Level 134 Fleet: Attack of the Crohn's [21 vacancies as of 12 November 2022]

As of 12 November 2022, we have 21 vacancies.
Now that Fleet Boss Battles are a thing, it's more important than ever to be part of an active fleet. Here's what we have to offer:
All players are given a minimum of 7 days of inactivity before we consider removal. If you know you'll be gone for that long or longer but intend to return, let us know and we'll keep your seat for you. Otherwise, after the 7 days it's up to that member's squadron mates to decide whether to give them more time.
Now that Fleet Boss Battles are a thing, it's more important than ever to be part of an active fleet. Here's what we have to offer:
- Maximum Starbase
- Can presently beat Brutal mode, but inconsistently. We fell short with Nightmare mode. With just a little bit more help, we could make significant progress quickly.
- Chill people
- Teamwork
- Jerks
- Drama
- Requirements - We don't care who's in your crew, what your captain or VIP levels are, or how long you've played
All players are given a minimum of 7 days of inactivity before we consider removal. If you know you'll be gone for that long or longer but intend to return, let us know and we'll keep your seat for you. Otherwise, after the 7 days it's up to that member's squadron mates to decide whether to give them more time.
Fleet Recruitment - 20 vacancies as of 17 July 2022 | My Timelines Wish List | Editable STT Trait Audit Spreadsheet
Level 41 now, actually! I've updated accordingly.
I've been playing since the game start but made a long pause from June to Dec last year.
I have two accounts, main and alt:
Main acc is lvl 55, VIP4, with 89 immortalized plus 20 FF/FE purples on lvl99 and 10 lvl99 legendaries ranging from 1 to 4 stars plus couple more unleveled.
Alt acc is lvl 48, VIP1, with 24 immortalized plus 8 FF/FE purples lvl99 and 6 lvl99 legendaries.
I meet all daily missions on both accounts and participate in all events but I'm not too competitive, unless I really want ranked reward.
I have my own personal fleet but haven't spent any starbase components on it so I have hefty piles of those.
I want to join with my both accounts, so if you have 2 open spots pm me if interested..
I'm currently at level 63. I hope you can find a spot for me. Regards, Archer.
Ack! I'm sorry, @Mr. Celtic! I forgot to update this thread when we filled our vacancies. I'm afraid right now, we have no openings. I'll bump the thread should one become available, though, in case you're still looking for a fleet then (or perhaps looking for a new one). Best of luck to you!
Ezri Dax: Oh, how to keep from breaking into tears for no reason...
Lemme know if you wanna jump ship!
If you're a squadron looking to transfer, be sure to message me the names of all five members so I can be sure to approve the correct join requests.