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The Case For Enterprise E Picard to be Revamped

Greetings, fellow Trekkie’s. I am a big fan of this game, as are many of you. I’ve spent more on this game than any in the past and I spend a lot of time studying the stats of characters while comparing them to the episodes in order to find context and justification for their numbers.

One of my favorite aspects of this game is how the stats are based on their likeliest and most reasonable numbers based on the context of the character’s specific situation.

In the beginning, the Enterprise-E Picard made more sense, since it was our only legendary Jean-Luc Picard. It represented who Picard was, overall. It was also from the most popular movie, First Contact. But with more variations of Picard being added, often representing his diplomatic side as seen in the episode, it seems like having a Picard with a rifle in hand should be more of a security-based character.

While I concede Picard was always a diplomat, first...he was not a diplomat, at all, in First Contact. He was a raging mad-man hell bent on destroying the Borg. He wouldn’t even retreat until WORF convinced him they must.
1. “The line must be drawn here. This far. No farther. And I will make them pay for what they have done.”
2. He said this moments after taking the phaser rifle, used in the art work, and shattering a glass display of all previous Enterprises.
3. In this movie, Picard actually killed a Starfleet crewmember who was still being assimilated. He, along with countless others, have been shown assimilation to be reversible, if not with psychological effects. The young man was pleading for help. This was arguably homicide.
4. The other movies do feature Picard in more diplomatic moments. You know you’re going to want to give us a full movie-jacket version, as well as a dress uniform version from Insurrection, at some point. In those situations, Picard will almost certainly be diplomacy focused.
5. Like I said, Worf convincing you that it is time to retreat is significant of Picard’s bloodlust for the Borg in First Contact. Picard became Captain Ahab. When Lilly told him this, he realized the err of his decisions and told a relieved-Beverly Crusher, and bridge, “Prepare to evacuate the Enterprise.”

With all this in mind, this man does not represent a diplomatic commander who can fight. Dip/Cmd/Sec are his stats. No. This is more of a Security/Command/Diplomacy character, I feel. Maybe a Security/Dip/Cmd or even Security/Dip/Science, knowing Picard’s science officer past.

His current stats are weak, as we all can admit. He is useless in the gauntlet and his low base stats make him a weak diplomacy choice, even when immortalized. I feel we could shift his stats to a modest variation of what I proposed and not only better represent the star of one of the most important movies in the lore, but we could give new life to a version of Picard lost in the shuffle for us players with any fair diplomacy line-up.

I appreciate you reading this far into my opinion. It is just one man’s thought. I understand they do not wish to change character stats in most scenarios but I think this has potential to be a case worthy of exception. I hope you’ll let me know your thoughts and help improve this idea.

Gods of Time


  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mirror Picard seems an adequate fit for what you're asking.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Never gonna happen. How many players have chosen that Picard she leveled him because of his existing stats. That would be a massive nerf and would generate a ton of tickets. All to make stats reflect a picture. DB has way bigger priorities than dealing with that mess for so little gain.
  • Science was a hobby for Picard. On the Starglazer, he was a Helmsmen. At least add Pilot to his traits.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have sympathy for this argument because I do feel that Enterprise - E Picard is the best pictorial representation of him that we have as a Legendary.

    However, they can't redesign him in a way that would lower any of his stats. And if they redesign Picard, everybody will want their favourite character redesigned so it is best a can of worms left unopened.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    The only "revamping" I want is for any 5* with an ending item below 4* rarity, to be upgraded.

    I mean, this just looks silly.

    Detective Data's last outfit too.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    He sure as hell was diplomatic when he convinced Lily to not smear his brains all over the observation deck
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    He sure as hell was diplomatic when he convinced Lily to not smear his brains all over the observation deck

    He was also pretty diplomatic when he talked his way into Nicky the Noses' table
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    He sure as hell was diplomatic when he convinced Lily to not smear his brains all over the observation deck

    He was also pretty diplomatic when he talked his way into Nicky the Noses' table

    Hey I'm gonna take that personal in a second
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    There are some cards which should be revamped in terms of raising base stats I think, but not changing primary to something else. Captain Scott is perhaps the only card I think which should have skills added to it. A one-skill legendary should never have been an option.

    Captain Scott was a "failed" experiment. He is balanced on stat budget completely around his paasive ship boosts, which are by far the best in the game. He ended up extremely strong in that regard, however since application of ship battle strength ended up with actual ship abilities and their bonuses (crit, burst damage, attack speed, regen) being the main focus, so his passive stats heavy approach was out shined.

    That said, there are still folks who swear by him, and he isn't weak by any means. Adding a bonus to his active woild be a better retune to make him more useful for his intended purpose.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Roonis wrote: »
    There are some cards which should be revamped in terms of raising base stats I think, but not changing primary to something else. Captain Scott is perhaps the only card I think which should have skills added to it. A one-skill legendary should never have been an option.

