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Offer rebalancing using -- -beholds

PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
Ok so you really want things to be random and all that, well it isn't working as there some severely sticky rng.

That being said, how about the following. You get a pop up and it asks you what kind of offer do you want:

Schems, Packs, Straight Dilithium.

Now you wanna still randomize the 10$ and 25 and all that with what clearly isn't actually random nor customized to a user buying pattern, go for it.

But at least those of us with Maxxed ships get a chance of an offer we like of packs or dil depending on our tastes.


  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Actually a new innovation, the four choice behold

    Schems Packs Chrons Dilithium
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