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July 2nd Outage Handling

jestergeniejestergenie ✭✭✭
edited July 2018 in The Bridge
Just after event conclusion on July 2nd an outage happened but not all accounts were affected by it. Because of this outage many affected players got wrong rewards. DB sent out to all players (affected or not) an in-game mail with 250 chronitons as a compensation. For some reason people not affected by this outage got this mail twice, 500 chronitons in total. People affected by the outage got this mail once. Some time later forum administrator made an official statement on this issue:

"The in-game mail was only sent out once, we did not purposely or by mistake sent it out twice.
We will look into what caused the issue. This is unfortunately a case where we cannot and will not issue further compensation."

Do you think this issue was handled properly?

July 2nd Outage Handling 32 votes

I was affected by this outage and my answer is YES.
37% 12 votes
I was affected by this outage and my answer is NO.
21% 7 votes
I was not affected by this outage and my answer is YES.
37% 12 votes
I was not affected by this outage and my answer is NO.
3% 1 vote


  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    How would an outage affect your event rewards if it happened after the event had finished?

    edit also 250 chrons is like 6 hour voyages worth, pffft peanuts
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • Roadrunner {SG-66}Roadrunner {SG-66} ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Your premise is a little off. The 250 Crons compensation has nothing to do with the wrong rewards. It what sent as a compensation for the downtime.

    They already mentioned to open of ticket if you had the wrong reward to have them swapped.

    Receiving 500 instead of 250, that’s another beast. Players having Uhura instead of Chekhov and keeping her (I wish it happened to me), another beast
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    You're incorrect. The game froze on me while I was in it. I restarted, got errors for at least 35-45 minutes, and finally got back in. Voyage had died on me.

    I got the compensation chronitons twice, for some reason. Basically what I'm saying is I WAS affected by the outage.

    Also what is the point of your poll exactly?
  • RogaDanarRogaDanar ✭✭✭
    I sent in a ticket asking for a refund on the dilithium I spent on the failed voyage and they said "You already got chronitons in game". I want my dilithium back.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got one mail, I got the rewards I should have if i'm not mistaken, and I was in game till i chose unwisely to run a dodgy adwarp that forced me to pull the app and could not get back in.

    So missing out on an adwarp and starting my new voyage was inconvenient but for me 250 Chrons would seem a reasonable for my inconvenience.

    Of course it is situational - but if you feel you have been affected more adversely that's what contacting support is for.

    DB - aren't going to be able to compensate everything for everyone in one mail - this is just the ball park mail - to keep the appeased ones like me at bay and so they can then look at the more pressing instances/scenarios that might require something different.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • jestergeniejestergenie ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    kapu wrote: »
    How would an outage affect your event rewards if it happened after the event had finished?

    People were trying to collect their rewards but they weren't aware about the outage. Something went wrong in the process and we have a mess: Dancing Uhura instead of Dancing Chekov, Prospero Data instead of Bestselling Author Jake Sisko, Writer Jake Sisko instead of Commander Chekov...
  • You're incorrect. The game froze on me while I was in it. I restarted, got errors for at least 35-45 minutes, and finally got back in. Voyage had died on me.

    I got the compensation chronitons twice, for some reason. Basically what I'm saying is I WAS affected by the outage.

    Also what is the point of your poll exactly?

    Incorrect? In what way?
  • RogaDanar wrote: »
    I sent in a ticket asking for a refund on the dilithium I spent on the failed voyage and they said "You already got chronitons in game". I want my dilithium back.

    As I know you can ask for escalating your ticket. Simply say you are not satisfied with your compensation.
  • robownage wrote: »
    I'm trying to understand the source of the anger here; there was an outage, they issued chrons as an apology for said outage.

    The bonus in game mail for some people is unfortunate for those who didn't get it (myself included), but we're talking about 250 chrons, not 2,500. I can see taking issue with it, but what do you expect them to do about it? Send another 250 to everyone? You're still going to have imbalance, especially since they don't seem to be able to identify which ones got the bonus mail the first time around. Could the wording in Shan's response have been better? Absolutely! But it hardly seems worth taking out the pitchforks.

    It's not about number. It's about attitude. We made another mistake but we don't care... DB makes mess after mess and claims everything is fine, everything is solved. I don't like this messy attitude.
  • Your premise is a little off. The 250 Crons compensation has nothing to do with the wrong rewards. It what sent as a compensation for the downtime.

