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Recent event crew - hitting wide of the mark

I’m not one for complaining, but I’m beginning to wonder what criteria DB use for selecting new event crew. A notorious fleetmate mentioned that he hasn’t been excited about any crew since the event offering Senator Vreenak, and it occurred to me that I felt exactly the same.

It seems DB are trying to spread event crew evenly amongst the various series of Star Trek... I mean, it’s only fair, right?

Now this is just an opinion, but I’m thinking an event or two with a highly sought after crew would do wonders for waning interest. A legendary Weyoun, Possessed Dukat, a new Dominion crew.... anyway, perhaps I’m just impatient, and I’m a lot more selective about which events I get involved in now. Since I began playing last October I’ve been excited about Bajoran Dukat and Vreenak.... Anyone else losing interest lately?


  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    [S14] Bri wrote: »
    I’m not one for complaining, but I’m beginning to wonder what criteria DB use for selecting new event crew. A notorious fleetmate mentioned that he hasn’t been excited about any crew since the event offering Senator Vreenak, and it occurred to me that I felt exactly the same.

    It seems DB are trying to spread event crew evenly amongst the various series of Star Trek... I mean, it’s only fair, right?

    Now this is just an opinion, but I’m thinking an event or two with a highly sought after crew would do wonders for waning interest. A legendary Weyoun, Possessed Dukat, a new Dominion crew.... anyway, perhaps I’m just impatient, and I’m a lot more selective about which events I get involved in now. Since I began playing last October I’ve been excited about Bajoran Dukat and Vreenak.... Anyone else losing interest lately?

    The thing is, even though they were not DS9 but in the DS9/Augment mega, I've seen a lot of requests for 8472. Sarina Douglas as well, so I think they've still listened to folks requests, but really have been odd (like 8472) with how they fit them into the events proper.

  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bar some questionable ones in the mega event - I've been actually quite happy with recent additions plus the opportunity to add stars on crew I already have.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    [S14] Bri wrote: »
    I’m not one for complaining, but I’m beginning to wonder what criteria DB use for selecting new event crew. A notorious fleetmate mentioned that he hasn’t been excited about any crew since the event offering Senator Vreenak, and it occurred to me that I felt exactly the same.

    It seems DB are trying to spread event crew evenly amongst the various series of Star Trek... I mean, it’s only fair, right?

    Now this is just an opinion, but I’m thinking an event or two with a highly sought after crew would do wonders for waning interest. A legendary Weyoun, Possessed Dukat, a new Dominion crew.... anyway, perhaps I’m just impatient, and I’m a lot more selective about which events I get involved in now. Since I began playing last October I’ve been excited about Bajoran Dukat and Vreenak.... Anyone else losing interest lately?

    The thing is, even though they were not DS9 but in the DS9/Augment mega, I've seen a lot of requests for 8472. Sarina Douglas as well, so I think they've still listened to folks requests, but really have been odd (like 8472) with how they fit them into the events proper.

    8472, great addition, no complaints, despite the strange timing.

    Sarina is a DS9 character, and another good addition. But, something just seems lacking of late.
  • [KM]Videm[KM]Videm ✭✭✭
    If anything, I feel like DB has been giving us a lot of what we have requested and leaves me wondering what's left for next?
    We are recruiting for our sister fleet, Mirror Klingon Marauders! Contact me via private message if interested
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    [KM]Videm wrote: »
    If anything, I feel like DB has been giving us a lot of what we have requested and leaves me wondering what's left for next?

    The Star Trek universe is littered with wonderful characters... some just appearing once or twice, and other incarnations of people we know and love. There’s plenty left.
  • Captain QCaptain Q ✭✭✭
    [KM]Videm wrote: »
    If anything, I feel like DB has been giving us a lot of what we have requested and leaves me wondering what's left for next?

    Mirror Spot and Mirror Porthos.

    In the immortal words of Spock: "Live long and prosper"
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    [S14] Bri wrote: »
    I’m not one for complaining, but I’m beginning to wonder what criteria DB use for selecting new event crew. A notorious fleetmate mentioned that he hasn’t been excited about any crew since the event offering Senator Vreenak, and it occurred to me that I felt exactly the same.

    It seems DB are trying to spread event crew evenly amongst the various series of Star Trek... I mean, it’s only fair, right?

    Anyone else losing interest lately?

    Not losing interest, but selective as well concerning the events. Apart from the lacklustre O´Brien to finish the last mega I found it solid. Statswise not spectacular, but the Sisko for starters was well drawn. I am always in for more Dax so I also enjoyed the new version of her. Since I am still looking for a strong Kira I hope the version of this week will deliver.

