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When Do You Consider Yourself To Have “Collected A Card” Within STT?

IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
Many players (but probably not all) consider STT to be a “card collecting game”. However, my perception from reading through various threads is that we do not all share a common definition of what it means to have ‘collected a card’ in the game. Being respectful of those who have a different view from our own, please share what your criteria is for considering a card in the game to be a part of your personal collection.

Thank you!

When Do You Consider Yourself To Have “Collected A Card” Within STT? 125 votes

As soon as a Card newly Joins My Crew – I have collected it at Level 1 (with just a single Star)
<TGE> DangerDrakeCaptain Durf[NDQ] Joker41NAMNad HalehmigaKaiteescruffy151[QH] Oxmyx[QH] He-Who-Meows[STJ] WendellGrumpferPallidyneAHSOG2Commander Sinclair[SSR]TrollhammerenHungry Dog DDM[10F] NewtonianQBallsBrunt, FCAMOZangelesSDPhotonKim 40 votes
A Card needs to be Fully Equipped, but it does not need to be Fully Fused
[KM]Videm(CSF) Jesus Is Lord [••••]al103GhostStalkerZenthaneXYateballsharqubusRoland 359 8 votes
A Card needs to be Fully Fused, but it does not need to be Fully Equipped
Nero84FutureImperfectakvafycaptain_yar[OPA] Col. Fred L. Johnson[ISA] Big McLargeHuge<TGE> Barncat 7 votes
A Card needs to be Immortalized; if it is frozen in my Cryostasis Vault, it is still part of my collection
ADM Fletcher [ET]uss_bonaventureAviTrekCaptain_WhoCaptain TFProsserRocpileguest_7456Captain Sisko [AA] William T. RikerIvanstoneJim RaynorTaskerKTz[CAB595] Emrys Myrddin[SJ] Admiral Aki[KM] WOLF 359[10F] Fuzzy MooVice Admiral StarfishSpocktopus 60 votes
The Card must be both Immortalized AND residing in my Active Crew Quarters; it is Not in my collection if it is frozen
Althea BiermontThurthoradS14 Bri 3 votes
I do not think STT is a card collecting game
Sabine of AthensData1001[TUFG] SiguardMerinSST - 9of7Ranger YogiRiria 7 votes


  • A Card needs to be Fully Fused, but it does not need to be Fully Equipped
    I would say bare minimum it needs to be FF. Once you have that, you have the potential to immortalize it and "keep" it in some form. Before that they are in danger of being airlocked, and therefore lost.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Card must be both Immortalized AND residing in my Active Crew Quarters; it is Not in my collection if it is frozen
    To collect a card I want to be able to use it. If I'm collecting a card, it's because I think it's cool, right? And if it's cool, I will want to use it, right?

    To that end, it needs to be the best it can be and active.

    For me, if a card is acquired for an achievement or collections, that's just gameplay, it's not the same as having characters you want for their own sake.
  • A Card needs to be Fully Fused, but it does not need to be Fully Equipped
    If we stay with the card gaming analogy, if I construct a deck that maximizes my potential to play the game well, it will not include every card from every pack I've ever bought. I still have all the leftover cards in a box somewhere, and I could put them in my current deck at any time. They are still part of my collection. I am just choosing not to use them at this time.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    As soon as a Card newly Joins My Crew – I have collected it at Level 1 (with just a single Star)
    If I can see it, I've collected it.
    I'd prefer to use it, but I can at least look at the art.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    A Card needs to be Immortalized; if it is frozen in my Cryostasis Vault, it is still part of my collection
    Interesting question. For me, I'm not done collecting the card until it is maxed, so FF and FE. Doesn't matter if it's active or vaulted at that point - the collecting process is complete.
  • Tygra DaxTygra Dax ✭✭
    edited May 2018
    A Card needs to be Immortalized; if it is frozen in my Cryostasis Vault, it is still part of my collection
    I always thought of "collected" as: Cannot be taken from me anymore (because I need to airlock and free up the slot for another card).

    I do think the "should be usable (hence active)" view has merit as well.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    A Card needs to be Immortalized; if it is frozen in my Cryostasis Vault, it is still part of my collection
    If I know I get to keep it long term. For me that means immortalized 1-4*, and FF 1/5. I'd love to wait for 5* to be immortalized, but I know that's not realistic.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    A Card needs to be Fully Fused, but it does not need to be Fully Equipped
    Lol I hit the wrong option but none of them quite fit my thought anyways.

    1-4 star FF but not necessary Fe
    1/5 or greater Fe but not necessarily Ff.

