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Disruptor Beam, how many VP point's do you consider someone as participating in an event?

ProsserProsser ✭✭✭
I'm asking in reference to this quote from the Q & A with Admiral Prince:
Will there be changes to the event rewards structure to give players more incentive to participate?
Participation in events is at an all time high. As such, we believe players are already highly attracted to the rewards and the events themselves. That being said, as we have a growing diversity amongst how long players have been in the game, we are looking at what we can do to make events more interesting across all levels of experience with STT.

Generally in past Galaxy events I simply clear the threshold rewards and then I'm out, as I loath Galaxy events. However I would like to know then if you count myself and the large group of people that do the same as "participating in the event"? Especially since, speaking for myself here, I'm definitely not "attracted to the rank rewards and the event themselves." If you do then please let me/us know as I will gladly stop doing that in order for you to understand that the rank rewards are outdated and are not engaging to myself and others. In fact, if you consider someone who crafts a single recipe in order to get the community rewards as "participating", again please let me know. Considering how long it has been since a premium pull was actually useful for me (last 15 10 packs for $25 dropped 1 useful card, but that's a whole other issue), I will gladly forgo even getting the community rewards and simply craft nothing to be counted as not participating.

This also goes for faction events. I usually push hard enough in factions to get top 1k rank, but I have no problem dropping to just thresholds or even simply zero points if need be.

I'm not trying to troll the devs or anyone here. I'm not looking to get into a debate with those that have no issues with the rewards, or the cynics that will come and say to stop whining and just quit if you're unhappy. This is an honest to god question I would like answered so I am able to decided how much I will participate going forward in this game.

Best Answers


  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not sure if you really only want feedback from Shan or BlackPebble, but... If I were a business like DB and wanted to make a public statement about participation levels, I would be counting every unique account that earned any amount of vp in the event. If you have 3-4 accounts (like a few folks do), and all of them earn vp in an event, then DB would describe that as 3-4 players participating. Privately, they would evaluate how much to be concerned about the number of accounts that only earn the minimum vp versus the number that actually play the event, but those are really separate issues. For public consumption, you always spin to the rosy side of things.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree; the last faction event I only had minimal participation as another 1/5 star character is useless to me
    The galaxy event I will reserve judgement on holodocs stats. Ill probably threshold and out as its a futile waste of chronos to try and rank since voyages broke them.

    DB: Do Better
  • ProsserProsser ✭✭✭
    Not sure if you really only want feedback from Shan or BlackPebble, but... If I were a business like DB and wanted to make a public statement about participation levels, I would be counting every unique account that earned any amount of vp in the event. If you have 3-4 accounts (like a few folks do), and all of them earn vp in an event, then DB would describe that as 3-4 players participating. Privately, they would evaluate how much to be concerned about the number of accounts that only earn the minimum vp versus the number that actually play the event, but those are really separate issues. For public consumption, you always spin to the rosy side of things.

    Tbh I'm fully expecting their answer to be what you suggest, however I am hoping for something official.
  • RowdenRowden ✭✭✭
    More broadly, if there were more players participating in their events, surely that should actually be part of the argument to alter their reward structure from what it was 2 years ago. Which surely has to be the point.

    If I were you, I wouldn't get to hung up on the participation claim, however. It's highly unlikely the claim was fact checked in advance- if it were, yes, you would expect some numbers to go with it. If participation were to be defined in the same way as the accomplishment, then I am lead to believe late 2016 was actually the peak in participation (although I haven't seen the data myself).
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    I agree; the last faction event I only had minimal participation as another 1/5 star character is useless to me
    The galaxy event I will reserve judgement on holodocs stats. Ill probably threshold and out as its a futile waste of chronos to try and rank since voyages broke them.


    I will threshold and out as I have Vic at 3 star.

    No point burning thousands of extra cron for honour and a 1 star legend
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    You can get 1 point in a faction event. Did it on a fact finding mission last week. Just fail a 2 point shuttle, still get participated credit.

    Based on recent event participation findings, I think the level of participation by individuals is higher than ever. As in people are competing harder than ever, but not a record number of people. The statement would still be true in that context, it was intentionally vague.
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    Roonis wrote: »
    You can get 1 point in a faction event. Did it on a fact finding mission last week. Just fail a 2 point shuttle, still get participated credit.

    Just curious: how "difficult" was it to send out a 2 VP Shuttle mission to get it to intentionally Fail on the first attempt?
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    Irial wrote: »
    Roonis wrote: »
    You can get 1 point in a faction event. Did it on a fact finding mission last week. Just fail a 2 point shuttle, still get participated credit.

    Just curious: how "difficult" was it to send out a 2 VP Shuttle mission to get it to intentionally Fail on the first attempt?

    Had to send level 1 3 stat characters in complete mismatch slots. Tried before and still got the hidden 15% win.
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