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Question about duplicate crew

I do have a couple now, and I keep one active because they fulfill a function. The way I work it is the immortalized copy gets frozen and the active dupe doesn't get the least important bit of gear added.

I'm interested in duplicating two of a particular crew and putting them both in the freezer. Has anyone done this and does the game recognize them both if you pull them out for an event?
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  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    I do have a couple now, and I keep one active because they fulfill a function. The way I work it is the immortalized copy gets frozen and the active dupe doesn't get the least important bit of gear added.

    I'm interested in duplicating two of a particular crew and putting them both in the freezer. Has anyone done this and does the game recognize them both if you pull them out for an event?

    Yes, you can freeze them on top of each other. You revive one, then pay merits to revive another.

    Some people have 20+ copies of certain 1* characters, though most don't bother to unfreeze them. I do know of people with duplicates of 1701 Jadzia who pull them out for Jadzia events, and they never seem to have a problem.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you! While I don't want dozens of copies of greys, I have Katra, Phlox, Augment Riker and Tommy Gun Dixon as dupes and I'd like to freeze both copies of the last two as they aren't really that good, but could be helpful in events sometime.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, have done this with several crew. Just a note: if you freeze more than one of a crew, your cryo won't show any more than one copy, but they're all there — just "stacked" on top of each other. Therefore, I'd say you may want to keep a record of just how many dupes you've got taking up that space, so you don't forget how many are there, since you can't tell just by looking.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    yeah it works fine.
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was worried when they announced the changed to the vault a few months ago, but as someone who has a bunch of 4* FF/FE dupes, all is good! Like you, I leave one frozen, and one active, unless they are needed for event, then there are twins. One of my fleetmates thought it was a glitch when I put two sets of twins together on my bridge. ;)
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Omg this is mindblowing. I didn't know this was possible. This sort of negates some of the complaints against FF 5* beholds...
  • Omg this is mindblowing. I didn't know this was possible. This sort of negates some of the complaints against FF 5* beholds...

    Except some 5* crew are insane to level, they're really hard to come by, and as a result take forever to immortalize again.

    Having said that, the only 5* I have duped is Dancing Uhura, and only because I got the free one from the event. I really, really hope DB continues to do that.

    I personally have 3 mirror Uhuras I pull out during events if I feel she'll be useful.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Omg this is mindblowing. I didn't know this was possible. This sort of negates some of the complaints against FF 5* beholds...

    I agree! What happens if you want another copy? And the game won't let you?
    I was worried when they announced the changed to the vault a few months ago, but as someone who has a bunch of 4* FF/FE dupes, all is good! Like you, I leave one frozen, and one active, unless they are needed for event, then there are twins. One of my fleetmates thought it was a glitch when I put two sets of twins together on my bridge. ;)

    Haha I might gather together four of the same greys for that purpose lol
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