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My new strategy for clearing crew space.

DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
Some of you may be doing this, but I'm going to lay out my current crew spot strategy.

At first, I was trying to get all the best crew, but I was constantly running into the problem of airlocking crew for space and then hoping I would get them back. I kept 2* crew I was trying to level and kept as many unfused 3* as I could, but I wouldn't level them until I got 3 copies. That was difficult since I wasn't opening any packs due to space.

Then I began a new plan:

I have the 2* crew I need for cadet missions. I airlocked all the others since they are easy to replace.
I saved my chronitons for a couple weeks, used a supply kit and went crazy on the 3 star crew. I have now focused on three star crew for four weeks. I have immortalized 16 of them and have six more close. I have not focused on others and have done only threshold in events. This has let me open little by little the 15 pulls I've been saving. I have 55 immortal 3* crew and 71 of 72 total.

By focusing on the three star crew, I will clear out all the space I was using holding them waiting to fuse them. Then I know I can get honor for any future basic crew drops.

Eventually I will have too many 4* crew for my crew space, but for now, this is working for me. I have 6 open spots right now.

Hopefully this helps other mid-level players.


  • An idea I used was getting the 3s and 2s needed for Cadet missions. After that I used 4 crew slots to level 1, 2, and 3s. I used the crew cost calculator to focus first on easy than below average up to insane.
  • My new strategy is I'm binning all non-canon characters. Unfortunately for me that includes an immortal Gunshow Picard and Princess Jadzia. 😢
  • SST - 9of7SST - 9of7 ✭✭✭
    If you are aiming to finish all 3* without having to worry about slots I would advise to keep premium single pulls and community reward 10xpremium portals for about 2 month --> Smith like 4 10x + min.24 single pulls. Redeem them at once and freeze all the FF 3*.
    Waiting for final stars to drop can be a pain in the **** otherwise.
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    My new strategy is I'm binning all non-canon characters. Unfortunately for me that includes an immortal Gunshow Picard and Princess Jadzia. 😢

    Tell me how Princess Jadzia is non-canon?


    You have made my day. ☺
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Most of the 1/2/3* can be cleared at a reasonable cost so I dedicated several spots for those and kept refilling once frozen. I leave a bunch of spots for unlevelled 1/4*. Depending on the quality of the 4* I wait for at least 2/4 and even up to 4/4 before levelling. This way I keep an "up next crew" for levelling and just drop the lowest 4* if someone better with more stars comes up. I dropped a 1/4* Gralik (however it is spelled) for a 4/4* Geordi this week.

    Keeping the buffer is important to avoid wasting resources on a 1/4 when you can use them on a 4/4 that will come up next week.
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    Several months ago I was facing a crew slot problem. I airlocked all my unfinished 3* chars, most if not all being fully fused. Doing that gave me 30 open slots worth of breathing room. I've since immortalized and vaulted 25 of those same 3* characters, and I almost never buy packs. I also haven't had a crew slot issue since the day I airlocked all those 3*s. In fact, I was able to immortalize characters faster than I was getting them. I have about 40 immortal 4*s I could freeze in my active roster right now without touching the ones I use on a regular basis. I was also able to finally get ALL my legendarys fully equipped (46) for the first time ever. My method might not work for everyone, but it definitely worked for me.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    I no longer have crew space issues. I managed to immortalize all common, uncommon (excluding the overpriced EMH) and rare crew. I have a bunch of 4/4s that I have been steadily finishing and freezing.

    When I did have space issues, the 1, 2 and 3* crew were always the first to go then any weak 4* crew. I'm pretty happy that I can even collect the lower end super rares (like Weyoun lol).
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What I do is......ah, never mind
  • I keep 4*crew who I either like as a character or they have 3 skills (good for Voyages) or they are good in Gauntlet or I really like the picture (yes, that matters, too :smiley: ) I airlock or immortalize others.
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Eventually I will have too many 4* crew for my crew space, but for now, this is working for me. I have 6 open spots right now.

    Hopefully this helps other mid-level players.

    Good tip.

    When I started, I looked up a list of which cadets I needed to beat each of the cadet nodes. I airlocked every 1* that I saw, and any 2* not on that list went straight to airlock. It gave me a well rounded base crew of 2* that were all level 100. Once I had all of the nodes done, I thinned it down to where I only keep four 2* on my active roster.

    After the Sat / Sun missions came out, I did the same thing. I would airlock any 3* that wouldn't help me as a female or alien. When I got all of those nodes done, I thinned it down to where I only need three crew members on my active roster that are female+alien.

    My 4* roster started getting insane, and I was running out of crew space. So, this tip might help the OP work up a good strategy for the future. My "favorites" list consists only have crew members that I have 4/4. So, when I happen to open a pack that gets me my fourth star, I add that person to favorites. I only work on leveling those crew ( plus the new release event crew ). I have been in the game a little over a year, since it came to PC via steam. I have about 50 immortal 4*, and thirty FF currently on my favorites that I am working on. I focus on ONE character at a time. But, since the other FF I want to level are on favorites, they will pop to the top of my roster when one gets some random gear from a voyage. By just tossing them an item as it lights up, my 30 FF are all between level 50 and 100 while I only work on the 90 - 100 characters. Then, those slowly creep up to 80-90 without me working on them. I have about a dozen of the really bad 4* frozen, but the rest make up a really good shuttle crew while my 5* are on voyages.

  • SpyOneSpyOne ✭✭
    When crew slots finally became a crushing issue for me:
    I immortalized all ff crew.
    I immortalized anybody I could make ff.
    I airlocked all remaining 1*, then the 2*, eventually the 3*.
    All my crew slots are full of 4* or 5*. I routinely have to pick which 4* with only 1* to airlock to make space for someone new.
    And I am constantly grinding for honor to buy citations to immortalize crew.

    [sarcasm]This game is lots of fun.[/sarcasm]
    To DB's credit, their offer to make it **tsk tsk** less in exchange for money is getting attractive, but I am sure that would just show me new problems that they want more money to solve.
    The monthly card seemed like a pretty fair deal until I realized that it was meant to start me down a path of giving them more and more money for less and less value.
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