§ë • Subspace Eddies • SB: 134 + 134 • BB: Ultra Nightmare

Greetings fellow citizens of the cosmos,
Subspace Eddies is possibly the fleet that you didn't know, that you didn't know, that you probably weren't looking for. Despite that, joining our fleet might be the best opportunity you've read about in at least this entire sentence.
All VIP levels are welcome. The fleet does have a Discord server, which captains are required to join and is the best place for fleet communications and resources, though you're not required to chat unless you feel like it. However, you must be relaxed and groovy, active, and let us know if you are going on a walkabout and if you plan on returning. Everyone is welcome.
If that sounds awesome, check the latest post for current openings.
Subspace Eddies is possibly the fleet that you didn't know, that you didn't know, that you probably weren't looking for. Despite that, joining our fleet might be the best opportunity you've read about in at least this entire sentence.
All VIP levels are welcome. The fleet does have a Discord server, which captains are required to join and is the best place for fleet communications and resources, though you're not required to chat unless you feel like it. However, you must be relaxed and groovy, active, and let us know if you are going on a walkabout and if you plan on returning. Everyone is welcome.
If that sounds awesome, check the latest post for current openings.

Live long and prosper
Captains log, or the Ambassador's guide to becoming an Officer in the fleet:
To become an Officer, Captains must simply complete an event with the fleet, and be reasonably communicative and respectful of everyone. As I don't like hierarchies, I prefer meritocracy instead. The primary merit here, simply being in the fleet, reliable enough to see an event through (though you are not required to compete at any other level than is set by your own interest) and be active enough in order to contribute a bit to fleet targets and squadron success.
In terms of other qualities of our Officers, one would be scientific literacy, and to that end, let's start with understanding the method:
Scientific method
Additional training for Diplomacy officers: http://justiceharvard.org/
Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
Our fleet is currently 48/50 so we have space for any captains who have been flying solo that might want to join up to access the Fleet Targets. My aim is to have the sort of fleet that offers the advantages of being in a large fleet with as much of the simplicity and autonomy of flying solo or being in a small fleet as possible.
Everyone here treats each other with respect, which includes respecting that most of us have busy lives, including the fleet admiral.
Treating others with respect, in practice 001: Long term inactivity and lack of communication about it (to let me know if you're just out on a vision quest, busy with work/life or whatever and plan to return), will result in being demoted to member. Continued inactivity and lack of communication, will result in being removed from the guild, since without any information to the contrary I will be left to conclude that you either stopped playing or decided to start your own business selling 100% post-consumer recycled content motivational posters printed with plant based inks, which are inspired by your love of internet memes... Good luck!
Treating others with respect, in practice 002: Squadron Leaders are required to be active and share crew during events (when applicable), you aren't required to have featured event crew or anything, just share the best of whomever you have or pass leadership to someone else in your squadron. If you know you aren't going to be active during the event, pass on squad leadership. Squadron leaders who take a leave of absence must coordinate with their squadron and pass on the leadership to someone else before they take a break.
Although we are active for every event, everyone here sets their own goals for events, so if you're looking for a highly competitive fleet you will probably want to look elsewhere. That said, we do fairly well with an average fleet rank of 25.
Everyone is welcome.
Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
Greetings fellow citizens of the Cosmos. We are looking for 2 more relaxed, groovy and active captains to join us. Everyone is welcome. If you're interested please review this thread and send me a PM.
Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
Currently 48/50 · Average Captain level: 54.4 · Average Fleet Rank: 31.3 · Starbase level: 31
Also, we like data and try to be a positive presence on the forums and elsewhere. One of our captains Chewable C++ made [TOOL] Voyage Estimator (+help us gather data!) and many of us have contributed to that and Gauntlet Data Set: Mirror Matches.
Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
Greetings fellow citizens of the Cosmos. We are looking for 2 more relaxed, groovy, scientifically literate and active captains to join us. Everyone is welcome. If you're interested please review this thread and send me a PM.
Update_001: ·§ë· For The Many will be handling recruitment and such while I am away on an international diplomacy mission.
Update_002: I have decided to pass leadership to ·§ë· For The Many, and she is now Fleet Admiral
Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
Peace & Long Life!
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Bonjour mes capitaines!
We have one spot open.
Enjoy quality crew sharing during events and a friendly atmosphere.
Current Starbase Level: 41
All daily fleet targets are met very early for the convenience of captains hailing from all corners of the Galaxy.
If this seems like a remotely reasonable idea, please send a PM here or on Discord (ForTheMany#1676) and we will begin the grueling interrogation and initiation process.
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
One spot is available!
Current Starbase Level: 69 (with week(s?) of 100 chrons/day remaining, as we hold back to ~1100 to prolong them)
Avg Fleet Rank (last 5 events): 17.8
Home to active captains VIP0-14, no spending requirements
It's not required to be active in chat if that's not your style, though in-game private messages disappear so it's required to join Discord for essential communications.
Our channel is also a portal to subspace-intelligence, game announcements, and handy tools to enhance our gameplay, like the voyage estimator.
