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Gauntlet round... Spock forgot his Tommygun? and Sisters found a Wrench.

[ISA] Raven[ISA] Raven ✭✭✭
edited May 2018 in Engineering Room


  • SST - 9of7SST - 9of7 ✭✭✭
    CS Response is that this issue has not been reported frequently so far. I am not sure though they understood that the skills were wrong...
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lol wut....
  • v71ua2flm1o5.jpg
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    So this it a good example of a thread, and maybe ticket too, that does not contain enough information, context.

    Yes the screenshot does show that it appears something might be wrong but details on the status of the crew (fatigued/not fatigued), streak, etc are missing.

    Having a bit more to go on would be helpful.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    So this it a good example of a thread, and maybe ticket too, that does not contain enough information, context.

    Yes the screenshot does show that it appears something might be wrong but details on the status of the crew (fatigued/not fatigued), streak, etc are missing.

    Having a bit more to go on would be helpful.

    The Duras Sisters rolled ENG despite not having ENG skill.
    Spock did not roll SEC despite having SEC skill.

    I agree though, that posting a picture without words is not as helpful as spelling out the issue and providing the picture to support it.

    A picture isn't always worth 1000 words.
  • [ISA] Big McLargeHuge[ISA] Big McLargeHuge ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Dralix wrote: »

    The Duras Sisters rolled ENG despite not having ENG skill.
    Spock did not roll SEC despite having SEC skill.

    And Sulan rolled ENG without having that skill, and did not roll MED, despite having MED.
    Seven of Nine rolled MED despite not having MED skill.
  • [ISA] Raven[ISA] Raven ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Bug Report -
    Summary - When displayed with a gauntlet round showing Engineering+Sec chose "Gangster Spock" to go up against the "Duras Sisters", Spock shows no resulting Security skill, and the Sisters show scores for Engineering, yet has no engineering Skill.

    Gangster Spock Stats (both Sec and Engineering)
    Sec 373-736
    Sci 168-371
    eng 89-290

    Duras Sister Stats (note NO Engineering)
    Sec 158-404
    Dip 180-361
    cmd 87-215

    The scoring "TOP" round shows non crit Eng scores within "norms" for Gangster Sock (low 96 high 181)
    And "norms" for which do not conform to any range for her skills (non crit low133- high 303)
    with a "Displayed Skill of Engineering"(which the sisters do NOT have a skill for)

    The Scoring "Bottom" round shows either cmd, dip, med for Spock (0-1 per round)
    where it should have been non crit between 303-736
    and "norms" for Sec, or Dip for the Duras Sisters (non crit low199 to high 313
    with a "Displayed skill of Security shown for the round

    I have opened a ticket which does detail the above information.(no response yet, i know they are busy)

    Screen shot below to support the Bug report.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you for adding those details!
  • RowdenRowden ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    It's clear from the Seven, Sulan pic that there is a display bug regarding which skills are actually being tested.

    The display says Eng & Med, but it's clearly Sci & Eng.

    Additionally, for the Duras sisters it's actually testing Dip & Sec, rather than Eng & Sec.
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Honestly, that pic was all that needs to be sent via a ticket. In this case, it was clear what the bug was and a response from customer service that doesn't reflect knowledge of the problem is concerning. Some how a player rep need to be involved. A way that employees can ask reliable members if they are missing something because it's clear employees are not playing the game enough to know and identify issues quickly.

    Also, I've seen some ticket responses regarding this issue. A few merits isn't enough since the bug ends streaks and dil is required to keep it alive.
  • [ISA] Big McLargeHuge[ISA] Big McLargeHuge ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Rowden wrote: »
    It's clear from the Seven, Sulan pic that there is a display bug regarding which skills are actually being tested.

    The display says Eng & Med, but it's clearly Sci & Eng.

    Additionally, for the Duras sisters it's actually testing Dip & Sec, rather than Eng & Sec.

