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What the hell happened to my Voyage?

What the hell happened to my Voyage? I recalled it with 110 am left it said 2 hr 15 min but when i went back it was system failure . I know i recalled it and i was counting on the chronitons to help me with the event . wtf


  • So i spent dilithium to continue the voyage rather than loose it. And then this happened. My antimatter, little ship and log froze but the clock kept going. look at the picture. the time and ship position do not match up and have been stuck like this for over an hour, I even tried restarting. again please take care of this. i sent a ticket in .
  • sorry here s the pcture

  • still gong
  • This has happened to me twice. After hitting recall, all looks well... then I go back and I have a system failure. I am forced to revive with the dilithium shown, then the Voyage stalls but the timer continues to tick. I have to press Recall again and the recall timer is based on the clock that has continued to tick event though nothing is happening. But, I do successfully get my loot after the recall timer ends. I then put in a ticket to DB with a screenshot asking for my dilithium to be refunded.
  • finally dried to recall at
  • sorry tried. lets see if this helps. already wasted dilithium and my time and will miss the cut off for getting Cadet Tilly (best part of Discovery). if i do get my loot will it be from the original recall time of about 5hr 45min or from the new tim of over 16 hrs?
  • Now im pissed .look at the timestamp for the forum. went back to check up on my returning voyage and found this
    went from needing 6 hrs to return to system failure . I'm calling B.S....WTF....
  • I guess i need to abandon . Wow i sure love a game that goes out of its way to screw me. I,ve spent months and over 150 dollars on a game that works against me.should i even try another voyage ?
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    CS Recommends recalling before you hit 150 AM while they work on this......I would document and send a ticket in, however. You may still get some of the items if you document it well.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Screen cap the targ crap out of it..
  • I begin to feel like a forensic scientist making sure to document all evidence of wrongful death, lol
    ~ seeking out new life
  • I play on my iPhone and after I've recalled a voyage, some time later I still get notifications on the lock screen telling me my voyage has encountered a Dilemma. Then on checking the voyage had suffered a failure.
    I submitted tickets & was reimbursed fully for the rewards I had lost and the Dilithium I had used during.
    Something to do with the voyage chronometer and the recall count down conflicting. It's been over a week now since the last time it happened so I believe they've fixed the problem.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Working as intended, or intended to work...it’s a tough call. lol. But yes, it’s is ridiculous we have to document everything now just in case we need to prove it.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • People say to recall your voyage with over 31 AM left in case of a last second hazard. I end 80% of mine with 5 to 25 AM. It's a timing thing and have had it backfire twice in 89 Voyages. But I screenshot every time just in case.
  • Hope_FHope_F ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Working as intended, or intended to work...it’s a tough call. lol. But yes, it’s is ridiculous we have to document everything now just in case we need to prove it.

    We don't, they have a database where all the data is stored. They are just not checking it.

    To the OP: I can only recommend not to spend dilithium on wrongfully failed voyages, since that is what they are counting on and doesn't give them too much incentive to fix it.

    If you write a ticket, it will probably take a while and even with screenshots you probably won't get compensated anywhere near with what you lost. My brother had the problem twice. They send him the chronitons and a few 10x standard pulls (after months, rather than weeks), but most of his stuff was lost forever. All you can hope for is that CS response time is now back to 1-3 weeks or something. If you haggle you might get a better deal than my bro.
  • Super-rare crew kept dropping in my voyage, so I kept extending it. Now this has happened. Over 1100 dilithium and tons of everything. Sent a ticket. Hope they get back to me soon, because my voyage is in limbo taking time & holding crew hostage but I'm unwilling to let go of the stuff. Because of this thread, I know not to give it the dilithium to revive it.

    Good thing I took 26 screenshots of the scroll through every reward in the voyage and its history before and after recall and post-recall failure. :P Spent an hour making a list of everything based on the shots.

    Whether they have a database or no, I'm glad to have the evidence. It's a bit much though, constantly taking, storing, and deleting at least several paranoid screenshots per voyage.
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