new client for iOS 5.1.0 - what's in it?
in The Bridge
releasing a new client same day as event start seems to be asking for issues
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There is nothing player facing.
The release notes have been posted:
Just curious
Maybe they're working on nailing down the shuttle AND problem? One can only hope...
If they do fix it, will they tell us? I hope so.
Sorry, Shan, but that's what y'all said last time, and it wasn't true, so I have a lot of trouble believing you now.
Could you remind me of what you feel was not communicated for a previous client where there were no player facing changes?
You Understood Button went away? I still have it every time I equip stuff.....
{CLARIFICATION: It happens every time I have to build something, then Equip it.}
The 4.0 client was NOT said to have no player facing changes, and in fact the bug you mention was included in the release notes. So that's a terrible example of "no player facing changes" being wrong.
4.0.3 to this day continues to have no player-facing changes, though if you wanted to be technical, fine, there was a new icon and loading screen. But generally when "player-facing changes" are referred to, they specifically refer to gameplay/game UI changes/technical performance/etc.
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Ex-Disruptor Beam