Premium Pulls buged
in The Bridge
With the free 5 crewslots, i did 12 premium pulls. In four of the pulls i got at least one extra purple 4 star chest wich should give you another super rare crew , but all i got was another rare crew. Final result 12 pulls = 12 guaranteed crews.
Plattform: Android
Plattform: Android
Suppose you pull a 10x and a SR drops in slot 1. If you open another, the border of the box in slot 1 will initially display as purple, but that's just leftover from the prior pull. It doesn't reflect anything about the current pull.
Yup. It's been that way for as long as I can remember.
If you got the guaranteed slot/crew, there's not really a bug.
Either way, a thread like this is generally better suited to the Engineering Room section of the forums.
I know that display bug but this isn´t what i mean. For example you open 10x premium pull. First box is the guaranteed super rare, next boxes are some rare crews and ship shematics, then box seven is a purple 4 star box and inside is only a rare crew member insteed of a super rare.
First box is not a guaranteed super rare. You are guaranteed at least a super rare in the total 10 but not in the first box. If you do not get a super rare in the first box then you know you have at least one behold. Additional boxes may display as purple if you got the super rare in position 1 but those are only displayed that way not that it *should* have been an additional super rare.
It's the same thing. It displays purple/4* initially, until the proper image displays.