    Captain Scott was a "failed" experiment. He is balanced on stat budget completely around his paasive ship boosts, which are by far the best in the game. He ended up extremely strong in that regard, however since application of ship battle strength ended up with actual ship abilities and their bonuses (crit, burst damage, attack speed, regen) being the main focus, so his passive stats heavy approach was out shined.

    That said, there are still folks who swear by him, and he isn't weak by any means. Adding a bonus to his active woild be a better retune to make him more useful for his intended purpose.

    I’m one of those people. At 1/5* FE he is a fantastic complement to Crell Moset for boosting accuracy on my Bounty from the moment my cloak drops to the moment I can fire it up again (assuming my opponent lasts that long, which is rare).
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    Roonis wrote: »
    There are some cards which should be revamped in terms of raising base stats I think, but not changing primary to something else. Captain Scott is perhaps the only card I think which should have skills added to it. A one-skill legendary should never have been an option.

    Captain Scott was a "failed" experiment. He is balanced on stat budget completely around his paasive ship boosts, which are by far the best in the game. He ended up extremely strong in that regard, however since application of ship battle strength ended up with actual ship abilities and their bonuses (crit, burst damage, attack speed, regen) being the main focus, so his passive stats heavy approach was out shined.

    That said, there are still folks who swear by him, and he isn't weak by any means. Adding a bonus to his active woild be a better retune to make him more useful for his intended purpose.

    I’m one of those people. At 1/5* FE he is a fantastic complement to Crell Moset for boosting accuracy on my Bounty from the moment my cloak drops to the moment I can fire it up again (assuming my opponent lasts that long, which is rare).

    I like him, and see his merit, but with the burst/crit meta, he feels like a handicap without a stronger active.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Detective Data's last outfit too.

    Data is fine. He's a relatively difficult to equip character to begin with, no need to make him harder.

    Dear OP,

    I'm sorry there will be no discussion of changing old crew's stats until Captain Scott gets more than one skill.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    He sure as hell was diplomatic when he convinced Lily to not smear his brains all over the observation deck

    He was also pretty diplomatic when he talked his way into Nicky the Noses' table

    Hey I'm gonna take that personal in a second

    Sorry guys, that's Tommy Gun Picard.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Roonis wrote: »
    Roonis wrote: »
    There are some cards which should be revamped in terms of raising base stats I think, but not changing primary to something else. Captain Scott is perhaps the only card I think which should have skills added to it. A one-skill legendary should never have been an option.

    Captain Scott was a "failed" experiment. He is balanced on stat budget completely around his paasive ship boosts, which are by far the best in the game. He ended up extremely strong in that regard, however since application of ship battle strength ended up with actual ship abilities and their bonuses (crit, burst damage, attack speed, regen) being the main focus, so his passive stats heavy approach was out shined.

    That said, there are still folks who swear by him, and he isn't weak by any means. Adding a bonus to his active woild be a better retune to make him more useful for his intended purpose.

    I’m one of those people. At 1/5* FE he is a fantastic complement to Crell Moset for boosting accuracy on my Bounty from the moment my cloak drops to the moment I can fire it up again (assuming my opponent lasts that long, which is rare).

    I like him, and see his merit, but with the burst/crit meta, he feels like a handicap without a stronger active.

    For the arena, I don’t like to use instant damage crew. They’re too easy to avoid on defense...a nice, steady attack that doesn’t require you to roll the dice on whether or not you actually hit someone with the burst to win works just fine for me.

    FWIW, I have Mirror Mayweather and 1701 Jadzia as the other crew for the Admiral division. Mayweather’s atrack boost is pretty nice, after all.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    He sure as hell was diplomatic when he convinced Lily to not smear his brains all over the observation deck

    He was also pretty diplomatic when he talked his way into Nicky the Noses' table

    Hey I'm gonna take that personal in a second

    Sorry guys, that's Tommy Gun Picard.

    But without Enterprise E Picard... could there be a Tommy Gun Dixon?
  • [SSR]Trollhammeren[SSR]Trollhammeren ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Tbh no 5/5 should be bellow any 4/4 in stats....some of the older 5* are just airlockable from the get go... (I've: Founder / Shinzon)
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Science was a hobby for Picard. On the Starglazer, he was a Helmsmen. At least add Pilot to his traits.

    He also took helm on Enterprise D to slingshot the ship around that asteroid.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wouldnt change his skills but his stats should be increased as should many of the very old cards. Even if they just got a 10% boost. Might be a fun thing for db to update the stats each month for the ones that came out 2 years ago that month. So people could check wiki and see when a crewmember they have came out two years ago and count down the days till it gets a boost. Something to reinvigorate the old crew and keep the game fresh.
    Let’s fly!
  • RogaDanarRogaDanar ✭✭✭
    I wouldnt change his skills but his stats should be increased as should many of the very old cards. Even if they just got a 10% boost. Might be a fun thing for db to update the stats each month for the ones that came out 2 years ago that month. So people could check wiki and see when a crewmember they have came out two years ago and count down the days till it gets a boost. Something to reinvigorate the old crew and keep the game fresh.

    They could do this in conjunction with a rerun of an event featuring them or a pack featuring them.
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