We are a Zeon Themed Fleet (Mobile Suit Gundam)
Fleet Tag [ZEON]
Fleet Admiral Char Aznable [ZEON]
Open Recruitment at Lv 20
Looking for active and experienced players that participate in events and in the Fleet Community
Lv 20 Officer Promotion
Lv 40 Squadron Leader Promotion
New Squadrons to be assigned based off overflow
Squadrons will take a Zeon Theme Title
Future Squadron Titles can be submitted via Fleet Chat for consideration
Seig [ZEON]
Fleet Tag [ZEON]
Fleet Admiral Char Aznable [ZEON]
Open Recruitment at Lv 20
Looking for active and experienced players that participate in events and in the Fleet Community
Lv 20 Officer Promotion
Lv 40 Squadron Leader Promotion
New Squadrons to be assigned based off overflow
Squadrons will take a Zeon Theme Title
Future Squadron Titles can be submitted via Fleet Chat for consideration
Seig [ZEON]