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Gauntlet Traits - A First for Me

[DC] Picard Loves Reds[DC] Picard Loves Reds ✭✭✭✭✭
edited July 2018 in The Bridge
I just entered a gauntlet where I have all crew, (most of them at least halfway decent scorewise) with 45% or higher Crit chance for the first time. Am I finally joining the big fish in the sea or is this pretty rare overall? Yes, I skipped MED to get this result, maybe to my detriment? We'll see!


  • Very nice. I think I might have had this or a similar gauntlet the other day, but I can't remember what the traits were. I have everyone you do except The Professor, but I need to get Dukat leveled. I definitely took someone for med whether they had a good crit chance or not. Not sure if it's strictly necessary, but I tend to try to cover all skills.
  • It depends on the traits, but is uncommon... the general effect is that it makes most of the matches really RNG dependent, as you are essentially relying on crits to determine the winner... since everybody else who has the high crit crew will use them...
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  • MirrorMartiganMirrorMartigan ✭✭✭✭
    Always put your best MED in there or you'll regret it.
  • We'll see about the MED part. I already blew some dil and merits a few months back to get the gaunlet win acheivement, so I'm not trying for a top finish. RNG can be a fickle foe though. Hoping to get a streak going to try to finally reel in Caretaker. (I won't be holding my breath.)
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    This will be an awful gauntlet for streaks. Everyone is going to have 45% crit chances. Every match will basically be a dice roll on crit chance. The variability will be so high that inevitably you will have a bad streak and lose one before you get a long streak.
  • Probably true. RNG started off true to form by handing me 2 losses with the 25% opponent out criting me. On the "plus" side Dukat is 6 for 6 on crits. ;)
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is one of those where I go for some streaks early against new captains and then
    Just score as high as I can The rest of the way
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    This is one of those where I go for some streaks early against new captains and then Just score as high as I can The rest of the way

    This is all of my gauntlets 😆
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