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Can’t (won’t) Buy event packs due to high chances of wasting my money

It seems like every pack I’ve seen in the store has been one where I already have one of the super rares fully fused, or will get it fully fused in an event. As a result, I haven’t been encouraged to buy any of these packs since all I am likely to get out of them are a piddly amount of honor and some worthless ship schematics that won’t even ever make it into the replicator.

I know we bring this up a lot, but the app really needs to offer us something worth our money when we get a fully fused duplicate. Citations would be nice. 200 honor is a slap in the face and not an incentive.

Just saying, I would have spent $30 or more in the last week if I had any confidence I would get something I didn’t already have.


  • I agree especially with ff beholds. They feel like a slap in the face every time I get 1 considering how many 1/4 I have.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just saying, I would have spent $30 or more in the last week if I had any confidence I would get something I didn’t already have.

    Meanwhile, there are people who regularly spend hundreds chasing something they want while airlocking the excess.

    Until and unless the alternative is more profitable for DB, don't expect it to change.

  • They just had to let go three vital members of the team due to "right-sizing"(whatever the 'ell that means), so they'd better be thinking about doing something. Leaning on the whales can only work for so long, the game is too big for that now. If they can't figure out a way to monetarily engage the fattest part of the bell curve this game is in trouble.
    Maybe the irony is that we play because we’re Star Trek fans, those hopeful idealists that like to think things will get better when we raise valid concerns about fairness and balance, etc and we forget that DB’s greed openly mocks the values espoused by the franchise they have a license for.
    -Lord Wizzlestix I
  • Given that they're going on nearly a week without changing out any of the packs, I'm not sure they're even leaning on the big spenders at this point. I'd be curious to see their revenue averages, but it seemed that they relied on frequent changes to what was available more than just leaving stuff available for longer.
  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    dwhisper wrote: »
    Given that they're going on nearly a week without changing out any of the packs, I'm not sure they're even leaning on the big spenders at this point. I'd be curious to see their revenue averages, but it seemed that they relied on frequent changes to what was available more than just leaving stuff available for longer.

    And before this set of packs, it was two weeks before they changed them (they added the Tribble-ations pack after the first week). And they only had the TNG Anniversary pack out for about 4 days (Thurs-Mon); it came out a day after they put out 4 event packs (the ones that lasted for 2 weeks)
  • It's pretty much just event packs for faction events (because you can spend chronitons on the threshold crew during the event/make them a 4/4) for me. Using some dilithium on extending voyages seems to be a better deal unless you want the chance for 5* beholds.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would suggest bonus honor for dismissing event crew during an event. I would think as a start try 10 times. But I still do not think that is high enough.
  • i agree. many times i got duplicate purple crews or got only 1 super rare crew that end up occupying my crew slots like forever.

    Please increase legendary crew drop rate
  • Got several dupes, including three FF beholds from the special offer.

    Once I hit VIP 14, I've decided that's it. I only get the special offers as it is, but that stops too once I hit 14, and I'm a few hundred points off it. No more monthly card, no more offers, not until they sort it out.

    Someone with a better grasp of stats may wish to correct me, but I think the odds are similar to a Birthday Attack, so if you've half off the 4* FF, the chances that any 4* pull will be a FF character is close to 100%. Have 25% FF, and it's the region of 50%.

    Said before, I don't care if it's a free pull, but when I've paid cash it shouldn't happen. It's bad business, bad customer service and bad development.
  • They just had to let go three vital members of the team due to "right-sizing"(whatever the 'ell that means), so they'd better be thinking about doing something. Leaning on the whales can only work for so long, the game is too big for that now. If they can't figure out a way to monetarily engage the fattest part of the bell curve this game is in trouble.

    it means that people's lives were destroyed so someone could get a share price bump. Really. Get in the game! ;)
  • "Right-sizing" is buzzspeak for caring more about short-term balance sheet concerns than the long-term health of your company. A certain amount of refocus and restructure is important to any company, though usually in small, organic movements. But if the only thing that matters is short-term ROI, quarter-over-quarter... healthy things are sacrificed in order to cover for other gaps (like their recently failed games).

    The fact that the changes harm your marquee product don't matter, because that won't be felt until the next quarter or fiscal year.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    dwhisper wrote: »
    "Right-sizing" is buzzspeak for caring more about short-term balance sheet concerns than the long-term health of your company. A certain amount of refocus and restructure is important to any company, though usually in small, organic movements. But if the only thing that matters is short-term ROI, quarter-over-quarter... healthy things are sacrificed in order to cover for other gaps (like their recently failed games).

    The fact that the changes harm your marquee product don't matter, because that won't be felt until the next quarter or fiscal year.

    Why does this feel like dialogue from Dogs of War?
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