  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Card must be both Immortalized AND residing in my Active Crew Quarters; it is Not in my collection if it is frozen
    If we stay with the card gaming analogy, if I construct a deck that maximizes my potential to play the game well, it will not include every card from every pack I've ever bought. I still have all the leftover cards in a box somewhere, and I could put them in my current deck at any time. They are still part of my collection. I am just choosing not to use them at this time.

    Ah, but I am the type of person who builds decks around cards I like. Yes, I put other awesome cards in there, but I can't play a game when I'm only following the mechanics, I have to have some emotional involvement based on the IP. Cool cards are what make any card game for me.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    The Card must be both Immortalized AND residing in my Active Crew Quarters; it is Not in my collection if it is frozen
    Mine was a combination of two choices.

    First and foremost, if they are frozen, to me, they are not collected. They are deleted with the option to repurchase with merits and/or dilithium.

    Second, if they are a single star at level 1 I consider that card collected as well. It's not complete, but as long as it's in my crew quarters it's collected.

    So really, for me it boils down to this: If it's in my crew quarters it's collected

    The whole frozen thing annoys me. For example, I was first to max Botanist Keiko. I froze her because she had not practical use but has an emotional use. Every time I get a drop of her (voyages or basic portal) I go and look and see my name as first to max and feel I accomplished something small, but fun. Then I airlock her. I would love to be able to look at her at any time without having to waste merits or dilithium to do so.
  • A Card needs to be Fully Fused, but it does not need to be Fully Equipped
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    If we stay with the card gaming analogy, if I construct a deck that maximizes my potential to play the game well, it will not include every card from every pack I've ever bought. I still have all the leftover cards in a box somewhere, and I could put them in my current deck at any time. They are still part of my collection. I am just choosing not to use them at this time.

    Ah, but I am the type of person who builds decks around cards I like. Yes, I put other awesome cards in there, but I can't play a game when I'm only following the mechanics, I have to have some emotional involvement based on the IP. Cool cards are what make any card game for me.

    A perfectly reasonable mentality (I play similarly as well), however, you still don't throw out the other cards you don't like. You could use them, but you choose not to. You still have them in your personal collection of available cards.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Other- It's "collected" either:
    1) when it's a card I like, and I've made the emotional decision that it's not getting discarded.
    2) when it's FF and I've made the rational decision that it can be frozen, so I work on doing that.

    I have several level 1, unfused cards that I've decided I like too much and they're not getting kicked out no matter what, so they're "collected". (I just haven't bothered to level and equip them because they won't be strong enough to use until they're fused.)

    Conversely, I have several level 1, unfused cards that will be airlocked as soon as I need the space. So the fusion/level doesn't matter at all in my head, it's if I'm *keeping* the card. (Which for me, includes the frozen ones.)

  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    As soon as a Card newly Joins My Crew – I have collected it at Level 1 (with just a single Star)
    As soon as I first get it. I guess if I airlock it right afterwards it doesn't count (I'm looking at you 23rd century Martok)

    I feel like the only people trying to convince us that it isn't a card collecting game is DB personnel.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Card must be both Immortalized AND residing in my Active Crew Quarters; it is Not in my collection if it is frozen
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    If we stay with the card gaming analogy, if I construct a deck that maximizes my potential to play the game well, it will not include every card from every pack I've ever bought. I still have all the leftover cards in a box somewhere, and I could put them in my current deck at any time. They are still part of my collection. I am just choosing not to use them at this time.

    Ah, but I am the type of person who builds decks around cards I like. Yes, I put other awesome cards in there, but I can't play a game when I'm only following the mechanics, I have to have some emotional involvement based on the IP. Cool cards are what make any card game for me.

    A perfectly reasonable mentality (I play similarly as well), however, you still don't throw out the other cards you don't like. You could use them, but you choose not to. You still have them in your personal collection of available cards.

    Yeah, but I don't care about those cards. If I want a card because it's cool, it's going in a deck and I'm going to play with it.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Card must be both Immortalized AND residing in my Active Crew Quarters; it is Not in my collection if it is frozen
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    As soon as I first get it. I guess if I airlock it right afterwards it doesn't count (I'm looking at you 23rd century Martok)

    I feel like the only people trying to convince us that it isn't a card collecting game is DB personnel.

    It was their CEO who said it was a card collecting game and that it was their biggest source of revenue
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    As soon as a Card newly Joins My Crew – I have collected it at Level 1 (with just a single Star)
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    As soon as I first get it. I guess if I airlock it right afterwards it doesn't count (I'm looking at you 23rd century Martok)

    I feel like the only people trying to convince us that it isn't a card collecting game is DB personnel.