    The player that posted the pic would be able to confirm this, but I don't think it's necessarily clear at all. If that were the case, there would still be some sort of error in the roll because the top 3 rolls would have to be SCI, since that is Sulan's matching skill (though they appear to be below his proficiency range, although he might not be FE), which means the bottom 3 rolls would be ENG, which would mean the non-crit 546 would be outside the range of Seven's max ENG proficiency of 454, even with max starbase and collection bonuses added.
  • RowdenRowden ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Yeah it could be a worse bug where the two crew are not being challenged by the same skill as each other, and also the displayed skills potentially bearing no relation to the actual skills. -this would be quite a horrific bug if true.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have created a bug ticket for this.

    As for my request to provide more info, please remember that support reps have to view dozens of different tickets a day for many different issues. Likewise I have to keep track of many different things at the same time as well.

    So adding details to a screenshot/bug report helps, even if for you it is very clear. Thanks.
  • [ISA] Raven[ISA] Raven ✭✭✭
    Best bug report is one which can be sent directly to engineering with no need for followup questions. thanks for opening the ticket Shan.
  • SST - 9of7SST - 9of7 ✭✭✭
    Hi Shan, this was my ticket: "Hi I just had a gauntlet round where something went horribly wrong. it was a med / eng matchup where I choose seven of nine as opponent and tried my luck with sulan (1 exhaustion) somehow the rolls ended up to be eng only for sulan (does not own that skill) and eng/med for 7o9 (which has only eng). obviously I lost... I can provide a screenshot if necessary."

    The response basically was that a) there are no widespread reports regarding sulan and the gauntlet and b) that sulan does not own the eng skill. Ticket ID was 422384

    So the response was, that the card does not have eng, which was my initial bug report.
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    SST - 9of7 wrote: »
    So the response was, that the card does not have eng, which was my initial bug report.
    Oh, lol... I remember ticket where things gone like that continuously.

    Me: "I have problem A"
    Support: "We looked in your problem B and it's not really a problem"
    Me: "But I complained about problem A!"
    Support: "You mistakenly complained about problem B, but it's really A so it's not a problem"
    Me: "But I never complained about B, I complained about A and that IS a problem"
  • SST - 9of7SST - 9of7 ✭✭✭
    Okay there is surely something really broken. I had this bug happen again now. 45% crit Gowron (2 exhaustions) vs 25% Surak.
    Obviously it's more than showing wrong skills as gowron has 2 of the 3 skills in common with surak...

    Can you keep us updated on this bug? There might be some mismatch between shown values and roll basis. Perhaps some kind of indexing problem.

    This obviuos error also supports the theory that something is broken with crits in gauntlet. If roll crit-chances differ from shown values, it would explain some of the unrealistic crit rolls people experience.
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Uggh, fantastic :(
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I do not have an update but I have added the additional report to the bug report so it can be looked at as well.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    al103 wrote: »
    SST - 9of7 wrote: »
    So the response was, that the card does not have eng, which was my initial bug report.
    Oh, lol... I remember ticket where things gone like that continuously.

    Me: "I have problem A"
    Support: "We looked in your problem B and it's not really a problem"
    Me: "But I complained about problem A!"
    Support: "You mistakenly complained about problem B, but it's really A so it's not a problem"
    Me: "But I never complained about B, I complained about A and that IS a problem"

    Customer support team.......

    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have had this problem twice as well. To add more information (I hope), both times it was a round played after I tried to select someone else, and had a message along the lines of "Player Not Found". Choosing another player produced this problem.


    That was a non-fatigued Seven. It's like the game is selecting skills and ranges from other places, as that last 72 roll is impossible for any of Seven's ranges (Sci/Eng/Dip).

    If it had happened again, I was going to submit a full report. The obvious thing for CS to do in this circumstance is provide Dilithium equal to the cost of reviving the character and continuing the streak, as that is exactly what the cost of the bug has been.

    Hope this helps!
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wish I had got a screenshot of this happening to me as well but forgot to. My issue was Seven not rolling ENG the same as the screenshot above
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Oh, well, just got my first (known) instance of such. FFFE Kahless just can't hit lower than 900 on Com/Dip and end result was 300-something. To opponent's 600, which opponent couldn't hit even with 6 crits this being low-power from 120+ of gauntlet.
  • Ah, the Gauntlet; the gift that keeps on giving.
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