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Where were you when.......

Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
I had a simple but wonderful laugh when I opened up my voyage to check a dilemma. I found the previously elusive Jazz Musician Riker sitting in my sliding loot bar. Given some of the responses on the forum pages to his elusive nature (and some of the very creative artwork), it was a brief moment that brightened up my afternoon sitting and waiting in a doctor's office.

Has anyone else had a wow that is a good feeling moment when playing STT?


  • In all honesty.... with a caption "Where were you when" I expected something better than a question of my average amusement from a mobile game.... Nope I have not had any WOW moments from any game because real life offers way to much for me to remember where I was when something in a mobile game showed up.... I'm sorry if I'm to much of a realist for a "Where were you when" post when it is not about something that actually matters.
    "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"
  • Yesterday I took a chance on the Mother's Day 10x pull, and after 9 slots of honor and replicator fuel I got to add the 3rd star to AoS Crusher. Exactly what I wanted!!
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    I just wanted to start a positive discussion. We have a lot of complaints but not enough smiles or laughs. The topic name was just the first thing that came to mind so sorry if it was misleading.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    My wow moment was recent (the Mother's Day pack). I did 3 pulls and got 1 each of all 3 Legendary (Ambassador Troi, Age of Sail Crusher and Prophet Sarah Sisko)
  • P-RexP-Rex ✭✭
    I don't think the title is misleading, i think if you looked at your game and found a reason to chuckle in a doctors office, then that more than justifies the title. Despite what what other people may have "expected" when they saw the title. i reckon that makes the problem on their side and with their expectations. And as a realist, i personally wouldn't have taken the time to type out a response to a question i felt was irrelevant, i'd have just not said anything, but hey, that's just me. For what it's worth, i hope the doctors appointment went well, and you are doing ok.

    I think my best wow moment, was half heartedly plodding along with gauntlet, not a huge fan of it, so i wasn't really paying attention, and had just showed up after crew revived, three box streak, i looked away cause tv was on in background, and came out of gauntlet to find i had a locutus.... And we had been told the day or so before that his time in gauntlet was coming to an end. So i would offer that as a pretty "wow" moment for me. unfortunately i was just sitting at home, so someone else can take the prize for being in a more interesting place than i was.

    Opposite type of "wow" moment, i chanced a pack for this weeks mothers day crew, got AoS Crusher, the one legend i had 5/5. Another Lwaxanna or Prophet Sarah, would have been a better type of "wow" rather than the muted, "ohh, wow, super, obviously the one i don't need pops out of box one."

    But hey, it's a game of chance after all, win some lose some. :smile:
  • [ISA] Big McLargeHuge[ISA] Big McLargeHuge ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    One of my recent voyages netted me Riley Frazier, KDF Gowron, Changeling Bashir, and Lore, all of whom I had at 3/4. That was a good day.
  • Back in the day when Dabo actually dropped jackpots. I won a 5* data. Was shocked. That was two years ago.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was board gaming with some friends last week and I was just finishing the Gauntlet over dinner. I cashed in my 10k pulls that I just received and got a 5* behold.

    Naturally I asked them who I should take and both begrudgingly told me I should take First Officer Riker. I told them there were fools and I can't pass on ZOdo! Who was the only person that I already had and you should always fuse a 5*.

    Then they looked at my like I was an idiot and asked why I'm still playing this game. I tell them a fiddly Star Trek game enriches my life and they're just jealous that I have lots of cool crew.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • NoneNone ✭✭✭
    The first 5 star behold I ever got, I was sitting in a Burger King eating lunch. It was a pretty big surprise. I had been playing this game for 10 months before I got that. Definitely something I wasn’t expecting. I got it in a single basic pull.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    P-Rex wrote: »
    I don't think the title is misleading, i think if you looked at your game and found a reason to chuckle in a doctors office, then that more than justifies the title. Despite what what other people may have "expected" when they saw the title. i reckon that makes the problem on their side and with their expectations. And as a realist, i personally wouldn't have taken the time to type out a response to a question i felt was irrelevant, i'd have just not said anything, but hey, that's just me. For what it's worth, i hope the doctors appointment went well, and you are doing ok.

    I think my best wow moment, was half heartedly plodding along with gauntlet, not a huge fan of it, so i wasn't really paying attention, and had just showed up after crew revived, three box streak, i looked away cause tv was on in background, and came out of gauntlet to find i had a locutus.... And we had been told the day or so before that his time in gauntlet was coming to an end. So i would offer that as a pretty "wow" moment for me. unfortunately i was just sitting at home, so someone else can take the prize for being in a more interesting place than i was.

    Opposite type of "wow" moment, i chanced a pack for this weeks mothers day crew, got AoS Crusher, the one legend i had 5/5. Another Lwaxanna or Prophet Sarah, would have been a better type of "wow" rather than the muted, "ohh, wow, super, obviously the one i don't need pops out of box one."

    But hey, it's a game of chance after all, win some lose some. :smile:

    I am ok thanks. One has to take healthy as a relative term because everyone has some kind of struggle they are dealing with and someone always has it worse. You have to try and take the positive moments and enjoy them. Even something as simple as a jazz musician Riker or Locutus card in a game or seeing a ladybug and recognizing the first signs of spring.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    None wrote: »
    The first 5 star behold I ever got, I was sitting in a Burger King eating lunch. It was a pretty big surprise. I had been playing this game for 10 months before I got that. Definitely something I wasn’t expecting. I got it in a single basic pull.

    A Whopper and a 5*, very nice.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    One of my recent voyages netted me Riley Frazier, KDF Gowron, Changeling Bashir, and Lore, all of whom I had at 3/4. That was a good day.
    My wow moment was recent (the Mother's Day pack). I did 3 pulls and got 1 each of all 3 Legendary (Ambassador Troi, Age of Sail Crusher and Prophet Sarah Sisko)

    😀. Moments like that make a person forget about all the two months it took to get a decent drop.

    I picked up 3 Guinans in about three weeks last September and waited until last week to get another drop in the Gauntlet.
  • Grabbing Locutus on a 3 streak award.
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    I've had a few I suppose. Getting 1st in the arena. Getting 1st in gauntlet. Ticking off stars on missions that have bugged me for a while. I get several joys out of playing this game on a regular basis.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I also enjoyed finally getting Jazz Musicians Riker - he had been the last piece of the puzzle for becoming a 1-2-3 Captain.

    My other biggest pleasant surprise is those few times I’ve looked at crew quarters and gone into a panic thinking I’ve accidentally pocket-deleted a bunch of active crew, but then realize my overflow crew is suddenly active because we’d gotten free crew slots.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    Another moment was immortalizing all 1, 2, and 3* characters.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • i recently had a 10x pull drop 4 purples that i wanted. that was amazing
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