STARFLEET WISCONSIN [SFW] is recruiting active players!
[SFW] Quick Claude
STARFLEET WISCONSIN is recruiting active players!
We currently have a few openings and you do not need to be from Wisconsin to join (though most of our players are).
While not hardcore, we do hope that members will complete the daily missions and participate in all events. This not only benefits you, but benefits everyone in the fleet with more daily rewards.
We also encourage joining a squadron. This nets you additional rewards at the end of events and again, helps all squad members achieve more rewards.
Inactive players will be dismissed after 14 days unless the Admiral and Squad leader are notified that a leave of absence will be taking place. This is to make sure there is room for active players who want to join.
Edit: Because of the large numbers of players who have left the game, I've temporarily set the entry level requirements to zero.
I hope to see you in the fleet!!
Any questions, feel free to ask.
We currently have a few openings and you do not need to be from Wisconsin to join (though most of our players are).
While not hardcore, we do hope that members will complete the daily missions and participate in all events. This not only benefits you, but benefits everyone in the fleet with more daily rewards.
We also encourage joining a squadron. This nets you additional rewards at the end of events and again, helps all squad members achieve more rewards.
Inactive players will be dismissed after 14 days unless the Admiral and Squad leader are notified that a leave of absence will be taking place. This is to make sure there is room for active players who want to join.
Edit: Because of the large numbers of players who have left the game, I've temporarily set the entry level requirements to zero.
I hope to see you in the fleet!!
Any questions, feel free to ask.
Edit: I have needed to change the minimum Captain level to 30 due to the number of new players who join and then quickly go inactive.
If anyone is interested in joining, let me know. I will tell you when someone is approaching their inactive dismissal point.