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Daedalus is recruiting

Are we the best? Nope. Are we the brightest? Um...probably not. What we are is active, diligent and looking for new members. We help each other out, and our starbase is at level 34. We have 13 slots open currently, and squad leaders looking to fill out their squads. Inactive members are regularly pruned to give the fleet the best potential in playing the game.

Just hit the fleet button and search for Daedalus. There we be!


  • 11 slots still open.
  • And 11 slots are still open!
  • 10 slots remain to be filled!
  • Hi, Im a lvl62 player, 4 shuttles, i login every day and Im wanting to join decent fleet with good star base contributions. Im currently in TUGA and without a fleet, please can you send me an invite to join your fleet thanks.
  • Opps sorry, forgot to dd my player name: Philip C Wilce

  • I tried a search on your player name and it isn't bringing you up. Can you try a search for Daedalus in the fleet function?
  • 8 spaces remain.
  • We still have 8 spaces available for active players looking for a fleet.
  • We have new slots open on our fleet! Our star base is at level 60 and our squadrons are active. Come join the fun! Simply look up Daedalus and join us.
  • Still have slots open, come join us for the fun!
  • Daedalus has 14 open slots just waiting for someone to join our fleet!
  • Daedalus still has a few open slots in the fleet. We are very active and our starbase is level 61. Come join the fun!
  • We still have a few open slots. We are active with daily players and a Level 61 starbase. Come join the fun and boost your game!
  • Open slots for those interested in joining an active fleet! Starbase is at level 61.
  • Daedalus is recruiting! We have a level 63 starbase now, and active members. We like seasoned pros to come to the party, and we also like newbies to join as we were all newbies at one time!
  • Just joined you guys, be nice to be in an active Fleet! Any discord server or anything?
  • Sorry I'm BHA Oker, I think I've now set my username on here lol.
  • I sent you a message in the game.
  • Just accepted your friend request now mate
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