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Is kahless the unforgettable worth it or 2 citations?

Is kahless the unforgettable worth it or 2 citations?


  • It really depends on the rest of your crew. I've had him for a while and take him to the gauntlet fairly regularly. I believe he also used to go on voyages, but I've since obtained or FF better CMD/DIP/SEC crew while Kahless is still 1/5*.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No. Absolutely not. You have to spend 100k to get him at one star. I am very thirsty for a high COM/MED combo but I’m not dropping the 300k for Bev. I’d much rather put that towards strengthening what I already have
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    It depends on the player. For myself no, I've passed on both of the honor hall golds (I suppose I could change my mind some day). Don't care much about the gauntlet and can rank well without Kahless so I'd rather use my honor to improve my overall crew.
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    Outside of the 'collecting' aspect of the game, Kahless' primary value within gameplay comes from his usefulness in the Gauntlet. How often you would use him there depends on how you approach choosing your Gauntlet crew (or of course whether you even play this game feature, as some players have posted that they do not). That is, I can envision where some players probably put Kahless into their crew of 5 pretty regularly, and others would use him sparingly, depending on who their other available crew are, plus their strategy they employ within the Gauntlet.

    I think given the title of this thread, I think it should also be asked, how much benefit do you get within the game by adding a couple of Stars to the Legendary crew you own? Is bumping up the Core Skill stats a bit on 2 separate cards, or a more substantial amount on 1 card, going to do a lot for you? That is, if you already have a strong enough crew to do very well on Voyages and in Faction Events, then how much do 2 Citations really benefit you?

    As @Skizzy wrote, the ultimate answer is, 'It depends' :)
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've considered him for a while but my feeling is just not right now, i'd rather put my citations on Commander Kira or Gangster Kirk for now.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've had him almost since release and he's proven to be immensely valuable. I don't use him all the time now since I have alternate choices for the Gauntlet for CMD (Damar, Mirror Picard, LaBorge). He's still the best CMD on top of having pretty good SEC. SEC is still a gauntlet weak spot relative to DIP, MED, CMD and SCI.

    It did help that I finished leveling him during the Klingon Mega event.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kahless has one of the strongest voyage scores in the game. I have never regretted fully fusing mine.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    How about for players that participate in gauntlet regularly and don't own the ubiquitous Mirror Picard? Does the relative value of Kahless improve then?
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    How about for players that participate in gauntlet regularly and don't own the ubiquitous Mirror Picard? Does the relative value of Kahless improve then?

    If you put a lot of stock in the gauntlet then yes. I play gauntlet religiously, don’t have Khaless, and still do well. He’s not essential for victory or anything.

  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Elynduil wrote: »
    How about for players that participate in gauntlet regularly and don't own the ubiquitous Mirror Picard? Does the relative value of Kahless improve then?

    If you put a lot of stock in the gauntlet then yes. I play gauntlet religiously, don’t have Khaless, and still do well. He’s not essential for victory or anything.

    If you don't have Mirror Picard (like Elynduil mentioned) then, yes, it's very likely Kahless would be a large upgrade to your Gauntlet crew.

    The following are the top CMD rolls in the game with their overall proficiencies as well. Kahless is the top and It's really not even close:
    Yes, you can certainly be successful without Kahless. I don't take him all the time and I am still very successful when I leave him out. But that says more about how powerful Picard is when he has a trait advantage over Kahless.

    If you're missing Mirror Picard (and any of the other "high CMD" rolls) then Kahless will be a huge boon to your setup.
  • arjunaarjuna ✭✭✭
    If your talking about gauntlet apparently the only crew you need is Guinan. After that it really doesn't matter if your on the A schedule
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    How about for players that participate in gauntlet regularly and don't own the ubiquitous Mirror Picard? Does the relative value of Kahless improve then?

    Yes! I have both, and I usually take Kahless to gauntlet, not Mirror Picard (unless Mirror Picard has a trait bonus). My Kahless regularly wins against Mirror Picards on a SEC + CMD gauntlet faceoff.

