Pre Farming for Galaxy Events
in Ready Room
Is there any list what items mostly appear on Galaxy Events and where to farm them?
not a list which at which event (i know that exists) but a list which items appear mostly all over and are quite often on a low inventory level and where exactly to find them?
not a list which at which event (i know that exists) but a list which items appear mostly all over and are quite often on a low inventory level and where exactly to find them?
note things like "Common Database" have been in multiple recipes per event.. thus 85 times... even though i don't think we have had 85 Galaxy events...
I used the great sheet compiled by ThaiGQ .. he updates it usually soon after events start.
its GREAT in that it has links to missions.. and costs...
Also, did you factor in the quantities of the items used in the recipe, or did you just count appearances?
I view my pre-farming as having 2 main parts. One is to keep a healthy stock of all Basic and Common "Component" items - that is, the 21 different types of items you see when you select this 'Filter' option in the Inventory screen (i.e., from Casings appearing at the top through to Microconnectors appearing at the bottom). What your target could/should be for these is influenced by how long you have been playing, and so what quantities you may have been able to already build up over time. For example, I doubt I will ever consume all of the Basic Alcohol I have (currently over 7,000) as this is an item that always seems to come into stock more readily than being consumed. On the other hand, Basic Sensors are something I need to conscientiously make an effort to replenish from time to time. I have gotten to the point in the game where I have at least 700 of all Basic Components, and at least 400 of all Common ones, but you might set your targets for now to something lower like 400 and 200 (or higher, if you're in better shape than me!). Note I am suggesting you not have exactly the same target for all items, and acquire more of the Basic ones, as their consumption rates in Galaxy Events are not the same. That is, the above list tells you how many times each item has appeared, but it does not say (I don't think, unless I am misreading it) that some of the recipes required using 2 (or even perhaps 3) of something at a time.
The second part of my pre-farming buildup is for the items that appear when you 'Filter' the Inventory screen to show "Equipment". With these I generally increase them together with stepped targets. For example, you go out and get 50 of each first, and then when you have done this, you bump them all up to 75, etc. With this approach, when a Galaxy Event comes, no matter which items DB has chosen to include in its recipes for that event, you will be able to get off to a good start, having a base amount of everything in inventory. Then when the event is over (or your participation is finished if for example you choose to stop at 130,000 Victory Points), the Equipment items that were not in the recipes are already at your current target level, and you just need to restock the ones that were consumed. By keeping a common target, it helps when you are looking through the Inventory screen to see which items are at, versus below, the target, and you can more readily identify which ones you need to restock.
Note I do make a few exceptions in my targeting for the Galaxy Equipment items, as from experience I have learned their usage tends to be higher. An example of this is the Detronal Scanner, which is usually used 2 at a time when it appears in a recipe. Therefore for example, if my target was 50 for most other items, I would work to have 100 of these in stock. That is, ideally you have your inventory balanced so that you can go through lots of recipes at the start of a Galaxy Event, without running out of anything.
The other items rotate more, so they are a bigger risk of waste.
i only counted "number of appearances, didn't weight them for how many were used per recipie perhaps next time i take a run at it...
now i have to remember how i did the matching...
i compiled all the data from all the recipes from each event into a big sheet...
then did a count of matching rarity and item name... =COUNTIFS(range1,critera1,range2,critera2)
so =countifs(A1:a400,"common",B1:B400,"Sensor")
there were some more steps to it... first getting a unique list of items, etc. then the "common" or "sensor" replaced by variables.. etc..
yea.. Excel Geek i am during a slow day at work.
Nice work, but this is actually 49 items
the 50th item
I use a multiplier to determine how many of each item to keep on hand. I started with a very low number, like 10 (so for an item like Database (Panel) *, which occurs in the recipes 11 times, I would strive to keep 110 in inventory), and worked my way up incrementally over time.
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Is there a link to your Top 50 list, assuming those hyperlinks also link to the missions/costs?