Looking for new Fleet...any North Carolinians out there?

Lvl 55. Active daily, finish all daily goals. Participate in all events. Been playing since 2016.
Looking for a fleet/squad that is active. Currently in a lvl 69 fleet, but frustrated b/c we almost never meet daily fleet goals (chronitons). Plus can almost never donate since all skills/levels are maxed out all the time, except of course the ship ones.
Would like to find 1. A local fleet: I live in North Carolina, Triad area. 2. A fleet that meets it daily goals where I can max donate every day. 3. My squad captain is active daily and participates in the events. Option 1 is not a deal-breaker, but it would be fun to meet some local players.
Anyone out there like that?
Looking for a fleet/squad that is active. Currently in a lvl 69 fleet, but frustrated b/c we almost never meet daily fleet goals (chronitons). Plus can almost never donate since all skills/levels are maxed out all the time, except of course the ship ones.
Would like to find 1. A local fleet: I live in North Carolina, Triad area. 2. A fleet that meets it daily goals where I can max donate every day. 3. My squad captain is active daily and participates in the events. Option 1 is not a deal-breaker, but it would be fun to meet some local players.
Anyone out there like that?
Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
You just joined the forum 2nite. Not sure I can trust that.
You're from NC, but not here now? Which part?
This is kinda embarrassing, but I can't figure out how & where to pm you.
Click on the person's avatar and in the upper right click on "message"