    But in general with so many characters and variants etc. in the game the output of real stunners has slowed down indeed. I rarely find something of interest in the tuesday packs by now for example.

  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    [S14] Bri wrote: »
    I’m not one for complaining, but I’m beginning to wonder what criteria DB use for selecting new event crew. A notorious fleetmate mentioned that he hasn’t been excited about any crew since the event offering Senator Vreenak, and it occurred to me that I felt exactly the same.

    It seems DB are trying to spread event crew evenly amongst the various series of Star Trek... I mean, it’s only fair, right?

    Anyone else losing interest lately?

    Not losing interest, but selective as well concerning the events. Apart from the lacklustre O´Brien to finish the last mega I found it solid. Statswise not spectacular, but the Sisko for starters was well drawn. I am always in for more Dax so I also enjoyed the new version of her. Since I am still looking for a strong Kira I hope the version of this week will deliver.

    But in general with so many characters and variants etc. in the game the output of real stunners has slowed down indeed. I rarely find something of interest in the tuesday packs by now for example.

    Precisely. The last time I dipped my toes in the anticlimactic waters of the Tuesday pack was the Dr Hugh Culber pack. Not event been tempted since.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    [S14] Bri wrote: »
    Precisely. The last time I dipped my toes in the anticlimactic waters of the Tuesday pack was the Dr Hugh Culber pack.

    Same, with his strong med base he was worth attacking that pack!

  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    furyd wrote: »
    I'm not losing interest in the characters, but the game is losing its lustre with the needless repetitiveness of the game itself. It's still fun, but not as fun.

    Given the fact Q is integral to the games story, there's a certain amount of amusement in the game being quite clockwork. The last big 'surprise' for me was the first Mega Event, but even those now tick along with a regularity rather than being a surprise.

    At no point do I open the game with any expectation of it being much different from yesterday, I pretty much know we all won't open up the game to a message about something shiny, new and unexpected happening in X days.

    The game itself needs some spit and polish, keep things fresh.

    Agreed, and this is going off on a bit of a tangent from my initial post... but something could be done about grinding the daily cadet missions, particularly if dilithium is used to purchase extra missions (eg, for shuttle boosts on Thursday or credits on Saturday).
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    If DB could/would tie in future Event crew with the much needed/anticipated Episode 9, or the new “persistent” Distress Calls mentioned in the April Q&A, that might alleviate some of the perceived staleness. Just a thought. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Regarding OP, I disagree. Recent event crew, namely the last Mega event, have been good.

    Sure, Bashir was a pale impersonation of Cornwell. But the only disappointing 5* was the O'Brien at the end.

    Malik counted toward my completion of the Augments collection, so I'm good with him!
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would like more cohesive themes with characters in events. We used to get characters that were in the same episode in the same event. It was great, I would rewatch the episode before the event and enjoy the storylines in the event that corresponded with them. I would like DB to go back to this. Lately it feels like people are just thrown together at random with no common theme.
    Let’s fly!
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ranking characters need to have value passed the event. They need to integrate a rolling system where last weeks ranked crew are bonus crew this week. If I buy event packs, and get what I need, what value do I get out of event participation?

    But the theme here is correct. The game is mostly stale, there is no real variety week to week, and there are large stretches of time where logging in is more chore and labor than game and enjoyment.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    The core issue is the slow development of the game. There is a strong need for more event types and iteration on previous tech as well as something big and new.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    For me, what has really hurt is this "mega"
    Skirmishes with the perpetual motion machine and then the 6 day event end really just has sapped my desire to play.

    Don't get me wrong, I liked skirmishes for the first few hours, and they dangled my favorite character in there or I would have just bailed on it early --- but damn my fingertips got numb. Did it for the Sisko, but not sure I'd do it ever again.

    This Six day event, I almost missed dailies for the first time in more than a year. Just didn't wanna spend time in game with the extended event after the expedition phase and some of the faction.
    Ironically enough time passed that my burnout passed as well and I came in and played in the last several hours of the galaxy.

  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    [S14] Bri wrote: »
    Now this is just an opinion, but I’m thinking an event or two with a highly sought after crew would do wonders for waning interest. A legendary Weyoun, Possessed Dukat, a new Dominion crew....

    These options may be your version of "highly sought after crew", but they are not on my list, so if you were in charge of designing the next several events, I guess my interest would be waning whereas you would be giddy. The forums like to note (sarcastically) that DB once said something along the lines of "build/use the crew that YOU want/like". Well... this is exactly what they were talking about. Don't like the crew - don't play hard for them. When you do like the crew - go get them.