    All that said, when I got Kahless, gauntlet was still fairly new and I never landed a Locutus, so I needed something to give me an edge. Thanks partly to Kahless, I did finally place first in a gauntlet.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    Well, I guess I'll keep on saving for him, then. I have quite a few top-of-the-range gauntlet crew, but nothing in CMD...
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you're a low-ish spender or vip0, I would highly recommend citations, and not Kahless. Slots will be an issue, and he's not anywhere near invincible.
  • Hamsters2Hamsters2 ✭✭✭
    First thing I did when started playing was save honor until could get Kahless. Definitely no regrets. Improved my voyages and guantlet rankings by a large margin. If you took him away now would I save up the 100K for him? Maybe not, I have other options. Just like I'm not going for Beverly. However, early game, I think Kahless is one of the biggest, most immediate boosts you can get.
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    If you're a low-ish spender or vip0, I would highly recommend citations, and not Kahless. Slots will be an issue, and he's not anywhere near invincible.
    As low-spender I'm of opposite opinion. If you are not old enough to get Kahless yet as vip0 or low spender you don't have that many chances for a good Gold and Kahless will really improve you line up even as Com/Dip/Sec. You may want to wait if you got somebody else that is awesome, but getting him should be on your plans.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    al103 wrote: »
    If you're a low-ish spender or vip0, I would highly recommend citations, and not Kahless. Slots will be an issue, and he's not anywhere near invincible.
    As low-spender I'm of opposite opinion. If you are not old enough to get Kahless yet as vip0 or low spender you don't have that many chances for a good Gold and Kahless will really improve you line up even as Com/Dip/Sec. You may want to wait if you got somebody else that is awesome, but getting him should be on your plans.

    I can see the logic in that, but one good Gauntlet crew (Kahless) will not really turn the tide for someone in that position. Two good ones won't either, but it'll come a lot closer.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I can see the logic in that, but one good Gauntlet crew (Kahless) will not really turn the tide for someone in that position. Two good ones won't either, but it'll come a lot closer.
    I'm not talking about Gauntlet. 3/5 Kahless visit my 8h voyages very often. Two more stars and he's guarantee on all com and most sec ones (if he wasn't already, lol) and would be decent backup Shuttle crew with 1000/800 for Com/Sec. When I got him I had less good crew and he was on half or more of voyages at all even as 1/5.

    Now I certainly would've dropped those stars on Guinan or less likely on Burnham, but that's because I lucked on Guinan and Burnham. Maybe Leonardo. And 3 stars on Kahless for me are better than 5 on Soup Picard (well, because I would get 5 on Kahless sooner or later, probably sooner).
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Khaless is very forgettable. Never minded not having him and never gave it a thought to get him. To me, two legendary citations mean much more than a one star Khaless
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Khaless is very forgettable. Never minded not having him and never gave it a thought to get him. To me, two legendary citations mean much more than a one star Khaless

    Just curious, but how much stock can we really put into the evaluation of someone who doesn't have the character and has a viable gauntlet replacement?

    OP has stated he doesn't have mirror Picard, so adding a high proficiency character would significantly improve their gauntlet status.

    You arr probably right in the context of a player that already has Damar or Picard, but I don't think you are considering the OP's situation.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Khaless is very forgettable. Never minded not having him and never gave it a thought to get him. To me, two legendary citations mean much more than a one star Khaless

    Just curious, but how much stock can we really put into the evaluation of someone who doesn't have the character and has a viable gauntlet replacement?

    OP has stated he doesn't have mirror Picard, so adding a high proficiency character would significantly improve their gauntlet status.

    You arr probably right in the context of a player that already has Damar or Picard, but I don't think you are considering the OP's situation.

    I can see your point. Speaking only for me, even before I got Damar and Mirror Picard I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of dropping 100,000 honor on a crew member that gains you one or maybe two extra wins before fatigue sets in. Before the mirror mega, I was pouring honor into finishing Yarnek because I needed help with my SCI crew and two stars on him was worth more than one on Kahless even though I was sending out Mirror Kirk and T’Kuvma for COM in the gauntlet.

    Then again, that was before Mirror Picard existed and (I think) before Damar was released to the general portal pool, so the need for such a powerful character wasn’t that great. Now, with so many people having Picard, Kahless has more utility to those who either started after the mirror mega event, sat it out, or simply were not competitive at the time.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Khaless is very forgettable. Never minded not having him and never gave it a thought to get him. To me, two legendary citations mean much more than a one star Khaless

    Just curious, but how much stock can we really put into the evaluation of someone who doesn't have the character and has a viable gauntlet replacement?

    OP has stated he doesn't have mirror Picard, so adding a high proficiency character would significantly improve their gauntlet status.

    You arr probably right in the context of a player that already has Damar or Picard, but I don't think you are considering the OP's situation.

    It’s fine, you don’t have to take my word for it but I have won multiple gauntlets without Khaless, Picard, or Damar. They would give you MAYBE one more victory per go around. I just don’t feel like that is worth 100k honor.
  • One argument that seems to have been forgotten, for the regular 5* crew you might even pull one from the portal. Kahless you will never pull from the portal, so that makes him also a 'save bet' you won't have to airlock him because you already fully fused him using citations.
    That being said, I did spend the 100k on Kahless (still at 1/5) and him pretty much every gauntlet even though I do have Mirror Jean-Luc Picard immortalized.
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