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Suggestion: non-humanoids based event/mega-event

Sybok MKIISybok MKII ✭✭
edited July 2018 in Make It So!
Hi all,
I don't know if this has been suggested before, but I'd throw my two cents anyway.
Basically, me and my fleet were thinking that the game lacks of so many non-humanoid characters: just to name some...
- Tholian pilot from ENT mirror episodes.
- Mutated La Forge from TNG "Identity crisis"
- Proto Riker and Proto Troi from TNG infamous "Genesis"
- Those fishy aliens from TNG (the episode where Luaxana Troi first appears)
- That Roswelt-like alien from TOS who turned to be a camouflage from a First Federation explorer.
- The true form of the antagonist trans-dimensional specie from TNG "Time's arrow"
- The alien sadistic race from TNG "Schisms"

And I'm sure there are many more!
It could be a nice chance even in a sort of "Halloween" themed event or mega-event, giving that most (if not all) of this characters are quite, uhm... Scary 😁

Personally I would welcome every new non-humanoid or semi-humanoid addition to the game, as for the existing Horta, 8472, Proto(s), giant space mole, etc.



  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great idea. Q isn't humanoid, so another version of him would work (though he generally appeared in human form). The Medusan Ambassador Kollos would work (after our recent introduction of Miranda Jones to the game, this is even more appropriate). The Sheliak Director is another option. The oil slick that swallowed Tasha Yar is another (what was its name again?). Councillor Kiaphet Amman'sor (Xindi Aquatic) is another.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
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  • Sybok MKIISybok MKII ✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Android Q would fit double the role of a non-humanoid being 🤣
    And I agree for the others too!
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