    They already mentioned to open of ticket if you had the wrong reward to have them swapped.

    Receiving 500 instead of 250, that’s another beast. Players having Uhura instead of Chekhov and keeping her (I wish it happened to me), another beast

    I did not make such premise.

    There are people who would like to get Chekov not Uhura. Why do they have to write yet another ticket and wait for God only knows how long because DB is messy developer?
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    No matter what, 250 chronotons is really small and not worth my time or energy to be upset over something this inconsequential, impacted or not.
  • No matter what, 250 chronotons is really small and not worth my time or energy to be upset over something this inconsequential, impacted or not.

    As I said before, it's not about number, it's about attitude. Next time it can be 2500 chrons...
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    No matter what, 250 chronotons is really small and not worth my time or energy to be upset over something this inconsequential, impacted or not.

    As I said before, it's not about number, it's about attitude. Next time it can be 2500 chrons...

    Maybe that's what it is about for you, but not for me. You don't get to control how I react. You asked for opinions. Sorry we aren't all the same?
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    I'm trying to understand the source of the anger here; there was an outage, they issued chrons as an apology for said outage.

    The bonus in game mail for some people is unfortunate for those who didn't get it (myself included), but we're talking about 250 chrons, not 2,500. I can see taking issue with it, but what do you expect them to do about it? Send another 250 to everyone? You're still going to have imbalance, especially since they don't seem to be able to identify which ones got the bonus mail the first time around. Could the wording in Shan's response have been better? Absolutely! But it hardly seems worth taking out the pitchforks.

    It's not about number. It's about attitude. We made another mistake but we don't care... DB makes mess after mess and claims everything is fine, everything is solved. I don't like this messy attitude.

    But when did Shan claim that everything was fine?
    It sounds that there have been side effects and we will look into it, please submit a ticket if you have received the wrong rewards.

    Seems to be acknowledging there was an issue. In fact, I would be willing to bet that submitting a ticket will help them in identifying the source of the problem.
    The in-game mail was only sent out once, we did not purposely or by mistake sent it out twice.
    We will look into what caused the issue.

    Here the wording is iffy, but Shan seems to be saying that it wasn't human error, but instead was some sort of server error. Again, they will be trying to figure out what went wrong.

    They gave out a general apology, invited those who had additional issues to open tickets, and then stated they will investigate the issues, but won't be giving additional compensation for the in game mail problem. At a certain point, every person or organization has to draw a line or else it never ends. To answer your initial question, in my opinion that line was drawn at a reasonable place.
  • jestergeniejestergenie ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    No matter what, 250 chronotons is really small and not worth my time or energy to be upset over something this inconsequential, impacted or not.

    As I said before, it's not about number, it's about attitude. Next time it can be 2500 chrons...

    Maybe that's what it is about for you, but not for me. You don't get to control how I react. You asked for opinions. Sorry we aren't all the same?

    I'm truly sorry if you felt I was trying to control your reactions. It was not my intention. I simply clarified my reasons for this poll. Please, accept my apologies. You are free to express your opinions as you see fit.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    But when did Shan claim that everything was fine?

    Shan claimed that the server outage issue had been resolved. Which indeed was the case. At that point she did not know yet of this mixed up reward stuff which was an independent issue. So this "everything is fine" is bs by the OP...
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm kinda used to the sorrytons and occasional mail issues. At some point I feel like they need to do a game mail system rebuild, (that would allow more than just system messages maybe?) but unfortunately I don't see it being considered monetarily beneficial for them to do so.

    CS really drives me nuts though.. just so inconsistent and really have no idea what's going on sometimes.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    This is completely inaccurate:
    For some reason people not affected by this outage got this mail twice, 500 chronitons in total. People affected by the outage got this mail once.

    Please do not spread misinformation.

    Also closing this thread.
    We are sorry that a technical hiccup occurred while the in-game mail with the 250 Chronitons was sending out resulting in some players getting it twice. We will track down the cause and remedy it.

    Edit: I want to clarify that by remedy I specifically mean remedy what caused the issue. Unfortunately we cannot remedy the fact that some have received the mail twice, and others not.
This discussion has been closed.