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Voyage Dilemma Rewards - Input Your Data

In response to the thread "Does anyone has list of Voyage dilemmas and best responses", on October 10th, I created the Dilemmas page on the Wiki. Users have been filling in the blanks and adding their rewards as well.

Since a lot of people don't like to add to the Wiki, someone suggested a form like ChewableC++ has for the Voyage Estimator. So, I have created a form for everyone to submit your Dilemma data:


The data from the form will be added to the Dilemmas wiki every day or so.

Also, if you see any missing resolutions, please update the Wiki or post them here and someone will update them. Here is what is missing:

Burden of Proof - Choice C
Burden of Proof - Resolution C
First Author - Resolution A
First Author - Resolution B
Interference, Part 2 - Resolution A
Interference, Part 2 - Resolution B
Off the Books, Part 2 - Resolution C
The Cost of Living - Resolution C
The Voice of the Prophets - Resolution B


  • edited October 2017
    I am friends with ChewableC++ on steam, and might I say that it's all RNG. While I find his voyages table with skills that pertains to voyage time very much reliable and sound, the choices for the dilemmas are moot and RNG based. I tested it thoroughly on 2 accounts, and opposing choices yielded better results on many occasions, meaning no choice is better than the other, or I was doubly fooled by the RNG, so one way or the other it was an RNG roll.

    I have tested that on opposing choices of anything ranging from hour 2 to hour 8 (no dilithium spent) dillemas. If people have better experience with hour 10+ dillemas, I will totally comply with them.

    Not to mention that rewards are rngeneered as well. A good roll might net you a crew member, 4* item or component, 5* ship schematic and so on. It is only when you see something other than the 30 honor, 30 chrons and 2* crew is when you know that the RNGesus has given you something better than the ordinary.
  • ??? That really doesn't appear to be the case, Kapitan. It looks to me like the choice you make doesn't matter, but the dilemma itself does. Blood Red Tide, for example, almost always gives either a 4* crew or a high star component (with RNG determining which). See the Dilemma tab in Captain Jello's spreadsheet (linked in ChewableC++'s thread). They have also been entering the statistics into the wiki as they are encountered: https://stt.wiki/wiki/Dilemmas

    Dilemmas appear to be generally sorted into 2* level, 3* level, and 4* level; you are more likely to hit a 4* level mission at 6+ hours (in my experience and, I think, the spreadsheet).
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    It looks to me like the choice you make doesn't matter, but the dilemma itself does.

    I haven't been tracking things closely or even looking much at the collected data, but this is my current theory as well, based purely on unscientific, cherry picked, confirmation biased memory.
  • Dralix wrote: »
    this is my current theory as well, based purely on unscientific, cherry picked, confirmation biased memory.

    As long as we are being honest about it! ;)
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