Okay. Where can I find that.....
in Ready Room
Thingie that tells how many Points we get for cashing in The Rare thingies in a Glaxy Event Phase Two versus Phase One?!?!?
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
Thanx. Searched the Wiki, did not see it!!!!!!
At different times, DB has used different scoring systems in Galaxy events.
The CP/TWT/OB tables are mentions for Contingency Plan, The Whole Truth, and Orion Belt events which used a somewhat more generous VP scale. These events were run March 2017, August 2017, and October 2017 respectively. I wouldn't expect this scale to be used unless one of those three events were rerun.
edit: go figure, I just learned about the "references" function in the wiki through this. so there is an explanation, just a small one at the bottom. now I know!
You don't even have to scroll to the bottom of the page to know! You can just click on the [#] and it will take you there automatically ...
Don't mean to sound like a douche but ...
They use the same system in books or academic texts where they want to add a footnote or endnote to something that is written down in the main body of text ... if you add the footnote directly to the text it is usually distracting information for the reader. So, if you want to know what that note references you scan to the bottom of the page/ end of chapter/end of book .... it is kinda common practice.