Bonus crew is shared in each squadron at the beginning of events. Squadron leadership is changed as the players see fit, based on convenience and the best crew for sharing.
If you're interested to join or have any questions, please message me here on the forum or on Discord: ForTheMany#1676
Peace & Happy New Year!
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
A spatial rift has swallowed one of our shuttle craft whole and taken a couple captains with it! Calling for reinforcements...
What we offer:
- friendly respectful space
- level 92
- reliable crew sharing, easy communication
- Discord server for communications which don't fall into a void! :cough:in-gamechat:cough:
- no spending requirements
- customize the tag as you like/some options in use: ·§ë· *SE* ~SE~ |se| «$€» {se}
- ideas are welcome! Mi flota es su flota
We seek an awesome fleetmate(s) who:
- donates each day to the
- actively plays faction events: helping each other by sharing &/or using the shared crew
- is a curious and thoughtful individual, interested in spatial phenomena, SCIENCE! and exploration
- will notify me if you're going on an archaeological expedition to a distant star system beyond subspace reception, so that we don't wonder if you've been kidnapped by Nausicaan pirates!
Please message me here or on Discord at ForTheMany#1676 with interest or questions, thanks!
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Subspace Eddies have a few openings for captains who enjoy active participation in faction events! Squadrons are more solid than shuffling; we swap captains between them as needed. Last event ranks: 28 - 1 - 8 - 24 - 13
We're home to a wealth of experienced captains F2P to VIP14 who are happy to share knowledge with one another and newer players on our friendly Discord server. As long as you're enthusiastically participating and developing your game.
You can send a message here or on Discord: ForTheMany#1676
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
we get a 1/6 superlegendary Giant Tribblegrade
Current Starbase level: 95
Last event ranks: 1 - 8 - 24 - 13 - 20
Avg captain level: 65.0667 (44-78)
Avg captain awesomeness: 1374.9006
Join our active collective today.
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Hi, yes we've still got a few openings. Sent you a message.
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Everyone VIP0-14 welcome, who enjoy playing daily, participating actively in events, and improving. Life and vacations happen; let us know so we don't think you've flown into a geodesic fold!
Send me a message with interest and any questions you might have, a bit about yourself and what you're looking for in a fleet.
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
2-3 spots available for very active faction event players who are chill and thoughtful.
We share tips, tools & strategy on our Discord server and the fleet wouldn't be what it is without it. So willingness to join it and take advantage of the resources there/elsewhere is a must. It's not required to be chatty, but to be contactable for general fleet stuff and to contact me there (not in-game) if you need anything or are going on vacation/real life strikes.
We're always happy to support competitive and experienced captains, and to provide a welcoming space for newer captains to learn and progress!
Last event ranks, earliest to latest: 1 - 8 - 24 - 13 - 20 - 15 - 5 - 12 - 5 - 6
Starbase level 102 and quickly growing
Message me here, or if you've already got Discord add me and say hi at ForTheMany#1676 about yourself and your goals. Thanks!
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Sincerely, Ken
Avatar: _Riker’s Island_
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
DM me here or on Discord (add me at ForTheMany#1676) for infos and about yourself. LL&P
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~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
I am a humanoid looking for a fleet to join that's friendly and helpful. About myself? Hmm, not to get too geeky but raised on the original ST and believe that's the best one. Sure, not the greatest special effects but the dynamics of Kirk, Spock and McCoy...c'mon...doesn't get better than those 3 poking fun at each other. In the game, I'm at level 70 and my goal right now is to not have to airlock anyone but to immortalize them then freeze them. I typically hit 9/11 daily goals first thing in the AM. The others don't take long as I have 4 shuttles and usually do the double scan on one occasion. I lean towards space battles even with lower odds due to Starbase components are rarer. I am currently in a fleet but not everyone is active and missing out on honors on a daily basis...so that's why I'm looking around.
Dog Bone
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
CSN&Y reference, nice 👍🏻
Yes! CSNY x100. The first place I heard it was in the Jimi Hendrix - If 6 Was 9, "I'm gonna wave my freak flag high, high!"
Also.. super squad requires a 5th active faction player! Starbase level 106, all stuff met early every day and so forth. Add me & say hi at ForTheMany#1676 on Discord.
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
We've an opening for a strong faction event player, a kind individual who likes to keep informed.
We use a Communications Array; in-game chats don't show up for everyone, and our server is an info and resource hub! It's a purposefully friendly space. You're not required to be chatty, but to be contactable and to let me know if real life happens or you're going on vacation.
All VIP levels welcome. 4th shuttle or prioritizing acquiring one. Wear our main tag or customize it as you like. Everyone is an occifer for reasons of security and 'cause fun! You could be the next one to Push The Button™.
All active members, all fleet targets are met very early each day.
Latest event ranks: 5 - 6 - 9 - 14 - 9 - Current event: 3rd
Add me and say hi on Discord at ForTheMany#1676 for more infos and to tell me about you, or send a PM here. Thanks!
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
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Say hi on Discord: ForTheMany#1676 Thank you
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~