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Skirmish & Expedition Events - Made for each other!

Of course, I can't speak on the profitability of this new event type, but hopefully DB will make enough to reward us with it again!

I was originally thinking of how to link this (again, if profitable to DB) to Expeditions, since the Expedition part is like the Away Team segment of the episodes, and the Skirmishes are the Space Battles, why not fuse them somehow?

Logistically, it would be a pain, UNLESS you mate them together running simultaneously, thusly:

Enter Event, story etc., first up Skirmish.

Complete Normal level Skirmish, awarded 1 Expedition ticket
Complete Elite level Skirmish, awarded 2 Expedition tickets
Complete Epic level Skirmish, awarded 3 Expedition tickets

That way, we get our Expeditions much more often, and it is changed up from a stale routine of Events.

Obviously the Skirmishes will have to be tweaked slightly based on the info from this first event. Screen sizes adjusted, etc., threshold rewards slightly higher/harder to achieve, and maybe adding ability for squads to share crew, thereby giving us community rewards as well, would definitely help.

I want to become a Dilionaire...
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