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30 pulls and 4000 dil offer

[QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
I had this offer drop last week and as I’ve had decent luck with it twice before I bit again. I didn’t need the dil really as the recent events crew hasn’t interested me much to buy but I thought maybe I’ll get some crew FF for the vault. Well I did get about 6 fours I didn’t have all from beholds of which I had 9. 2 I fused stars on one was a 3 crew all FF. None of the new ones were great (think Tomalok) but do help with the collections although I had to spring for slots to house them. I got schematics up the wazoo, however none of the new ships and zero of the 5 stars ships. I also received not one single five star crew in the entire 30 pull set. Not even ones I could airlock, zip, zilch, nada, nothing. Needless to say this is bad luck for sure but one thing that I can take from this is I will no longer be buying any more packs. Monthly card for me now and only because it is the one thing that hasn’t been hosed since it came out. 30 pulls, 6 new fours, 2 stars on existing four star crew and all the rest airlock fodder just unbelievable.
Fleet= Quarks Holosuite


  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow you definitely got the short end of the stick there. I think I got 4 Legendaries in mine — 2 of whom put another star on existing crew and 2 that were new. (Though I also got a bunch of Super-rares who I already had immortalized, as well.)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • After I tried 4 pulls last week and every behold was all three FF I figured even though I was missing 70 stars on crew I have and 8 4* crew missing in the portal pool it’s time to stop wasting my money. I Had this offer show up yesterday and decided to ignore it since it would be a waste.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As a rule, I don't buy regular premium packs outright any more. This offer I did mainly for the Dilithium, since it was the same price as buying it in the portal, and then I figured I might get lucky with Beholds on top of it... but if not, a little bit of Honor, at least.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Captain LostCaptain Lost ✭✭✭✭
    [QH] Oxmyx wrote: »
    I also received not one single five star crew in the entire 30 pull set. Not even ones I could airlock, zip, zilch, nada, nothing.
    Yikes, sorry to hear that. I buy the $10 pack offer every time I see it, and the $25 a lot too, but thinking about something like this happening is a big reason I don't want to spring for a $50 offer right now.
    After a year of playing, If I'm spending money on packs, it is in the hopes of getting some Legendary Beholds... $50 and a chance to not get any is too much for me.
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    As a rule, I don't buy regular premium packs outright any more. This offer I did mainly for the Dilithium, since it was the same price as buying it in the portal

    I bought it for same reason. Same cost as a normal Dilithium purchase, with 30 free packs.

    Not happy jumpy about rewards. But, satisfied

    5* Behold - one
    4* Last star to FF - 10... 3 of them straight to cryo, so freed up 3 slots
    4* Upgrade to existing, but not FF - 12
    4* Straight to airlock - 11

    Bonus - One 4* I did not own previously, rare when I have around 95% of them.

  • Jim RaynorJim Raynor ✭✭✭
    I still don't get why DB doesn't garantuee a 5* every 10-15 pulls to reduce the RNG frustration. I doubt that it would negatily impact the sales, I assume that people would buy more packs if they know that they are only a few packs away from a garantueed 5*.

    The main design failure is that STT solely relys on RNG without some mechanics to defuse the most harsh moments of it. So many huge negative experiences could be avoided easily.
  • Emmett KEmmett K ✭✭✭
    They could make a "spend 10 button" that functions like the 6500 options.
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    I almost bought this one. But in retrospect I'm glad I just went with the monthly card.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had a 27+ premium-pull-without-gold streak until yesterday.
  • Jim RaynorJim Raynor ✭✭✭
    Jim Raynor wrote: »
    I still don't get why DB doesn't garantuee a 5* every 10-15 pulls to reduce the RNG frustration.

    I think in the developers' minds, the honor system is supposed to do that.

    I just don't think they are realistic or fair in how many packs we need to airlock before we get anything close to a guaranteed 5* from honor.

    I wouldn't mind to take the Honor system as some sort of compensation if it hadn't such a bad ratio for 4*/5*.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Emmett K wrote: »
    They could make a "spend 10 button" that functions like the 6500 options.

    Ten premium 10-pulls reduced to a single pull of 10 super rare with one guaranteed legendary? I'd rather take my chances with the ten individual packs. Unless they were all beholds... But even then, it's a toss-up.
  • Emmett KEmmett K ✭✭✭
    I would imagine a spend 10 would be an extra button and a choice. It's all a game of chance anyhow
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've wanted this offer for 9 months, to come up at the same time as wife.

    So, it's 11 months late.. or a month early but I finally got my father's day gift lol.

    2 BeGolds.
    Agreed with others above, should be a guarantee 1 in every 10 10s drops.. I feel like the odds used to be better. Like 6 or 7 months ago the odds seemed a we bit better then now.

    I feel if I had opened this 6 months ago I would have gotten at least 4 or 5.

    I had an ok amount of success on 4 stars, but still way too many full house beholds.

    Over all, I think I would have been a bit disappointed but the 4000Dilithium which is new to the offer versus 6 months ago takes since it the sting out. So all things considered.. I'm..
    6.5/10 game pleased with it..
    Pulling with the wife thou did raise the fun level
    And as she got 3 be gold's, that makes me happier. I'd rather she did better then myself.

    ... Then we each did an honor be-gold and I got the exact precise person I wanted in doing it..
    And wife got to add a star to someone she was considering adding to anyways..

    So... You don't exactly get points for that DB..
    But you also do at the same time.. it's weird lol.

    Any who..
    This was a one off for us.
    In a few months we'll do 10*10*$10s but this tapped us for a while.

