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Prediction or speculation on new ship system / arena

Pepex82Pepex82 ✭✭
edited May 2018 in The Bridge
Anyone with solid ideas on the ship overhaul which was mentioned in the FAQ? I also wonder if it will be linked to a possible Fleet related event/feature.

What are some of the new features/systems we can expect to see this year?
We’re happy to say that there is a new event type coming soon! (Some of you may remember I mentioned it last December.) There is also going to be a modification to the scanning feature later this year. You will see new persistent story content. There will be significant changes coming for ship abilities, which is going to shake up the Arena also later in the year. However, depending on how they shake out, some of those may come in early 2019.


  • It'll turn out to be broken - to the complete shock of absolutely nobody - and provide the forums with several weeks worth of angry threads?
  • •RIVIN••RIVIN• ✭✭✭
    I can't even come up with a good thought on how to fix arena....
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB are so bad at this that it'll just be dumped on us with no hype or feedback on their changes from the community. Most of the major systems in the game are just thinly disguised slot machines. I'll be genuinely shocked if get something that's as deep as Voyages. Much more likely to be Gauntletesque.

  • I am sure the new changes will be great and then DB will amend the change with a "slight" modification which will make it horrible. Voyages use to be great then there was a slight modification and they became almost not worth doing.
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