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  • Bounty
    Wrathful Khan, Kha Li Fe Spock, Young Khan, Mirror Phlox
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    Cube, Wrathful Khan, T'Kuvma, Sithshir, Mirror Spock. things live at absolute longest till Khan initializes.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    ISS Exterprise (max)

    Mirror Picard (imm)
    Young Khan (imm)
    T'Kuvma (4/5)
    Hippocrates Noah (imm) - can swap for Cornwell, probably better but cannot be bothered.

    Have not lost once. Fairly quick battles that are over when you hit "boarding" with Picard and Noah(Cornwell), often don't even use T'Kuvma to full effect, but he is great burst for "difficult" battles.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Space wessel: H.M.S. Bounty (Max-Lv.)

    Crew assignments:

    SEC = Mirror Mayweather (FF/FE)
    SCI = Assimilated Tuvok (FF/FE)
    ENG = Augment Riker (FF/FE)
    MED = Bell Riots Bashir (2F/FE)

    Timing the cloak & Bashir minimizes the 400% damage attacks. Delaying the (ship) accuracy can repair hull before battle ends, leading to bonus reward option chosen in over 90% of skirmishes.
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    HMS Bounty with Captain Killy, Prisoner O'Brien, Doctor Chaotica and Sith Lord Bashir.

    I toyed around with my other level 10 legendary ships and slight variations of the above crew, and I could get through the toughest difficulty easy enough but I landed on the Bounty because it feels like I haven't used that ship in a long, long time. I don't really need Bashir's hull regeneration power but it's nice to have around when I forget I started a battle and get distracted by something else.
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Level 10 Cube.

    1. 5/5 T’vkuvma
    2. 5/5 Locutus
    3. 2/5 Darth Bashir
    4. 5/5 Mirror Spock.

    Pop Locutus and Spock right away. Discharge Borg Cutting Tool as soon as it charges (many times I am done after this shot). If needed, pop T’vkuvma as soon as he loads. I never get to Darth Bashir...if I need any hull, I can hit Borg adaptation before firing T’vkumva. Average about 2 minutes per round of 5.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • Level 10 ISS Enterprise, 5* T'Kuvma, 4* Cmdr Kelby, 4* Klingon Torres, 5* Bell Riots Bashir.
  • DittoDitto ✭✭✭
    Cross-posting from the "time sink" thread:

    Ship: Borg Scout Ship

    • Killy
    • Klingon O'Brien
    • Locutus
    • Young Khan

    Pop Locutus as soon as he comes up.

    When they come up (all have inits at 6 seconds) fire: O'Brien, Killy, Borg Laser Cutting Beam

    With 1/5 Killy and 4/5 Locutus, this will result in instant death ~70% of the time and frequently dead within the next shot or two.

    My battle time is usually 7-10 seconds long. While there might be more powerful or consistent compositions, this one has finished matches the fastest for me. If I'm focused on it, I can clear a set of 5 matches in 2:30-3:00.

    I don't have a Locutus, but I setup a basically identical strategy:

    Rura Penthe Reed (replaced with Young Khan for the extra VP .. doesn't really change the outcome much)
    Platonian Kirk
    Scientist Degra
    Suus Mahna Sarek

    Every fight over in 10-11 s. event he final Sarcophogus.

    Activate Kirk/Reed (or Khan) at same time, when Kirk is ready ... @6s in ..
    Activate Borg cutting beam immediately after both are used.
    @10 s .. activate Hull repair, then Degra + Sarek at same time ...
    90% of the time, instant-dead .. occassionally, you wait 1 more second for them to finish it up.

    *lather-rinse-repeat .. :)

  • edited June 2018
    All is in the video. 6sec kill 90% of the times..
    In Phase 2 I actually 1 shot everything cept the 1st ship sometimes.. oddly enough..
    i did get will Scarlet in a pack and used him instead for last few hours.
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