar for events only like you’re saying but instead of putting it in cryo, they could just call it the “Guest Stars Slots”. So maybe every event would have some number, maybe max of five like you say, of guest starring crew slots; slots that appear just for that event and that can only hold qualifying crew.

    I’m not sure about the merit expenditure. Maybe it could be free each time or maybe it could be some flat merit price. Want to open your guest stars slots? Pay a set amount of merits and get them. One price for all the guest slots rather than per crew though.

    It’s an interesting idea that some people would surely like but I’m certain DB, even if every one of their employees loved it, will never implement such, for varying reasons.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • P-RexP-Rex ✭✭
    That would work too, guest star slots or temporary assigned crew or whatever title was put on it would work for me. But further to what you mentioned, i had hoped to imply, the general idea of 5 "temporary for event cryo slots" five for 500 merits was a one off sum, for the people you already have in cryo, over 150 merits for two crew, then upwards for third etc, the idea was to me 100 merits to put a person in a temporary slot, for four days, over the usual 150 merits to take up a crew slot, for four days. And that they can only be used for event purpose, so not general use, still cryo, but event useful, hence 100 for partial use vs 150 to have full use of them, across these 5 hypothetical slots.

    But it was just an idea from all the freezing and unfreezing over the last few events, and i never bothered unfreezing vulcans/romulans, because to get possibly useful purples alone, for that would have been in the region of 1600 merits at 2 crew a day, over like 8 days or something, and i would still have had more crew out of cryo than my crew quarters could accommodate. So i left the lot of them in cryo.
  • I'm sure this would be yet more hardship on the servers. Simply save the merits, freeze enough unneeded crew, thaw out the needed crew...wallah. Reestablish after the Event if needed. At some point more crew slots will be needed, like myself soon. If only that half price was implemented. Puts a denture under the pillow with a $10.00 spot. 😂😂
  • P-RexP-Rex ✭✭
    Maybe it would be a hardship on the servers, (hence my saying "maybe just a pipe dream and impossible to implement"). But given the amount of people on the forum, who open packs and leave the crew in the crew quarters "overflow" for as long as they are able to, i can't imagine a similar system for cryo crew that is temporarily timed for an event putting that much more pressure on the servers.

    As for simply save the merits freeze unneeded, thaw needed crew, then reset what you had after the event to what you had before the event, (ie, unfreeze the unneeded non-event crew you froze to make space, then freeze the crew you took from cryo for event, to use for four days, then bring out the crew you prefer or want to have around after event.) for the amount of merits that plan needs, how would people ever manage to simply save that many? As an example. for next week, any crew with musician, might be useful, i go to cryo, i have 9 super rare frozen, with that trait, with small bonus next week, now 300 merits to get 2 out a day, means 2 people a day for 4 days, and one more person on day 5. (1350 merits) then the same next week if i have 9 of my favourite crew frozen to make space for the 9 musicians i might want for next week. I think saving merits might be less simple if you are using 2700 to swap out crew for four days of use. If you see the point i am getting at. (next week is galaxy, so yes, i am aware that bonus crew and having big numbers is not an issue in a galaxy event, really one per skill is usually all you need, if that, but next weeks event is just to serve as an example of rough idea of what you might need from in this case my own crew as the example.)

    Truth is for me personally, 9 crew is a non issue, i have 23 vacant crew slots. I also have 227 people in cryo. And i also have enough merits to get 9 out of cryo easily. But not everyone is "me" and in the same situation i am in.

    So since cryo is not too dissimilar to crew quarters, and crew quarters has a temporary overflow.... i didn't think it would be too big a leap to do the same in cryo for events, without having to take up crew slots. I am more than happy to admit, it might be impossible to do, and it might never happen, and as you mentioned, it might just be too much hardship for the servers. But i haven't seen very many people try to offer any other kind of solution. And i'm with you, i got a little stash of funds under my pillow to for crew slot sales! :smiley:
  • Well, whether it could be practically implemented or not, it’s an awesome idea. One worth mulling over, I think.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • P-RexP-Rex ✭✭
    Well, whether it could be practically implemented or not, it’s an awesome idea. One worth mulling over, I think.

    Thank you Zann. I think this now about one of three nice comments on this entire forum!! :smiley:
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