    Many recent additions to the game were once highly requested crew (as noted above by others). Even O'Brien was interesting (though unappealing to me) in that he was a non-ENG-primary variant. In a game this large, with the diversity of preferences that players have, it is not reasonable to expect to be overjoyed each and every week.
  • [S14] Bri wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    [S14] Bri wrote: »
    I’m not one for complaining, but I’m beginning to wonder what criteria DB use for selecting new event crew. A notorious fleetmate mentioned that he hasn’t been excited about any crew since the event offering Senator Vreenak, and it occurred to me that I felt exactly the same.

    It seems DB are trying to spread event crew evenly amongst the various series of Star Trek... I mean, it’s only fair, right?

    Now this is just an opinion, but I’m thinking an event or two with a highly sought after crew would do wonders for waning interest. A legendary Weyoun, Possessed Dukat, a new Dominion crew.... anyway, perhaps I’m just impatient, and I’m a lot more selective about which events I get involved in now. Since I began playing last October I’ve been excited about Bajoran Dukat and Vreenak.... Anyone else losing interest lately?

    The thing is, even though they were not DS9 but in the DS9/Augment mega, I've seen a lot of requests for 8472. Sarina Douglas as well, so I think they've still listened to folks requests, but really have been odd (like 8472) with how they fit them into the events proper.

    8472, great addition, no complaints, despite the strange timing.

    Sarina is a DS9 character, and another good addition. But, something just seems lacking of late.

    So what you're saying is...not enough Janeways and Burnhams.
  • [S14] Bri wrote: »
    Now this is just an opinion, but I’m thinking an event or two with a highly sought after crew would do wonders for waning interest. A legendary Weyoun, Possessed Dukat, a new Dominion crew.... anyway, perhaps I’m just impatient, and I’m a lot more selective about which events I get involved in now. Since I began playing last October I’ve been excited about Bajoran Dukat and Vreenak.... Anyone else losing interest lately?

    There are so many Star Trek shows and movies and so many fans that some events are always going to appeal to some more than others. For instance, I hear that Sarina and Species 8472 were heavy requests. Now, I tried for Species 8472 because I liked the stats, but didn't care about the character one way or the other. Same with Weyoun and the other Dominion crew. I'm a TNG guy, so I mostly get excited about those.

    Don't worry. Your desired crew will come around eventually, probably in a bunch. If DB could make everyone happy all of the time, we'd have no use for the forums.
    "I would have told him anything. Anything at all. But more than that, I believed that I could see...five lights."
    ~Captain Picard ST:TNG Chain of Command

    Link to my list of helpful spreadsheets, websites, threads, and help for all players!

    ST:TNG Crew Addition Wish List:

    Mariachi Q - Déjà Q Quote - But I feel like celebrating! - Thank You!
    H.M.S. Pinafore Data - Insurrection Quote - And his fist be ever ready for a knockdown blow. - Thank You!
    Rascal Picard/Guinan - Rascals Quote - I want to see my father!
    Kivas Fajo - The Most Toys Quote - What a marvelous contradiction. A military pacifist!
    Batai - The Inner Light Quote - This tree is our symbol. Our affirmation of life.
    Irumodic Syndrome Picard - All Good Things Quote - You said it was earl grey. I'd swear it was darjeeling. - Thank You!
    B-4 - Nemesis Quote - Why do you have a shiny head? - Thank You!
    Zero G Worf - First Contact Quote - Assimilate this!
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don't worry. Your desired crew will come around eventually, probably in a bunch. If DB could make everyone happy all of the time, we'd have no use for the forums.

    I think the issue is that they aren't making enough people happy right now. Their slow pace of development means that lots of issue are unaddressed for long periods of time even when they know that they need to address them, like Gauntlet. Or they can't add systems that sustain interest like Voyages. Or even add enough general variety like new event types. Not to mention expanding collections, achievements and dealing with the growing useless of older cards etc.

  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Their slow pace of development means that lots of issue are unaddressed for long periods of time

    Even big companies need time to develop outstanding features. And DB is a small company. That has become even smaller last year. Also development costs money. And since the revenue is not spectacular yet a further reason for this "slowness". If STT was a stellar hit with a multimillion userbase and killer profit things would be different.

  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    It's completely subjective. Enemy Lines Sisko, Bell riots Bashir and Jadzia, Sarina Douglas, Danar, and Camelot Kira are all characters I really wanted. Romulan Picard, Killy, and 8472 were all highly desired by large groups of people.