    DB CEO admitted this is a card collecting game in a press release not that long ago.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    The Card must be both Immortalized AND residing in my Active Crew Quarters; it is Not in my collection if it is frozen
    It's kind of akin to if the owners of Magic the Gathering told players they had to throw all the cards away except for the ones that fit in a provided binder. They let you keep buying packs of cards (and strongly encourage it) but still make you throw away the cards that don't fit. Then they offer to sell additional pages for the binder that allows it to hold more cards.

    If that was their business model, MTG would have been dead in the water.
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    As soon as a Card newly Joins My Crew – I have collected it at Level 1 (with just a single Star)
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    As soon as I first get it. I guess if I airlock it right afterwards it doesn't count (I'm looking at you 23rd century Martok)

    I feel like the only people trying to convince us that it isn't a card collecting game is DB personnel.

    It was their CEO who said it was a card collecting game and that it was their biggest source of revenue

    I don't remember hearing that. I feel like when the game was shiny and new and crew slots were desperately sparse, before cryo, there was a statement that they did not intend for it to be a card collecting game. I'm glad they came around on that matter.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    A Card needs to be Fully Fused, but it does not need to be Fully Equipped
    As long as the card is fully fused I believe I have collected it. I can get the card fully equipped anytime if I want to spend the resources but sometimes it just isn't a priority.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    As soon as I have the 1/5, or full fused for lower rarities.
  • A Card needs to be Immortalized; if it is frozen in my Cryostasis Vault, it is still part of my collection
    Who said STT is not a card collecting game?! lol
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    The Card must be both Immortalized AND residing in my Active Crew Quarters; it is Not in my collection if it is frozen
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    As soon as I first get it. I guess if I airlock it right afterwards it doesn't count (I'm looking at you 23rd century Martok)

    I feel like the only people trying to convince us that it isn't a card collecting game is DB personnel.

    It was their CEO who said it was a card collecting game and that it was their biggest source of revenue

    I don't remember hearing that. I feel like when the game was shiny and new and crew slots were desperately sparse, before cryo, there was a statement that they did not intend for it to be a card collecting game. I'm glad they came around on that matter.

    Here is one of the interviews with him. This was when the number of crew slots in the game exceeded the number of crew in the game.

    Of particular interest is this quote “That’s the primary way we generate revenue in the game, by making collectible content available for people to buy.”


  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    As soon as a Card newly Joins My Crew – I have collected it at Level 1 (with just a single Star)
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    As soon as I first get it. I guess if I airlock it right afterwards it doesn't count (I'm looking at you 23rd century Martok)

    I feel like the only people trying to convince us that it isn't a card collecting game is DB personnel.

    It was their CEO who said it was a card collecting game and that it was their biggest source of revenue

    I don't remember hearing that. I feel like when the game was shiny and new and crew slots were desperately sparse, before cryo, there was a statement that they did not intend for it to be a card collecting game. I'm glad they came around on that matter.

    Here is one of the interviews with him. This was when the number of crew slots in the game exceeded the number of crew in the game.

    Of particular interest is this quote “That’s the primary way we generate revenue in the game, by making collectible content available for people to buy.”


    Thank you. I definitely missed that.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    As soon as a Card newly Joins My Crew – I have collected it at Level 1 (with just a single Star)
    Just having the crew. Mainly, I'm here for the Trek - I like the gameplay, so far as it goes, but the exact same game set in a franchise I have no affection for (Battlestar final season for instance, OMG learn when to stop even if the network wants more episodes), I wouldn't play. So for me I've 'got' a character as soon as I've, well, got them.

    That said it's not purely feels, if I've got a character at one star level one, the only thing between that and FF/FE is the time and patience it takes to equip and citation them. I could complete any crew I currently have, if I want to devote resources to them rather than whoever else is on the workbench (usually whoever's up for event duty next week) - might take a while to citation a 1/5 up to 5/5, but there's nothing stopping me - so it's getting the character to begin with that's the biggest deal for me.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    As soon as a Card newly Joins My Crew – I have collected it at Level 1 (with just a single Star)
    THis is as close an answer that is valid for me. I always train my new crew that I am keeping immediately to level 20-40. I consider it "collected" once I have it and I have made the decision to immortalise it, regardless of *s or level.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • As soon as a Card newly Joins My Crew – I have collected it at Level 1 (with just a single Star)
    For legendaries, 1/5 is enough to be ‘collected’ for me... I’ll fuse out my favorites, ones with really good stats, and the ones RNG tells me to fuse...

    For super rares, I’ll only keep them if I can fuse them, since I have all of the ones I want for the most part... otherwise they can contribute to a citation...
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad. Run, don't walk, to Quark's Holosuite!

    Immortalized: 140 x 5*, 221 x 4*, 74 x 3*, 47 x 2*, 27 x 1*
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