Credit Dilemma
in Make It So!
One issue I hope DB addresses very soon is the credit dilemma. With the advent of voyages, which I love, I finally have an abundance of replicator rations and I am able to replicate 4 times a day but now I find my credits quickly dwindling. It it possible to get an official word if this is being worked on so I can plan my last 1.5M in credits appropriately? Thanks in advance.
In other words, just because you're swimming in replicator rations doesn't mean you should be replicating 4x 5* equipment every day. You need to balance what and how much you replicate around your credit balance.
Best bet is to buy extra Saturday tickets. I buy 4 extra sets which puts me at 30 mission runs. That gets me around 2 million but that is still only enough to last a few days if you're replicating mad style. I'm actually disappointed Voyages gives so many rations. That was something I saved honor for and built up 180 legendary rations. I just think some things SHOULD be difficult to obtain and not everything should be given away easily