What I really didn't like about this mega event
I really didn't like that the 5* guys (with the exception of Darth Bashir) that you worked to get (or paid money for) were useless for the rest of the event. It's a lot more fun if get to use the guys that you got from the event, in the freeking event. I know a lot of people have said that they did not like DB choice of event guys but I can get past that and most of them were sort of cool esp. 8472 .... but like I said, it just makes the event less fun if you can't use your new guys.
I know people buy collectors items and keep them in the package and put them on a shelf to look at.... I want to play with my new toys :P
Immortalized: 140 x 5*, 221 x 4*, 74 x 3*, 47 x 2*, 27 x 1*
Plus that assumes that you got a 5/5 guy.... most people who got the 5* guy, only got 1,2 or if they were really lucky 3 copies of the card. Only one guy per event won a fully fused copy .... and that wasn't me lol
Generally I think this mega has been ok, but like many players it's running out of steam.
1) Borg month, all borg were bonus, all 5* cards throughout the month were borg
2) Klingon - all klingons were bonus and all 5* cards were klingons
3) Discovery I - all STD cards were bonus and all 5* cards were STD
4) Mirror - all Mirror Universe were bonus and all 5*s had that trait
5) STD II/Andorian - This started to have cards that weren't bonus such as Dress Uniform Scotty but most were bonus throughout the event
6) Vulcan/Romulan - all vulcans and romulans were bonus and all 5* cards had one of those traits
7) DS9/Augment - basically only Augments were bonus but only the O'Brien from this week has that trait. None of the other 5*s were bonus crew for the rest of the event
This event definitely stands out as a dud compared to the others when you look at bonus crew.
Not really, but maybe its the 'new' trend.
Borg, there were a couple odd balls not Borg, but were all 4*.
Klingon, same non bonus for full event were 4*
Discovery vol1 - same
Mirror - no real non- bonus
Discovery vol 2 (Guest staring the Andorians) - 1 5* non bonus for rest of the event - Scotty, but it was also Scottys first event.
Vulcan/Romulan - Non bonus for full event were 4*
So really, this one and Discovery Vol 2 have been the outliers but might be a new trend.
Darth Bashir was an uninspiring choice, basically a version of a card that we got only a few months previous, Prisoner Cornwell, and Guinan, and another Bashir who has been around a long time. So just didn't add that much for veteran players.
The reluctance of DB to just put in more Augments, presumably because they are trying to milk the collection.
And finishing with a poor, non-canon legendary in a ho hum 6 day snorefest. Really none of the legendaries from the event were that standout.
Highlights were Sarina, a nice Augment and overall excellent 4* that I imagine will remain useful for most players for quite a while and nope, can't think of anything else... Yet another Dax that's just a weaker Romulan Data? It is a pretty picture....
The other events had 4*s that didn't get event bonus.
Personally, I benefited from the fact that they kept the DS9 characters in the 5* slot and the Augments in the 4*. It allowed me to actually immortalize a large number and complete the Augment collection.
Yes there were 4*s in all of the megas that weren't bonus crew the rest of the event but the OP was specifically talking about the legendaries. I'm perfectly fine with 4*s not being bonus if they fit with the theme/story of the event or at least have some tangential relationship to the mega (such as Amanda Grayson in Vulcan month).
Solved one problem but created others.
That would have been the biggest event crew, by far, in the history of any event. I, personally, enjoy narrower events and smaller event crews. Needing 100% bonus 100% of the time makes things really bland.
Plus, I don't welcome the debates over which versions of Worf/O'Brien are DS9 vs TNG.
Malik and Leeta though are just uninspiring Com/Dip/Sec. And DB botched their representation on top of that.