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First opinions of Skirmish events.

Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
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First opinions of Skirmish events. 129 votes

The Force is strong in this one (more)
izausomeCaptain Sisko [AA]Captain QHungry Dog DDM12345678 of 123456789÷ The Eternal ChampionBanjo1012Jean-Luc KenobiBeratis Kesla Redjac[STFL] TheHell2EarthTP do better!! ~Colli~ (PoF)HappyfaceSST - 9of7CatpainCapt. Pete OwenEgo DraconisShy KhanS14 Bri DavideBooksTP:ToPetter ~SE~Primus 30 votes
You must do what you feel is right (good)
uss_bonaventure[7TW] UnkieBCaptainUnderpantsSabine of Athens William T. RikerehmigaIvanstone[DB - Do Better]   ProwlerAntasil[SSR] GTMETsrhrobhudsahShakaarKaiRo(CSF) Jesus Is Lord [••••]RaraRacingAggePinkyfirstJayBeezyPhotonKim~peregrine~ 44 votes
Appology accepted Captain Needa (Colonel. Just try.) (Neutral)
milamber42[NDQ] Joker41NAM[SSR] The Iron CowRocpile[QH] Oxmyx[QH] He-Who-MeowsJim RaynorAlthea BiermontNS111111Tcal(HGH)Apollo[QH] Captain ZiggyThurthorad[DB:LOL] eXo | KurrostanzaWWIII Flying Ace RimmerStrephon Alkhalikoi[10F] Belle'Anna Mirror CartmanCSR _Waylander<TGE> Clifford 29 votes
I have a bad feeling about this (bad)
Captain Durf[SoCo] Dr. Acular[DB:Do Better] More Tranya![TUFG] SiguardNad HalGrumpferal103[S47] ELiLsexy_ladyDarmok campfireNecronjonJassadaSargantilla 13 votes
Copy gold leader I'm already on my way out (ugly)
AviTrekCaptain_WhoJim SteelePallidyneThis Sisko1RennJaxo[BL] Q [BL] C6pilot[GT~] • Picard •LoveshotAlmost a AngelLincoln Hawkguest_866325730029568 13 votes


  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Force is strong in this one (more)
    I think Skirmishes will be a good fourth event type, perhaps with two minor changes:

    1) Cut the time to three days instead of four, or only run Skirmishes as a hybrid with Faction events. It’s a lot of tapping, after all.

    2) Cut the Intel rewarded from ship missions to perhaps five per chroniton spent rather than ten.

    The bonus rewards after each battle are fine. I will take fewer credits to get more honor and chrons, thank you.
  • GAWAGAWA ✭✭✭
    It's very grindy...
  • You must do what you feel is right (good)
    I like the skirishes much better than expiditions.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Appology accepted Captain Needa (Colonel. Just try.) (Neutral)
    It is pretty grindy. I think making Skirmishes part of a hybrid event would cut down on the grind a little. I would like to expand on the idea of cutting down on Intel from ship battles. I like the idea. The grind-to-reward ratio is the real killer. Would rewards have to increase? Make the stakes higher on the skirmishes.

    I struggle as a newer player to beat epic skirmishes. There is a definite curve that DB has to deal with to make it a challenge for everyone. I haven't been playing long enough to judge on that front.
    Farewell 🖖
  • The Force is strong in this one (more)
    imo its Awesome, its an event that rewards effort. yes its a grindy but its rewarding to play. whats great also ftp has a good chance to rank high whilst giving whales a lot of extra stuff. cuttin the intel will mean cutting rewards, so no changes are needed imo except maybe less days or make it a hybrid
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    The Force is strong in this one (more)
    I'm enjoying it now, and I think it actually has more long term potential than other events, as ship and crew strategies will change depending on enemy ships, traits and abilities. I hope they continue the trend of making custom abilities (and names) for enemy ships. (Would I like a 2x/3x speed for the ship battles? YES....)
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    Appology accepted Captain Needa (Colonel. Just try.) (Neutral)
    It’s better than expeditions ( shoving needles under your nails is better than those so it’s not much of a compliment). It’s a decent distraction from the same old events.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Force is strong in this one (more)
    It’s a nice change of pace. A new event type was definitely needed and this changes the landscape well
  • edited June 2018
    Copy gold leader I'm already on my way out (ugly)
    I very much appreciate the goal, concept, and effort on DB’s part. However, I find Skirmishes tedious and time-consuming to the point of annoyance, which is not something I’m looking for in a game.