    5* Chekov, O'Brien and Jake were largely swings misses, but those happen.
  • It's completely subjective. Enemy Lines Sisko, Bell riots Bashir and Jadzia, Sarina Douglas, Danar, and Camelot Kira are all characters I really wanted. Romulan Picard, Killy, and 8472 were all highly desired by large groups of people.

    5* Chekov, O'Brien and Jake were largely swings misses, but those happen.

    I think the biggest issue with Jake was the art. "Beeeees!"
    O'Brien just suffers from being caught between two other great O'Briens. Falcon has a SEC score almost as good (outside of gauntlet) and RAF has better ENG.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    It's completely subjective. Enemy Lines Sisko, Bell riots Bashir and Jadzia, Sarina Douglas, Danar, and Camelot Kira are all characters I really wanted. Romulan Picard, Killy, and 8472 were all highly desired by large groups of people.

    5* Chekov, O'Brien and Jake were largely swings misses, but those happen.

    I think the biggest issue with Jake was the art. "Beeeees!"
    O'Brien just suffers from being caught between two other great O'Briens. Falcon has a SEC score almost as good (outside of gauntlet) and RAF has better ENG.

    O'Brien was a mess, from bad secondary roll, two skills, and his traits being fubar, I love O'Brien and hard passed.

    Jake I actually dont mind the art, and he is a solid card. But if we were getting a 5 star Jake I wanted Pah Wraith.
  • Thurthorad wrote: »
    I think the issue is that they aren't making enough people happy right now. Their slow pace of development means that lots of issue are unaddressed for long periods of time even when they know that they need to address them, like Gauntlet. Or they can't add systems that sustain interest like Voyages. Or even add enough general variety like new event types. Not to mention expanding collections, achievements and dealing with the growing useless of older cards etc.

    I do agree that there are a lot of unanswered issues on the table. I'd love to get more on the collections side.
    "I would have told him anything. Anything at all. But more than that, I believed that I could see...five lights."
    ~Captain Picard ST:TNG Chain of Command

    Link to my list of helpful spreadsheets, websites, threads, and help for all players!

    ST:TNG Crew Addition Wish List:

    Mariachi Q - Déjà Q Quote - But I feel like celebrating! - Thank You!
    H.M.S. Pinafore Data - Insurrection Quote - And his fist be ever ready for a knockdown blow. - Thank You!
    Rascal Picard/Guinan - Rascals Quote - I want to see my father!
    Kivas Fajo - The Most Toys Quote - What a marvelous contradiction. A military pacifist!
    Batai - The Inner Light Quote - This tree is our symbol. Our affirmation of life.
    Irumodic Syndrome Picard - All Good Things Quote - You said it was earl grey. I'd swear it was darjeeling. - Thank You!
    B-4 - Nemesis Quote - Why do you have a shiny head? - Thank You!
    Zero G Worf - First Contact Quote - Assimilate this!
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Their slow pace of development means that lots of issue are unaddressed for long periods of time

    Even big companies need time to develop outstanding features. And DB is a small company. That has become even smaller last year. Also development costs money. And since the revenue is not spectacular yet a further reason for this "slowness". If STT was a stellar hit with a multimillion userbase and killer profit things would be different.

    The revenue is still in the millions per month. And we only have visibility of Android and iOS estimated revenues. Facebook and FireOS are actually cheaper platforms to buy stuff on for international audiences so there may be a strong revenue stream we cannot see. And I'm not sure we should be ok with the fact that we are probably helping them nurse through the fallout of The Walking Dead fiasco, We're being milked to make up for their past mistakes. I think that at it's core Star Trek Timelines is very profitable, and that we need to communicate that we demand a better return for all of this revenue they're generating from us.

    The pace of development right now is not ok. The game hasn't had a major update in a while.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Their slow pace of development means that lots of issue are unaddressed for long periods of time

    Even big companies need time to develop outstanding features. And DB is a small company. That has become even smaller last year. Also development costs money. And since the revenue is not spectacular yet a further reason for this "slowness". If STT was a stellar hit with a multimillion userbase and killer profit things would be different.

    The revenue is still in the millions per month. And we only have visibility of Android and iOS estimated revenues. Facebook and FireOS are actually cheaper platforms to buy stuff on for international audiences so there may be a strong revenue stream we cannot see. And I'm not sure we should be ok with the fact that we are probably helping them nurse through the fallout of The Walking Dead fiasco, We're being milked to make up for their past mistakes. I think that at it's core Star Trek Timelines is very profitable, and that we need to communicate that we demand a better return for all of this revenue they're generating from us.

    The pace of development right now is not ok. The game hasn't had a major update in a while.

    But they introduced a new Dilithium Market Sweep Mini Game just yesterday!!


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