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Anyone else notice if their Fleet participation rates in the last event were way down?

[SFW] Quick Claude[SFW] Quick Claude ✭✭✭✭
edited October 2017 in The Bridge
Did anyone else notice a big drop-off in participation from their Fleet during this last event? My Fleet's participation was WAY down. In fact in one Squadron, only one person participated, and that was just at the end. Normally we have nearly 100% participation. I know I gave up after claiming the final threshold reward. But that's because I'm no fan of Discovery and have no real desire for the show's crew, so I didn't try very hard. I usually finish around the 1500 mark. I think I ended around 5500 this time.


  • It's pretty simple: combination of:
    - lack of enthusiasm for Discovery
    - lack of interest in Galaxy/Hybrid Galaxy event
    - lack of interest in the game in general (bugs, issues, delay in notification, etc)
    - event fatigue (too many special events doesn't make it special anymore)
    - lack of interest in a "fake" mega event (nothing is mega about it - we do 4 events in 4 weekends every month)
  • Yeah, it's concerning.
  • I was in the top 500 the first two days and only sank to just outside the top 4000 after a single Galaxy recipe crafting.

    Previous week same thing dropped me outside of the top 9000.
  • Events are all galaxy or part-galaxy now. I suppose a lot of people must like them.
  • Actually both of these hybrids are up a bit in participation. About 80k each compared to about 75k average for faction/galaxy hybrids.
  • Well, clearly not in my Fleet. Hopefully that was a fluke.
  • Where did you find those numbers Scruffy?
  • I know for a fact that I was slacking on all of the events due to either seeing crew I know they won't show much potential (including the gauntlet), or I had plenty of crew from their specific stat combo - so I was mostly getting the 4* extras (Saru, Stamets) and letting others work on the event. I am maxed out on slots as it is, and I have over 25 1-2-3-4/5 legendaries waiting for more stars - no need to add to this number anymore, especially since both Lorca and Giorgiou were CMD/DIP crew. So far on both events I was hitting the bare minimum simply because I had McGivers and Janeway FF/FE'd, so wasting chronitons was not necessary.

    I will work on this event though. While Tilly will never be my first choice, I need another 3 stars on the orion slaver, and I am going to get them.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Three consecutive galaxy events is enough to turn anyone off of this game.
  • I do hope that DB provide updates/stats like the other mega events.

    some thoughts... we have 2 new event crews per week. Getting new crew is a blessed and a curse (*cough* crew slot). every week we need to lv new crews, but just cannot keep up, unless you spend dollars/dil. you have to choose to spend resources for galaxy or lv ur crews. Fed credit is now becoming a problem

    side note..Discovery is great show so far and I hope it will be even better. As trekker it is like a dream comes true after not having new star trek for like forever
  • Nerfball6 wrote: »
    Where did you find those numbers Scruffy?

    I have an account that I get minimal points in for each event and record it's position.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think participation was greater this week than last only because lorca is probably more desirable. Not sure how this week will go, after spending 3000 voyage chronos last week I'm a bit fatigued from crafting endlessly for galaxy events, much as I would like Tilly. Here's hoping for a expedition next week.
    DB: Do Better
  • I normally do the event until I get the legendary item as the reward. And then I stop. That typically puts me at about a rank of 2000. This week, my rank was 4800 when I got the legendary equipment. Either there were more people playing, or those that were in the event were a lot more aggressive than prior weeks. I know, that isn't statistical proof, but just an observation...
  • Anecdotally from my fleet, I know that the participation of the squad leaders, and squads in general, has been going down over the course of this. I also typically go for the legendary item and stop, and several have just been going for T'kumva or the supply kit and stopping.

    Galaxy events just kind of **tsk tsk**, and there are far more valuable things to spend your crons on in the game.
  • Our fleet participation was way lower than normal during these last two events.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    It'd hard to gague. What's funny is I was top 2000 without playing phase 2. That to me is a little insane.
  • Not sure. Personally, I chose last week as a time to 'zig when everybody zags' and went all out. Finished 13th when my personal best wasn't even top 500 does raise some flags (on overall participation). Our fleet finished 342nd, and squad 178th. Don't know how much of that was me.
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