    Maybe offer this again at Christmas and you -may- get a sale.. (if you up the 5*s )

  • [QH] Oxmyx wrote: »
    I had this offer drop last week and as I’ve had decent luck with it twice before I bit again. I didn’t need the dil really as the recent events crew hasn’t interested me much to buy but I thought maybe I’ll get some crew FF for the vault. Well I did get about 6 fours I didn’t have all from beholds of which I had 9. 2 I fused stars on one was a 3 crew all FF. None of the new ones were great (think Tomalok) but do help with the collections although I had to spring for slots to house them. I got schematics up the wazoo, however none of the new ships and zero of the 5 stars ships. I also received not one single five star crew in the entire 30 pull set. Not even ones I could airlock, zip, zilch, nada, nothing. Needless to say this is bad luck for sure but one thing that I can take from this is I will no longer be buying any more packs. Monthly card for me now and only because it is the one thing that hasn’t been hosed since it came out. 30 pulls, 6 new fours, 2 stars on existing four star crew and all the rest airlock fodder just unbelievable.

    You should ask for your money back.
  • [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    I would have a greater chance of winning the next event with one shuttle and only using one star crew than prying money away from them for something like this. Like what happens in life to most people, they just don’t return to give more business and tell everyone they know to beware and that is exactly what I will do. Yes it is a somewhat rare event but when I drop $50 on something I expect a little more than a minuscule chance and previously I did have some luck, getting at least 2 or 3 fives but to not even get one five behold even FF just chaps my posterior and I won’t be returning to the banquet until I have proof the food is better. I’m not holding my breath just my wallet.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
  • [VA] NATE[VA] NATE ✭✭✭
    When you bought this offer, did you see the 1% chance of getting a gold crew?
  • [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    Yes I did and as I said previously the last 2 times I bought this I received 1-3 five beholds each time. Now this was pre divulging of the actual chance, so coincidence? Perhaps, more likely horrible luck but it doesn’t matter what is the cause, I just know this customer is done buying. I can piss money away elsewhere and get a better value. I’ll keep the monthly card until that gets ruined but unless it’s a crew I must have and there are very few of those I’m done even buying event packs.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    [VA] NATE wrote: »
    When you bought this offer, did you see the 1% chance of getting a gold crew?

    Either way, it would still not be unreasonable to view it as likely to receive one or more legendaries from 300 pulls, if the chance is 1 out of a 100. Then, of course, there is the additional chance from using the 10x functionality, which has a 1 out of 10 chance of a legendary in the "guaranteed super-rare+" slot.

    Basically, you should have a 95.7% chance of pulling at least one legendary from the 10% slot over 30 trials, and 96.8% chance of pulling at least one legendary from the remaining 270 slots with 1.27% chance each. Not sure how to combine those two into a single probability... if the multiplication of the chance to fail is a valid method, you're left with a 99.86% chance of getting at least one legendary.
  • What blows my mind is that DB doesn't seem to realize they're shooting themselves in the foot.

    We really need an update to the pull mechanic that guarantees us at least one useful card. Ideally FF cards wouldn't drop at all.
  • Mr. LincolnMr. Lincoln ✭✭✭✭✭
    Down to 40 possible purples to fuse, until the gold drop improves I am done buying pulls just to throw them out the airlock.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I saw the offer but I didn't buy it for the same reasons as the op has had. Too much repetitions in the loot table. Until something changes I'm voting with my wallet
    DB: Do Better
  • I was not going to do the offet, but changed my mind at the last minute. 5 New Golds, and the final star on 1701 Sisko, who is now FFFE. also final star on Tash and a few other stars.
  • DraftedMcCoyDraftedMcCoy ✭✭✭✭
    I got 4 Begolds, each one had interesting choices and only one had dulpicates (needed stars for them all)

    Interfaced Barclay
    2nd Star for Pike
    Temporal Chakotay

    Usually I dont fair well at all, this offer helped me Ff a bunch of 4 stars
  • I've had 10+ streaks of no gold too.
    IMO , it's not this pack that needs to be adjusted. The big spenders, just needs to get a pack with guaranteed 5* in it, as most of us already HAVE all of the 4* crew....
    So make a new offer with fewer packs in the offer, or increase the price, and add the 5*. The 6500 dil offer for one legendary (I have had 2 golds in one pack once) is a good example of this. We just need a little more of this.
    I'd be more than happy to pay $10 for a single 5* behold, as the price right now is rediculous (avg. about 6 * 650 dil for one gold)
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    I went for this offer and got the following:

    - 5 useful 5* crew (4 new & 3rd star for 1701 Sisko)
    - 13 useful 4* crew (1 new & 4th star for 5 crew, which immortalized 2 of them)
    - 21,800 honor (4* citation + 3,800 honor)
    - useful schematics to finish 2 ships (4* and 3*)
    - lots of schematics for replicator fuel

    Overall I was quite happy with the purchase, since it obviously also included 4,000 dilithium. In 30 packs, getting 5 x 5* and 13 x 4* (14 if I used honor for a 4* citation) useful crew, considering I have 280 immortal crew, seemed good to me.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    My first three had golds, I think six in all.
  • Just to share, I went for the offer despite the fact that there are only 5-6 super-rares in the loot table I can use. I was mostly hoping for golds.
    It wasn't going well until pack 12, then I got 5th star of Lt Cr Dax, 3rd star on Elim Garak, 5th star on Captain Nog, 5th star on Detective Data, and chose Abraham Lincoln in a behold.
    Everything else was airlock fodder except an Icheb, Sheriff Worf and Dominion Dukat (which isn't even that useful)
    Overall, pretty happy because of the golds, but I won't do that offer again until more purples are in the loot table.
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