    Recommend reducing the number of battles per skirmish to three AT MOST and/or allow captains to combine as many battles as we like into one, within a skirmish. Fighting multiple ships at once would be more realistic, interesting, challenging (for all captains, including high-level/advanced), and — if VP are increased according to number of enemy ships defeated — rewarding. I could likely successfully complete at least three Epic battles at once. I realize it’s not a very likely/feasible change and it’s no doubt something that’s been suggested before.

    This is coming from a player who enjoys the Arena dailies as well as the Galaxy AND Expedition event types.
    [GT~] • Picard • Admiral of GAY TREKKERS Fleet, Leader of [GT~] VALKYRIES Squadron.
    "If there is one ideal that the Federation holds most dear, it is that all men, all races can be united." =A=
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    You must do what you feel is right (good)
    Skirmishes are fine, but they could use some tweaking and refining.

    I do like how they're a solid mine for chrons and honour.
  • You must do what you feel is right (good)
    Given the choice between grinding Skirmish, Expedition or Galaxy......Skirmish is the less painful of the 3 for sure.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Appology accepted Captain Needa (Colonel. Just try.) (Neutral)
    There is room for improvement. I liked it at first, but after a day it started to feel old and tired.
    Its better then Expeditions. If this replaces Expeditions, I'd be ecstatic.

    But, it requires too much interface time; add in all the chrons and extra intel one earns, one could spend hours when they are used to spending half the time.
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    You must do what you feel is right (good)
    Skirmishes are fine, but they could use some tweaking and refining.

    I do like how they're a solid mine for chrons and honour.

    I should also add that my entire fleet grinding for intel via ship battles has had the added benefit of getting us loads of much-needed holoemitters for starbase construction.

    If we get Skirmishes once a month then I'm totally cool with that.
  • I have a bad feeling about this (bad)
    It's never ending grindy... If only ship missions wouldn't reward Intel coins, this would have an eventual end like any other event. But you do your event battles, get chronitons, then ship missions, get more Intel... over and over again. I agree on galaxy being a bit of a pain, but at least on those you can see the end of it!

    Besides, I already hate ship battles. It's a pain to complete the 5 needed for everyday's rewards, but at least those I can start and let my ship "sink" while I do something else for two minutes...
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    You must do what you feel is right (good)
    At the moment this event is probably too good with regards to rewards.

    - Out of silliness I don't know what to do with all the extra Chronitons, I ran a Supply Kit on day 1 but have stopped doing that.
    It is kinda nuts, as I only did 6 Skirmishes over Friday and Sat. due to other obligations (3 each day) and still got all the Thresholds, am top 3000, was able to level and FE the new 5* Bashir, Arik Soong, 1701 Jadzia, Waitress Ezri, Anbo Riker and have started on Kurros (and I only replicated three things for all of them!).
    There are few events where I can do that ... and it has not even finished yet. I still have over 10k Intel but not enough time to burn through all of that!
    Also, not sure how much Honor I've recouped, but was at just over 50k after getting a citation for Bashir and am now at 65k ... so I've gained around 10k since Thursday (including airlocking Threshold rewards, fleet Honor etc.).
    I'm a pretty average player, so if I get this, I can only imagine what more dedicated players get!

    - As others have stated, I think it would fit well with a Faction as a Hybrid event.

    - I don't really understand the "grindiness" argument ... isn't that this whole game?
    Also, while you're "grinding" away you're actively improving your overall state in the game ... each battle is going to your own and fleet's daily achievement for ship battles, you are not "wasting" components on building items that are not specifically geared to your crew, each battle brings in extra rewards, you can use your crew for other things during the event and don't need to worry about sending them on a Voyage or Shuttle.
    I cannot stand the grindiness of Galaxy events, so I just quit after Thresholds have been reached ... you could just do that here too, no one is forcing anyone to play the event.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    You must do what you feel is right (good)
    Overall I like it, but the intel rewards from space battles needs to go WAY down... like half or more
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    You must do what you feel is right (good)
    It's never ending grindy... If only ship missions wouldn't reward Intel coins, this would have an eventual end like any other event. But you do your event battles, get chronitons, then ship missions, get more Intel... over and over again. I agree on galaxy being a bit of a pain, but at least on those you can see the end of it!

    Besides, I already hate ship battles. It's a pain to complete the 5 needed for everyday's rewards, but at least those I can start and let my ship "sink" while I do something else for two minutes...

    Not sure what you're getting at here. The end of it is the same as any event: Monday at 11 AM. You're not playing to use up your intel. You're playing to place yourself on your desired spot on the leaderboard. In my case I just want 4/4 Roga. If I have 30K intel at the end of the event, no big deal.

