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Server Release Notes 05/08/2018

ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2018 in Starfleet Communications
Greetings, Captains!

With today's server release the following changes were made to the game:

Profitable Ishka: addition of the traits Crafty, Rich and Resourceful
Mademoiselle de Neuf: addition of the trait Musician
Disguised Kira:
-- Changes were made to her items to ensure proper progression and skill bonuses, this results in a slight reduction in her DIP/SEC proficiency and in an increase in her SEC skill

FE/FF level 100: DIP 1107 (98-197), SEC 857 (259-681)
FE 1/5 level 100: DIP 659 (98-197), SEC 467 (259-681)

-- Max Crit rating adjusted to 175 instead of 1550 which was well above normal ranges for any crew

Thank you for playing!

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