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Faction Events

With the "Faction Events", like the current Isthmian Games 2, how does the ranking system work?

For a time, I was ranked at 4701 and above 10,000 or something rather. Then, if I don't play for a while, like when I'm sleeping, my ranking drops well below 10,000. Do you have to keep playing throughout day and night to keep within the ranking levels?

That is why Faction Events are the devil in my spine, while I enjoy Supply Events. I hit the 300 rank in one of the Supply Events.

What is everyone's favorite Event types and how do you get high ranking scores?


  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since event bonuses are based on pure rank, every event is harder. Those who are always top 1000 without much effort are always improving their crew which means those who have not been so high need even more improvement.

    You can always buy a bunch of boots packs and use constant speed or 5* ability boosts. Or you can buy the packs and FFFE the crew ahead of time (but then what rewards do you really get?).

    I have finally arrived at the point where I can consistently rank below 2000 without spending and got close to 1000 on an event with lots of bonus crew I had, but I have yet to hear of a non-spender player of less than 8 months who regularly cracks the top 1000.
  • A hint on Faction events. For the over night use a booster that doubles your rewards, but takes 9 hours, or wake up every three hours.
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    You definitely fall in rank when you are asleep, even if you put a double boost on. I think this is because there are players all over the world so while you're sleeping someone else is awake and sending all their shuttle's in a timely manner.

    For the higher ranking players, I understand a mixture of time boosts and then using dilithium to speed shuttle's up is how to get a great rank. I'd also having a good mix of event and bonus crew helps as does having a deep crew. Ive been playing nrly 5 mo this and my crew are venturing out of the shallow end but aren't anywhere near deep.

    I felt I was getting good at factions. My fleet have really helped me with tips and focus and for the last couple of factions I'd threshold and then manage a little extra. This event I don't have a deep enough crew, I've 2 of the event crew (immortilised Prospero and Uhura is at lvl 80), a shared Jake Sisko and a 2* Data. I'm running out of boosts and I won't use anything above a 3* boost because I know this won't be my best event. Factions without trait bonuses are a lot more difficult for me.

    I used to love galaxy but now realised my crew suffer. Only played one expedition which gave me my best rank as it cost time not money. Skirmish I'm looking forward to as it helps my fleet, helps my crew and some of my ships have gone up a couple of levels since. The last skirmish was a little frustrating for me as I couldn't play epic when the phase changed.
    Really, my favourites are hybrid of whatever versions, rank isnt as important now as the enjoyment I get out of the event itself and my crew improving.
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  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I work overnights so I’m one of those little elves that does most things while others sleep
  • What is with this terminology like boosters and all that? I've been playing the game for two years now, and I'm still confused by some of the terminology.

    Also, does it help if the bonus crew is fully maxed out?

    Who finds it hard to max some of the crew? Like the single pot whiskey is so hard, like we need an ancient film to fuse together to get it and encoded messages?

    Not easy upgrading the crew. :(
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭


    Boosts are used to either increase the skill set of your selected crew, or, to reduce time of the shuttle. I use time boosts at the start while the shuttle's are easy and then I switch to skill boosts as my crew are still fairly new.

    As for working on crew, it really helped me when I focused properly. I tend to prioritise event crew first, then any FF crew I have. Perhaps a certain favourite or a new 5* I've been lucky enough to get too. I believe either my fleet admiral or Newt (can't remember which one, its probably both) only work on 3 crew at a time, not any more or everything is too spread out and nothing gets finished. I've seen a few on the forum only work on one at a time!

    As for specific items, it depends how desperate I am to finish that crew, and why. (Event crew okay, if I'm freezing they can sometimes wait)
    I use adwarps for higher chron items, these suffer RNG just like everything else and if I do several and nothing's happening I switch to another item. Also, cadet challenges. Falcon had been stuck for a few days as he needed a ton of encoded communique, as does Uhura, so I hit the Cadet challenges this morning and was lucky enough to get 7 of them.
    I do use the replicatior far more than I should, and sometimes I'll my entire days relations on a little, cheap item like film so i save credits, and stockpile a bit.
    Finally, when I remember, I'll go to the faction store. But I won't spend dilithium in there. Ever.
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  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    Meant to add, boosts are available from Thursday cadet challenges (elite are the best value IMO) or you can buy them from time portal.

    Event crew being levelled is definitely a massive help, and its why I prioritise them. As soon as the early post is added to the forums (or my fleet chat, Belle is fast at getting that info to us), I check to see if I have the existing crew, if i do, they get levelled! If you are going to buy a pack it helps to buy as soon as they are released as then you have an entire day to work on them before the event start.

    Finally, I don't understand some of the terminology either, especially as I'm not a gamer. I had to Google what RNG meant ffs! 😅 or, I ask my OH as he's been gaming on many platforms for many years, and sometimes I PM my fleet admiral as he knows what a twit I am 😂😂 if I've never heard it, how can I possibly know what it means!
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  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    There are two factors that go into faction event scores:

    A Number of shuttles ran

    B Point value of shuttles ran

    To achieve A, you really need to run shuttles throughout the event every three hours (or more!) from start to finish, regardless of your personal sleep/work/competitive windsurfing schedule. At least it only takes a couple minutes to flip shuttles, so you can pretend to use the bathroom or something. Buying the 3rd and 4th shuttles are a must. Spending dil to rush shuttles is not a must for top 1000, but it is for top 25 at least. Using time boosts while the difficulty is low should be considered. Time boosts also help with B to ramp up the shuttle point values as part of the jump-start tactic. The jump start tactic is also a must considering how widespread and well-known it is. B is also achieved through having a well-developed crew; in this way faction events reward veteran players more than any other event type. Using skill boosts and opening extra transmissions to select the best 3-seat missions are additional ways to increase the number of successes.

    And it should go without saying, but your best crew, event if they aren't event crew, should be on your shuttles and not a voyage during an event.

    Most importantly, keep at it and you will gradually improve. Took me about a year to hit top 1000 and a few more weeks to hit it regularly.
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    What is everyone's favorite Event type?

    For the answer to this question, please see the results of this Poll. :)
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