    I don't find ship battles to be too exciting but its not the same as daily arena. Admiral ships are generally much more dangerous. Skirmish ships are weak but you have to do a lot of battles so you want them to be as short as possible.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Copy gold leader I'm already on my way out (ugly)
    The grindiness exists if you want to rank. If all you do is threshold and out then it doesn't matter. You said you have 10k intel and no time to spend it, I have 48k intel, how could I ever spend that? Every other event type has an end point where you're out of resources and would need to spend money to keep going. This event there is no end. I could just sit there and hit the same buttons again and again. That's what makes it a grind.
  • JayBeezyJayBeezy ✭✭✭
    You must do what you feel is right (good)
    Keep in mind that I like expedition events. Skirmishes are much quicker than an expedition ticket. I can finish all 5 ship battles in a skirmish in less than 5 minutes. And, there's a lot less tapping than in an expedition.

    I also think that skirmishes are better than galaxy events. I don't feel like I'm wasting tons of chronitons. While I am spending my chronitons more on ship battles than away missions, that's fine by me. More holoemitters.

    I am constantly running out of Intel. I'm maxing out the VP on Epic. I can barely crack 2500th. I'm just hoping more folks give up on the event, so I can get more copies of Roga Danar. I did an event 10-pull and lucked out on Enemy Lines Sisko on the first try, so I'm not too concerned with a top 1000 finish.
  • i'd love to see a hybrid of 2 days of skirmish followed by 2 days of faction. Grind the 1st 2 days for the thresholds and then faction the last two for rank
    But what i'd really like to see is an intermediate rewards table on hybrids that pays at the end of phase 1.
    "Never teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig" Lazarus Long, Time Enough for Love, R.A. Heinlein
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    You must do what you feel is right (good)
    AviTrek wrote: »
    The grindiness exists if you want to rank. If all you do is threshold and out then it doesn't matter. You said you have 10k intel and no time to spend it, I have 48k intel, how could I ever spend that? Every other event type has an end point where you're out of resources and would need to spend money to keep going. This event there is no end. I could just sit there and hit the same buttons again and again. That's what makes it a grind.

    I assume you're reacting to my post ...

    1. Just stop ... that's the end of the event for you ... no one is making you do anything ... no grinding involved. The natural end point of this event is Monday, just like all others.

    2. I don't have time to spend the Intel I have (still 10k) because I prefer to prioritise other things in my life, not because it is a difficult amount to spend. I'm sure I could blast through it in less than 30 minutes, but I don't have the "luxury" to have that much "free" time ... I could have done some runs instead of replying to your post, but meh, I don't care, I'd rather write this.

    3. Your definition of grind fits for all events in my case. Even for Faction, because I just don't have the game open for very long, during Faction events I'm just running the same shuttles over and over ... I'm not active in game for the 3-4 hours in between.
    There is grindiness in all aspects of this game ... from doing the dailies to levelling and equipping crew ... I've mentioned before on the Forums ... I don't think I run more than 20-25 missions of the many available, am sending out shuttles for the same 3-4 factions (can't remember the last time I sent out a Bajoran or Cardassian shuttle) etc. etc. etc. ... I run the same cadet missions each day of the week ... but for me all this is acceptable, 6 cadet missions, 5 Arena battles, threshold Galaxies sure, but then I'm out and I go do something else.
    Do I care about event ranks? Not really, sure 4/4 Roga is better than 1/4, but I'd be okay with either outcome. Am I going to change my approach to the game just to get a 4/4? No.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    The Force is strong in this one (more)
    Look at all these people, begging DB for a nerf. ;) Oh, how times have changed...

    I honestly think the opening and ending animations need to be addressed before anything else. Play them on full for the first few runs, fine, but I think by the time you get to 1200 Intel cost, the passive animation period should be drastically shortened. Or at least give us a tick-box to enable that option.

    Then see how people feel about the event before tinkering with anything else.
  • Almost a AngelAlmost a Angel ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Copy gold leader I'm already on my way out (ugly)
    To each their own, this is a huge time consumption on ones quality life. Personally I have taken the time to take my Grandson fishing. No Sisko is worth losing that memory.j59r711ofglb.jpg
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Appology accepted Captain Needa (Colonel. Just try.) (Neutral)
    I like the honor you can get but all the clicking is a little frustrating.
    Let’s fly!
  • Appology accepted Captain Needa (Colonel. Just try.) (Neutral)
    Appology accepted Captain Needa (Colonel. Just try.) (Neutral)

    I think if they remove chrons as a reward it would better as it would reduce the number of times you would do the mission and of course replace it with holo emitters and i do think it should be a hybrid 4 days is too long and a community portal would be nice as well.
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